
His Lustful Desires

small town
realistic earth

Rian Cathal, a famous name in the fashion business world known as a carefree, heartless playboy. He knew how to use his good looks and power to land any woman in his bed. He has screwed almost all the women who worked for him...

His new bed partner, who is originally a Spanish woman unknown from his playboy image when he dumped her, others knew about his character but unfortunately, the woman didn't as she started to make his life miserable.

Rian flew to the smallest town in Ireland to escape from her mostly from love but who knows that the place he thought was meant to save him from love would turn into him falling in love...

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Hiding The Boss
Before you start reading, I would like to mention the names with the pronunciation as it is an Irish name so its pronunciation is a bit different.. RIAN CATHAL (REE-AN KA-HAL) CIARA ROISIN (KEE-RA RO-SHEEN) AISLING ROISIN (ASH-LING RO-SHEEN) ... A slender figure woman wearing a pencil skirt with a white blouse on top moaned as the man had her pressed up against his bookcase. Her hands locked above her head as he slammed his lips down on hers. She was so soft, and he pressed his body against hers, needing her softness. Claiming her lips, he plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she whimpered. She didn’t push him away, nor did she fight him. Her fingers locked around his and held him close. She didn’t attack him or try to make it sloppy. She took his tongue, meeting him, and sliding against him. His heart was pumping rapidly, and his c**k grew hard, harder than it ever had before. He was ready to tear off everything that was stopping him from taking her as suddenly he felt like someone calling him. "Wake up..... wake up..... she is coming..... sir you need to wake up....." A panic voice shrill in the huge office as the man on the chair groaned unhappily in his sleep... "What the f**k..... let me sleep...." he groaned trying to keep the woman in his dream and continued his lust. "Sir..... but...." the woman was panicking as she still tried to shake his arm. "F**k off...." The man yelled in his sleep making the woman take a step back in fear. He cleaned the saliva dripping from his mouth feeling dozy. "Ms. Elena is here.....!!" The woman said hurriedly and the man on the chair opened his eyes in an instant. "What......?" He yelled in a hoarse voice.. "Yes, the security guard just called to inform you that she is on her way to your office..." the woman told him as she started to put the blinds in the office so that no one could see him present inside while coming. "Ahh..... where should I go now....?" The man asked, confused while rubbing his drowsy eyes. "Here Sir," the woman opened the door of the bathroom and indicated to him to go inside. The man walked to the bathroom. "Hide here. I'll try to send her off." The woman said as she closed the door once he stepped inside. Rian Cathal looked at his haggard face and messy hair in the mirror, he was stunned to see himself like this. He quickly combed his hair with his fingers and then cleaned the remaining saliva from his face with a tissue. He looked satisfied when he saw his face becoming the usual handsome one. As he was busied in admiring himself he heard a familiar voice and frowned in displeasure... "Where is he....? I know he is here...." the woman's voice said she was speaking very poor English... "Ms. Elena. Sir has not come to the office today..." the woman said to the lady in front of her she was hell nervous inside but on the surface, she looked calm, she tried to not glance at the bathroom door afraid that she would catch her gaze. "I know he is here...." Elena said in a Spanish English accent. "No, he is not..... how did you know?" The woman asked her, trying to keep her voice firm and confident. "I......" Elena hesitated as she tried to find the English words in her mind to say... "I stayed in the car for him.... out of his home.... I don't see his home light.... so he never leaves the office....." she said with great difficulty. "Uhmmmmm.... you mean that you were outside his home last night but he didn't show up and the lights of his home were off so you think he never left his office to go home.. right Ms. Elena..?" The woman said after hearing her weak English. "Yes, yes, right...." Elena said excitedly. "I know he is here.... Reehaaan, Reehaaan....." Elena started shouting his name as she started walking around his office. She bent down and checked under his desk, there was No Rian. she then looked behind the sofa, No Rian. She opened the fridge, No Rian. She then sat on the carpet and tried to look under the sofa too, No Rian. "Where are you? Reehaaan..." she said feeling frustrated while the woman behind her said reasonably. "Ms. Elena he is not a toy. How can he be hiding under the sofa...." when she said that Elena frowned, feeling embarrassed of herself. She then stood up immediately.. "I know I know.....but I don't trust men....." "Please Ms. Elena leave from here as you won't be able to find him here." The woman tried to persuade her to leave the office before her boss ran out of patience "Hmph....." Elena sneered as she again looked around. Finally, her eyes landed on the bathroom door. "There.....!" She shouted in excitement... "I know he is hiding there...." Elena then walked to the bathroom door as cold sweat started dripping on the woman's back. "No....no....." she said in her heart as she followed Elena behind. "Ms. Elena, why would Sir be hiding in the washroom? It is such a stupid thing.... hhaha..." she said laughing nervously. But Elena stared at her with suspicion in her eyes. "Let me check then" As she said that, she opened the door. She went inside and the woman's heart started beating fast, "F**k I am going to be fired today..." she cursed under her breath as she prepared for the worst... Soon Elena came out of the washroom feeling disappointed. "He is not here...." She then left dejectedly but before leaving she cursed him heavily... "F**k You Reehaaan" As she left, the woman corrected her behind in a bare whisper... "It's Rian......"

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