
writingcamp + Divination Academy

magical world
another world
coming of age
first love

I hope to write at least 1500 to 2000 words a day. I want to try and write a story from complete scratch. I usually end up creating everything as I go, which can be frustrating.

I hope I can come out of this a better writer. One who is able to use what I learn with every book I write.

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  IDEAS 1.       A girl who has never been close to someone has powers that awaken on her 15th birthday. 2.       She is found by the headmaster of Divination Academy. This man turns out to be someone closely related to her. 3.       She shares a dorm room with someone who is the complete opposite of her. She is shy, quiet and submissive. Her roommate is outspoken, loud and much like a party girl. 4.       She and another student with 2 types of powers are trained together by the headmasters twin brother. 5.       She becomes close to the other student, causing another girl to try and embarrass her and mentally, and emotionally abuse her. 6.       The student she trains with, a guy in the year above her, starts to have feelings for her that he doesn’t tell her about. 7.       Half way through the year, she learns that her private tutor, the headmasters twin brother is her biological father. 8.       The night she learns about her father, her nemesis is convinced to lure her out of the school grounds to be kidnapped. 9.       Her best friend, the guy she trains and is friends with, along with her father, the headmaster, the teachers and some of the top students, all search for clues on where she might have been taken, or who might have taken her. They find clues on HOW to find her. 10.   While she waits to be saved, she endures torture while being interrogated about why she has 3 powers, including one of the body. Something that doesn’t normally happen among the female population of the Divine. 11.   Her family, friends, teachers and peers all come to help save her. 12.   As they leave to go back to the school, she hears someone screaming for help. It turns out to be her nemesis. Her nemesis begs her to let her go, promising that she would stop tormenting her. She lets her go and they all returns to the school. 13.   They go to a party to celebrate the end of the school year, the start of summer break. Close to midnight, her guy friend pulls her outside when she says she feels really warm. They sit outside on a bench near a pond to cool down and talk quietly.   OUTLINE She has always been on her own. She’s a fulltime student, surviving off of a trust fund she inherited when she was 12 years old. She turns 15 years old and powers are awakened within her. After a few weeks of trying to control them and keep them a secret, a man visits her. This man is the headmaster of a school for others like her. They’re called the Divine and the school is Divination Academy. Females are always born with a power of the mind, telepathy, telekinesis, etc. Males are born with a power of the body, speed, strength, senses, etc. On her first day, she meets her roommate, her would-be nemesis, and the schools top student, a guy a year older than her that is the first male in over 500 years to be born with a power of the mind and body. The guy shows her around the school and explains the classes. While touring the school her nemesis appears and begins making out with the guy. He pushes her off and tells her she can’t do that anymore as they are broken up and her can’t be with someone who will walk over whoever she has to to get what she wants, no matter who ends up hurt. Her nemesis squeals in anger and storms off. He apologises, explaining that his parents despise her family and he has no idea what made him date her in the first place. (it was the fact that he’d had a lot of pressure last year to be the best of the best after everyone found out he had a power of the mind as well as body. And he wanted to rebel against it all, to have something he could control). She is born with 2 powers of the mind and the rarest power of the body, levitation. She ends up in a private training class with the guy, being taught by the headmasters twin brother. She later discovers the headmasters twin brother is actually her father, which he figures out after just 3 training sessions with her. All throughout the school year, her nemesis continuously tries to make her drop out, only to fail each time. She’s caught trying to poison her and is charged with attempted murder. Inbetween court visits, her nemesis remains sealed in her dorm room. An outsider offers her freedom, power, and wealth in return for luring the girl out of school grounds. She does so by throwing rocks at her window in the middle of the night, knowing she would jump out of the window to capture her again without thinking. What she doesn’t expect is for the guy to see what was happening with his enhanced senses, and immediately run after them. Unfortunately he doesn’t make it to her in time to keep her from getting kidnapped. He returns to school and tells the headmaster and her father what’s happened. They gather the teachers and most powerful students in the school to help search for her or any clues around the school and mostly where she was taken from. Her father finds the ring he gave her when she had mastered control over her levitation. She left it as a clue, with it one of the trackers should be able to find her or at least her general location. While kidnapped, she is interrogated and tortured to try and find out why she has 2 mind powers and a power of the body, when no female should ever have a power of the body. A man in his late 20’s who has the ability to regulate his core body temperature to impossible highs and lows with no damage to his body, helps to torture her by heating his skin to a burning temperature and then holding her arms to burn her skin. While a woman with the power to control moisture attempts to drown her, freeze her skin in other places while the man is burning her at the same time. She endures this for about a week before she’s found, but she escapes on her own. She’s resigned to the fact that her friends don’t know who took her or where they took her to, even she doesn’t know where she is, but she’s been in the same room since she woke up. She fights her way out of the room she was held in only to be met with over 50 others whose only goal seems to be to keep her there or kill her, either one was fine. Just as she is about to try fighting them all, content that she may not survive, but it beats being tortured for the rest of her life over something she knows nothing about, he bursts in with her father, uncle (headmaster), and over half of the teachers and about half of the students who volunteered to help. The rest of the teachers and students are outside dealing with a bunch of people around the perimeter. After winning the fight, it’s not until they get back that she realizes her father has been hurt so bad he collapses and remains unconscious for almost a week, with healers healing him constantly, everyday. Her father survives and she decides to move in with him when school ends, something he had asked her the night she went missing. The guy visits her father while he is in hospital and asks for his permission to ask her out. Her father agrees and reminds him that she is the most precious thing in the whole world, if he hurts her, he’s in for a world of pain and suffering. At the end of school party, he asks to talk to her in private and they go outside to a small pond surrounded by flowers. He tells her how he felt when he saw her being taken away and she ends up in tear of happiness from hearing how much he cares about her. He then asks if she will be his girlfriend to which she asks why he would ask on the last day of school, especially when they wont even see each other until the new school year. He laughs and explains how close he lives to her father, (right next door). She laughs with him and then agrees to be his girlfriend. He picks her up and cheers. As he slowly puts her back down, they lock eyes, both looking at each others lips and back to their eyes.

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