Chapter 15.5:King of the West forest

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Nyx was very curious of the ranking system in this world, if the magical beast were ranked by power, it's body size, or how huge it's mana pool or how many are they in packs. Zira was pondering on what Nyx's has said. "Hmmmm... let's see well they are all taken to considiration, mana pool, body, and how many they are... but mostly they are ranked by their mana pools..." "Uhhhmm... for example..?" "hmmm..? well..." Terran butted in and said the most fearful words for all of them. "For example a dragon Nyx, their mana pool van be considered as a realm out of humanities... even if there were ten... no one hundred or even a thousand Arch Mages are there they couldn't possibly compare to one of the King of dragons" "an Arch Mage's mana pool can only be considered as huge as a lake, then a dragon king's mana pool are... hmmmm..." "it wouldn't be an over statement as to say... at the very least that a dragon king's mana pool are the same as a sea..!" "What..? hahaha you must be joking-" The young hunter Darby laughed, but to his surprised every veteran hunter and even the elder and Terran have a solemn look. It made him intimidated by the king of the west forest..! The elder was the very first one to broke the silence. "Ahem, as for that topic let's leave that to the Arch Mages shall we..?" "Hahaha, yeah young mens this days are quite active" "oh by the way, Nyx what should we do about this silver metal spike then..?" Nyx was preoccupied by his own thoughts, how strong a could a dragon king be in this world..? To say it's mana pool is as big as a sea... It seems to be on par with the dragons back in the ten thousand immortal worlds... "Nyx..?" "Hey son, Nyx" "Uh... oh mom, dad... what is it..?" "What are you thinking about eh..? do you have a crush on that young lady across the street..?" "Oh... ehehehe, Nyx you are growing up so fast... but you are still too young yet maybe if your ten years old or twelve years older then maybe you can have a girlfriend" Zira had a sly look on her face while teasing Nyx. "M-mom what are you saying... I I was just..." Terran was quite nosy so he grabbed Nyx and carried him across the street as fast as he could. "Hehehe, you just what son..?" "Papa!" Nyx was not very good at dealing with girls in his two past lives. "Hehehe come on son just talk to her..." "T-that..." Nyx was very embarrassed for some reason even though he was already a four hundred and fifty year old man. "U-um, hello my name is Nyx... Nyx Namid" Nyx was very shy but Terran was looking at his son and thought, ha... he just looked like me when I was a kid back then... "W-what do you want..?" The young girl looked at Nyx nervously and was a little bit more scared when he looked at Terran, Terran looked like some kind of a lolicon uncle that will abduct young girls and sell them for money. "Um... I-I was just wondering what's your name was..." The young girl was scared and was on edge and she suddenly out of the blue slapped Nyx and ran as fast as she could. *Sob* *slap* "Wha-what the..?" Nyx was shocked even in his third life he couldn't believe even a little girl would slap him just for asking her name. Nyx was very sad and was full of shock his face just couldn't help it but contort and smiled awkwardly with his tears showing in the corner of his eyes. "Ny-Nyx are you alright son..? It's alright it's your first time you can still redeem yourself in the future" Nyx felt that his pride shattered after hearing Terrans words, w-what the me a four hundred and fifty year old man who was an immortal cultivator in my past life... just got slapped by a girl. *sob* "wahhhh" Zira saw Nyx crying and couldn't help but see how adorable kids are. Zira then bonk the head of Terran yet again and carrying Nyx like a little baby. Terran on the other hand was laughing awkwardly when le Zira was scolding him, Nyx was yet again traumatized by girls in this life, in every lives he has he was taken advantage by girls. *sob**sob* "Ma... mama" "Hmmm? what is it dear..? are you feeling okay..?" "Y-yeah" "See I told you Nyx is a real man! He would get better after a few cry..." *boom* Terran was struck to the ground a piece of iron nail, while the hunter was confused at how strong could Zira be, a full blow like that could even possibly kill the King of the West Forest! "Can... can I come with all of you hunting wild animals mama..?" "Uhhm... I don't know Nyx you might get hurt... and I don't want that to happen" "(hmjsutleetnyshcome)" "Shut up Terran! what if he gets hurt... I-I don't want that to happen nor do I want to imagine that happening..!" Terran sprung up and got his head out of the stone road and dust started to fall down from his head, his hair was messed up but he didn't have any injuries but just tiny scratches. "Listen honey, our son Nyx is special... it might be good for him to experience first hand on how to hunt wild animals in the future..!" "W-well that might be true but still-" "Tsk tsk, honey I believe you know just how strong I am... right..?" Terran acted like a teen with an 8th grade syndrome and put his left hand on his head and like a demon king he acted laughed like a crazy person. "Mwahahaha, I believe I can protect him just enough that even if I were still to focus my attention to you I could still kill any beast daring to touch you..." *Badump* "H-honey... that's embarrassing... stop saying things like that in front of Nyx... what would happen if he catch this..." "Catch what honey hehe..?" Terran then aggressively got closer to Zira and touched her lips, and like Zira's first love she couldn't help but be submissive to Terran and just blushed and looked at Terran's eyes. Nyx on the other hand was cringed to the point that he wanted poke his eyes out, he could remember he imitated this back when he was a loser shut in, neet. "I swear I did this back then looking at a mirror and acted like some kind of a h****n back then... hehe, how amusing... I didn't know it would be this embarrassing..! a couple, no a married man and a woman acting like a teen in there first love... is so freakin' embarrassing!" While Terran and Zira acted like some kind of teens in their heat, Nyx wanted to break this embarrassing atmosphere and continue the topic about the King of the West Forest. "Uhm... mama, papa I have something to say..." Terran and Zira were in their own world and flirted with each other and didn't noticed Nyx's question, Nyx couldn't help but be embarrassed by how his mother and father acted in a street full of people! The people were murmuring about a married couple acting like a teenager in a street full of people. "Uhmmm... mama can you make weapons using this small metal spike... um I mean you can just cut it and shape it..." The elder Winfred Wilward heard this and was very surprised how creative Nyx was, Yeah, why didn't I think of that earlier... with all the ores being delivered to the capital, so we can't afford to spare any iron ores. That damned pig Barron extorted almost all of the ores our poor miners. To the point they even reduced the price they buy the ores in half..! This would be a good opportunity if this small iron spike can be created to weapons that even Zira Hesam can't cut through easily! "Ahem, ahem... Sorry for interrupting you two love birds but... I think you should listen to your son's idea" Zira and Terran realized what they were doing, acting like a kid in love tor the first time and didn't even noticed their own son's voice. "E-elder I'm so sorry for just now, Terran was being stupid again and maid me do something embarrassing for you all to see..." Zira was embarrassed by how she acted in public of all the place they could get lovey-dovey, Zira couldn't help but blame Terran. Zira looked at Terran menacingly as if saying 'Hey honey, why don't you get closer to me so I could punch your head...', Terran just have a dumb look and got closer to Nyx to have a protection against Zira. "everyone run!! A beast horde in the West forest was seen and now they are coming closer to the town! In about 5 to 10 minutes the King of the West Forest is coming..!"
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