
The Rightful Alpha

male lead
first love

Travis is a young alpha taking over the Black Harvest Pack after his father’s sudden death.

To prove is worth he had no choice but to become a ruthless killer.

But then one day his half brother Devin challenge him for title and combine with his pack (Phoenix Sons).

Travis denied Devin requested “I will not have a weak union walk among my pack. Destroying the name MY FATHER worked so hard for! If MY FATEHR wanted it he would of done so a long time ago!”

“I will take this as a war if you don’t accept.” Devin growl

*Travis spit in his in Devin face*

“Throw this mutt out my territory” Travis demanded with his Alpha voice

Between all the drama Travis beta Mason reminds him that he need to look for their future Luna.

An Alpha without a Luna for too long can drive an Alpha to maddness. Little did he knew he just need trust his beta. Meeting his his witch best friend who happens to be Travis mate.

On top of everything Travis needed to Prove to his mate that with their different worlds, they can true mates.

*warning there is s****l content in this story*

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Travis My world has change in one day. I did not expect to be taking this oath anytime soon. I thought I had more time. At least a few more years. I wanted to finish up school and be a teenager for just a bit longer. I thought I had more time to my freedom. But I guess when my people need me, I had to put the child s*** away and man up. Be the alpha my pack needs me to be. Even tho I am a heir and everyone already see’s me as the next alpha in line. I didn’t want to truly live up to everyones life goals yet. I didn’t want to be responsible for that yet. It was all just happening way too soon. I thought we had time. Way more time. But now, time is up. I wouldn’t say I wasn’t ready to become alpha. For I been training for this day ever since I was a pup. It was all I ever known, it was what my father had raise me to be. I came from a long line of alpha’s. I knew this already. I knew what was expected when it came to it. A strong heart cold alpha, show no mercy to no one. And if anyone show disrespect you shut them up fast. Do not think twice about it. Don’t doubt yourself. Then everyone will doubt you. Meaning they won’t respect you as the alpha you are. You need to prove to everyone what kind of alpha you claim to be. Hold your claws high. And if your enemies shall taken a life of your dears love, you must do what ever you have to, to seek revenge on the one who tear your soul. Your kingdom, your world, the last thing you had to keep you whole. Do not allow our enemies to think they have won a war unless you are dead. Stand tall and powerful, be their worst nightmare come to life. Show them purgatory. This was what my father told me a alpha was. He was who stands for all the life in his pack and must protect those life with his own. An alpha needs to spread bleed here and there to protect them. And that was okay. At first it frighten me to think of killing another person. I was young then. But father explain how. “Once you are put into the display, you won’t care who the person infront of you is. Just react and get it done. The first time may be scary but after that its quiet easy to kill. And with our wolf, they help with that insecurities.” He was right of course. The first day I took a life it was hard but I need to protect my people. I wasn’t thinking on what to do and who they are. I simply shut it all down. I just fought and when I needed to shift and allow my wolf to take over. I did, he did the killing and save the young girl from being r**e. But it will felt like me doing it. My wolf and I were one, and when we had shift back to our human form, I didn’t care I had blood all over me. I didn’t care for the life I had just taken. All I care about was the young girl. Every war and death after that became easier to deal with. At least at the moment it was. Once the high from the battle went down, I always felt so powerful for what I’ve done, grateful for lives that were saved and proud to end the ones that needed it. It was a feeling you can never get tired of. Before being alpha I knew what needed to be done. I always went along with father to his meets and battles onces I was at age. I knew it all. I know what was being ask and what had to be done. I knew. Mother didn’t like it but then for many years we didn’t have worry about that. Either way, everything that been happening, the last thing I ever thought will happen this week, this month, or even this year. Was taking over as alpha. I was sweating on the inside with my mind trailing off with so many thoughts. So many things I have to be in charge of now. It was all up to me to keep this pack in whole and keep my fathers legend in take. It was me who will keep everyone I love dearly safe. Everyones life is in my hands, I have to make the right decision from now on. I an the alpha. “Congrats, Travis Abbott. You are now hereby the Alpha of the Black Harvest. Do as you see fit. And watch your back when it come to those whom seems good motive. Not everyone wants to you see an young boy, to do well. But do not let your age or your families name mean anything. It can all be good, and well ,and you can rise with great power. Or it can all burn down to ash with, you be it side if not with it. I wish you will on this journey with your pack. May the moon goddess be by your side and lead you to the most up coming future. You may be young but I know you are not dull. Prove that all the other alpha’s and all others who thinks otherwise.” One of the elders spoke with respect as I take the title from my father. “Thank you Alpha Martin.” I let a small smile out even thou on the inside I want to hide. But time is up. I am alpha now. . . . . We were out in the open training grounds practicing our combat skills. I was still young at the time but being a heir meant I need to learn earlier to become the best. After a few round father had got a good trio on me with a object. Making me fumble to the dirt and growling at the pain. “Remember what I always say son. A weak alpha means a weak pack. You can not expect to get anywhere with such feeble.” He look down at me in the cold hard ground with sharp darting eyes. “So pick your self up NOW! If you are down for long, you give your opponent the upper hand which mean what?!” “Death.” I stumbling the word out. “Don’t mumble boy! Speak clearly!” He hit the hard wood rod to the ground next to me. Making me flinch at its movement but I don’t hesitate no longer. “It will result in death Alpha.” I spoke loud and clearly. “Good boy, now up on your feet.” Nodding at me and lifting his chin up high. “Yes alpha.” I famble to my feet. Brushing off the dust of dirt that stains my clothes as I had falling again on my back. I fix my self up fast and lift my chin up as father has taught me. Having a future title as alpha doesn’t granted you that you will be a great or nor good alpha. Nor will your pack respect you and your enemies will be able to bring down your kingdom. You can not look just like the part of an alpha and make it in this world. You have to become that alpha. And it wasn’t an easy task. My father said it and all hand on to keep the fear in their eyes. “Fear is good. If they fear you they don’t dare understatement your leadership. Fear is the one thing after many great alpha must have. And I expect you to follow my footsteps when you take over.” Father would wake me up near early dawn every day. The sun would be just setting up and the sky would be nice orange yellow that hits the horizon sky. We would be first one in the pack house to wake up. Father said a good day starts with a good workout. And that what we do. We would either attend to heavy cropping, landscaping, run, or combat. It would awake our muscles and the adrenaline with in us. You get use to it after awhile, I would set my alarm up and meet father at the fields. Sometime we would be company with our beta’s. “Keep your head up boy! You need to watch their hands and their feet. See their next move.” Doing a one two step. I dodge a few punches and get a few good ones back. As I grip his wrist and twist I pull my leg out and wrap it around his nears foot toward me. Making father fall to the ground. “Good good, tower over them.” He growls. I smirk at father as I feel him pleased with me. As I got distracted with my thoughts beta Gavin ran up behind me and knocking me to my feet. Taking me completely off guard. Before I can react he was on top of me with a fist near my face. And turn my head and close, I awaited for. “Do not let your guard down. Just because your opponent is down doesn’t mean you have the full upper hand.” Father was already up and on his feet. I just lay there on the ground with beta Han on top, both of us breathing heavily now. “Help him to feet Hans.” Father growls. “Yes alpha.” He nod. As I got up I straighten myself up tall and chin up. Showing I was not harm and now ready to try again. My beta Mason took a step towards me as we do our training together now that we are older. And beta is just as good as his alpha is. It was always a good workout when Mason was around. “You boys are men now. You need to think like men. A child will stop once they see their opponent hurt or on their back. A men will not stop until they opponent is near death, begging for mercy, or dead. Leave them weak so they know you are the one to not be mess with.” Father explain his lesson of the day. “Have each other back when need to. Remember a beta not only helps his alpha but the beta also strengthen his alpha as well.” Beta Gavin says. “Well said beta, I am alway pleased in knowing I have such a beta like you to run with. I make it so far with you as my right hand man.” The man smiles at each other. Mason and I both nod at them. And we glare a small smirk to each other. Mason was my beta and best friend. So was Gavin and my father, they had gotten along so well. I guess its the connect they have as alpha and beta. I look forward to that with my beta Mason. As I am the heir of the Black Harvest and everyone expects me to be a cold alpha just like my father. With our training father gives me all the good dull of his. He wouldn’t say it much but I know i’m doing him proud by my skills. I been training for this title for a very long time. Even when father was away, I would train with the my beta with the others warriors. Time goes and my training get better. I had even defeated father on our match’s. “Exacted Travis. You will do well by me” Father said with a small curl on his lip. That was rare to see on fathers face. He would not show any emotion really. Just angry with others. When I was young I had seen him smile a little but I guess when you’re an heir at one point. You have to live up to a point. “Alpha he is awaking, now.” A voice trail over my thoughts. I was seating in my office. Staring at the wall. God knows how long was I just seating here for. I look over my shoulder and took a glimp of my clock and see I been seating here for 4 hours. Just lost into my thoughts. Going over the past years I have had with my father. I wouldn’t say time with him was great. Being an heir there is a different in you and I. I have train a young age for my future when that time comes. I would spent my free time training in the gym with father to work on my skills. Even with us being wolf with high strength abilities. We still have to strength our core. Strength our mind and everything above. I will have to learn more than other here. Father had little time but always made time to teach me our pack laws. Everything he had taught me had prepare me for this day. The day were I would have to step up and be the alpha that my pack needs. Even with me just being 16 years old, I still have a obligation to lead my pack. And I owe that to my mothers life and my fathers to make them proud. I would do whatever it took to show the world that I am the son of Fransisco Abbott and Ana Abbott. So I took my stand and oath, putting all my childish acts aside and prove that I can lead a strong pack. Proving to everyone that I can be a great alpha. “Travis. . Travis .!” The voice call out again. Taking me out my thoughts completely and I look up to see my beta Mason. He had been stand at my door calling my name. “What is Mason!” Giving him a confuse look. Mason was tall like me and had dark hair just his was lighter by a shade or two. He had a few tattoos that peers through his wrist as he wear just a clean dress shirt. For a young kid he dress to impress because of our titles. We can be in charge looking like out age. Thats how out enimes will think they can erode us. So we man up and dress the part. We been ready for this day for years. As we dress the part already. And plus the ladies likes a well clean dress muscular male like us self. The suits and iron shirt pair with gold watches drive the p**** for us. Just one look for our view and their beg for us to devoured them in pleasure. Beside they we’re w**** to meet our urges while we wait to meet our mates one day. We are young, its hard to say no when when their throwing it our faces. My wolf growls in approval. “He is awake. The doctors aren’t sure how much time he has left.” Mason spoke firmly but in his eyes I see something different. “Okay. I am coming.” I stood up and both Mason and I walk all way to clinic. He was in a different building then the pack house was. So we had to trail down the house and house the large doors. Turning to the corner and making our way. I kept reminding my self that it will be okay after this. We been here before, it was not our first time. I train years and years for this title. And rather I took it sooner or later, I had to be ready. My pack need me to be. Even so, I know my father need me to be the man raise me to be. Mason open up the white doors allowing me to make my way. He follow behind me and we walk through cold halls. It felt the same as it did the first time I was here. Walking the halls and not notices everyone glaring at you. The halls won’t long but the walk it self was a different story. “He is in room 6.” Mason spoke low behind me. I nod and walk until I made to room 6. When stare at the nod and took a deep breath before turn it. “You got this Travis.” Mason put a hand on my shoulder. And I inhale deeply. Mason was my beta, he took his stands the same time I took mine. We both did everything together growing up. We d*** near was raise crib to crib. Our mothers were best friends and spent ever moment together. They wanted to have pups at the same time but my mother had me an year earlier. Even with the age different we still thought of each other as brothers. I was glad I had Mason at my side. We went through a lot. And he was there when I last here at the worst day for me and my father. I couldn’t be more than grateful to have him as my beta. I don’t think I can handle it with my right hand man with me. I turn the nod and enter the room. I saw all the former beta and gamma there. The nurses and doctor too. There was just a hum of a ringing in my ears as I pull the curtain aside as it covers the person who lays in the bed. “Hello alpha.” They spoke as I nod my head at them. I pull the curtain and see a man laying there with the blanket up to chest. His eye staring back at me. This was the first time i say his eye looking back at me. He was seeing me as his alpha and son at the same time. And his eyes had a tears building up. I see hime holding it back as i know he is in a lot of pain from the accident. “Travis my son. You look well put for an alpha.” Fransisco spoke in an raspy voice.

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