Chapter 28.5: An S class Monster part two

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After a while the mood was sour but Terran still manage to make the mood better and tried his best to help the two guards as the other one his nose was completely destroyed but the other one was still unconscious, however the perpetrator was captured but the weird thing was even though Terran only injected his mana to forcefully hibernate the mana of the dark armored guy he felt as if some kind of seal was placed in to completely stop this guys mana. Meanwhile Nyx was just wandering around to not gather some unnecessary attention. however the elder was still worried about the Baron, what if that Baron comes back again and was discussing things with Terran and Zira. "Terran... can you really do that? even if you are now an ex adventurer you can have such privilege?" "Well... yes of course we were quite a high ranking adventurer back then you see" "Well elder... you don't need to worry will discuss this as soon as possible to the adventurers guild to ensure that our food supply for the village will not be stolen" "Well thank you Zira... but I'm worried if things go out of hand the two of you will be endangered of angering such a Baron with a notorious profile..." The elder was quite worried about Zira and Terran's safety as they were shouldering the problem of the grannar village and directly confronting a Baron at that, Nyx saw the worried expression the Elder had so he also quite worried for his mother and father and he couldn't be careless in this world as anything could still happen. So Nyx had already prepared a plan. Hahaha, I already place a sliver of my divine sense in the Baron so it should be easy to track them down or I can directly connect to my divine sense and eavesdrop on them to know what they are planning. But still it's pretty heart warming to see people having fun and eating together... Nyx saw that the people of the Grannar village has never ever ate any magical beast in their entire lifetime except for the hunters and other people that was close to them only now did they have the taste of what a meat of a magical beast had, and most of it was from the S rank Giant Dawn Tusk Boar that Terran and Zira has slain. *murmur* 'what is this..?! why does it taste so good! I have eaten meat once but it never has this kind of distinct taste of freshness!' 'Yeah... the flavour is out of this world just from the smell it was exuding... you can already tell how tender it would be when eaten!' *blah,blah,blah,blah* Nyx heard the people murmur about how good it taste was how mouth watering it was and for the first time they can feel the feeling of being full of their stomach. Nyx saw the state the Grannar village was, it was poor but there were still many people living here and a little trading center and merchants coming by there was money in circulation on this village but most of the money goes to the Baron that was overseeing the Grannar village and Terran and Zira can't help the village except for protecting it like what they did in the beast Horde. Meanwhile Paul and the kids behind him was not use to it, neither were they good at talking to people, so Nyx took the lead and let Paul followed behind him and made sure the kids behind doesn't get lost. Nyx then got closer to his mother Zira, but was also quite afraid to talk because they were discussing some stuff regarding what happened earlier. Zira noticed Nyx coming so he told Terran to keep the elder company and talk things out so Terran just nodded because who was he to deny his wife that was ten times stronger than him. Terran's inner thoughts were, welp I'm stuck with an old man discussing some boring stuff... grrr! I hope that pig bastard dies of choking from his food! Meanwhile the Baron, *cough* *cough* gasp... W-w~water... give me water you two idiots! The Baron was happily eating in a restaurant that was close to the meat shop earlier and bought a fine magical beast meat at least a kilo or two that was from the meat shop close to it which Nyx has sold the magical beast meat was and the owner was so happy he sold his magical beast meat but it only sold half of what he expected 15 gold coins but still he made profit from a scrawny looking brat. Nyx however, *Achoo!* who is talking behind my back..?! Nyx literally looked at his back and aw only Paul was there and couldn't help but think Paul was the one who was talking behind his back. Meanwhile the innocent Paul was curious why Nyx looked at him, It couldn't be right..? hahaha, how would he know that I actually like him..!?! no I mean the thought of him being a girl as I saw his mom... very beautiful like a deity... no more like a goddess! Paul was quite happy of his imagination and his face was full of laughter and Nyx couldn't help but think he really was the one who talked s**t behind him so he used his earth element and a silver looking rock suddenly sprung out of the rocky road and bump to the foot of Paul and made him lose his balance. *Ahhhh!* *Thud* "Are you alright??" Zira saw Paul suddenly fell down and couldn't help but be worried if something happened. Meanwhile Paul was quite embarrassed to see Nyx's gorgeous mother he saw the white skin of Nyx's mother and her cleavage that hung just around the corner of her clothes and a little bit more push and her boobs would be exposed for everyone to see. Nyx saw this perverted brat Paul's expression and now knew why he was laughing. Nyx had a disgusted looked while saying this words that only Paul could hear, p*****t! "Ahhhh! it's not what you think!" "It's not what tou think? what is it?" Zira was surprised when Paul shouted and was confused what this kid was blabbering about. And Nyx finally had his chance. "Don't bother woth him mom... his a special case, you can ask them about that..." "Yeah! big brother Nyx is right and Paul is a meanie!" "ah, hey..! I'm not like that!" "and a bully... bleeeh!" "Bully..? I never bullied you though..?" "Well maybe not... but a special case like what big brother Nyx said is super true!" "so true!" "yeah, true!" "so true!" "you kids... after I looked after all of you..." Paul was now the one confused what this kids was on about and wass about to cry but, suddenly Nyx just burst out laughing. "HAHAHA! see even they know you are a special case..." Zira just got along and laughed with Nyx and soon the kids laughed with them leaving behind a teary Paul. "Well then let's eat" "Mmmm..." Zira got them a huge chunk of meat and Nyx nodded in respond and just started eating like a wolf that hasn't hunted for months. The flame was glaring at them the searing heat of the flame was scorching but as long as your not close it wasn't that bad but the meat, it was mildly seasoned it was mostly just salt, pepper and a little bit of sugar and some cheap spices. Paul, Kyu, Kendall, Natalie, Isabella, Olivia, Riley, Deanna, William, Stephen, Keifer, Clark, Thomas has now again eaten a magical beast meat but unlike before the taste was lacking the taste of the magical beast meat they had eaten before when Nyx shared it to them and Paul knew it wasn't as simple as just a normal dish and though it came from the mysterious god who has spent his lifetime traveling and surviving. And this food they were eating it was not even half of the tastiness of the dish Nyx has shared with them. But still the mood was right there hands were full of the meat and the grease and juices engulfed their mouth and hands while little kids were having trouble finishing their food so Paul tried to bribe them and take a bite but like a normal isekai Paul got his faced scratched and was beaten by the kids. Nyx laughed while Zira looked at them she couldn't help but fell in love with this bunch of kids having fun and eating hearty meal. She would be ashamed if something happened to this kids and wanted to adopt them so Nyx can grow together with them and be alienated by the other kids, but little did she know Nyx already done that. Meanwhile Nyx was already done and meditated and pretended to sleep after they were done eating Paul and company were still playing around and Zira let them be but warned them to not go that far without her so they were just playing around running and hiding, but Nyx on the other hand has to focused and finally gathered enough information on them, and even heard that something like a mystical beast that is about to be born is in the outskirts of the Grannar village and in the deepest part of the swampy forest and Nyx was of course curious and listened to them while cultivating his new found power.
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