
The perfect Avenger



#Summer update program

Mirabella Champagne is a kind-hearted and easy-going young woman, very rich and stunning she's the Ceo of the most prestigious jewelry company in all of California, she needed a man who would love her for who she was and not her money.

Damon Hulk is a middle class, drop-dead handsome young man, at the age of twenty-eight he still has lots of unfilled desires, starting with wealth, he turned to shoplifting and stealing as a means of getting money and surviving, he stumbles across the Mirabella champagne and instantly knew that God has answered his prayers, the source of his wealth is standing right in front of him.Fate brings this two together and he swooned her.

He made her believe she's as precious as ride oil and even diamond is incomparable to her astonishing beauty but he made a move that left her broke and imprisoned, he took everything from her, determined to get revenge and filled with hatred for her lover she vows to return the favor for what he did to her.

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chapter one
Mirabella Champagne is a beautiful and well statured lady, and she has this amazing attitude that everyone around her loves and appreciates. She is an approachable and down to earth soul. And this lady in question is a self made business woman. She is orphaned by the way, even though it was traumatic for her because she lost her parents at a young age, she found comfort in the arms of Coco an older woman, someone she considered a godmother, her mom's best friend. Who took her in and cared for her like no other, so she is practically her mum and guardian. Anyways, Mirabella mostly called Mira by her best friend Elena owns the largest jewelry company in all of California. With the help of her friend who studied law, her business became unmatched, every celebrity worldwide comes to her estinguished company to get jeweleries since her designers are enticing and beautiful and they are made with diamonds, ruby every precious stones there is to find. What could you possibly be looking for in jewelry that her company doesn't have? Is it rings, necklaces to bangles? Name it, her company has it all. She is a happy young lady with no care in the world, since she has everything a girl could want. She has a supportive friend, a loving mother and a handsome man for a boyfriend. Having someone who loves and treats her like her life depends on it, is what she had always desired and she found that love in Tyler. Mira had just signed a contract, not just any contract. A billion dollar contract, and this made everyone dear to her happy. “We should go celebrate. You deserve it” my boyfriend, Tyler suggested, asking me out for dinner. Which of course I gladly accepted, he is my boyfriend after all. He had a habit of showing up after I had signed any contract to celebrate with me, which I appreciated. Tyler Monroe was the son of an old business partner of mine, he had no interest in carrying on his father's business and at 25, he lived off his parents. We met at his mother's birthday party and his mother basically pushed us together. We had been inseparable ever since. “I need to take a call. Be right back. Love you” he said in the middle of dinner, kissed my head and exited the room before I could protest. A bottle cork popped up behind me, i was startled for a second, then I turned to see the most handsome man I had ever seen, his looks knocked Tyler's right off the park and he was coming this way. “Might I interest you in a bottle of champagne?“ He started and slid into Tyler's seat. Normally, etiquette would demand I tell him 'no'. Yet there was something about his audacity that made me let him stay. He was already refilling my glass and he looked up me while he did it. The darkest shade of brown eyes met mine and a smile tugged at his lips. He was rough, definitely not the kind of men I would usually hang around with. The air in my lungs disappeared when he stopped pouring and brushed his sandy brown hair back with his fingers. “What's your name?“ He asked. “Mirabella... Mirabella Champagne” I said and he let out a short laugh. He slid my glass back to me. “Coincidence?“ He looked at the bottle on the table. “Probably. What's yours?“ I threw back at him. He leaned closer and the name I would grow never to forget escaped his lips “Damon... Damon Hulk” he said, mimicking my reply to him earlier. “Tell me why a beautiful young woman like yourself is sitting alone in a restaurant on a fine Saturday evening?“ “Oh I have a date” I countered his assumption, immediately realizing that Tyler was yet to return. “He stepped out for a minute” “I guess I should not be in his seat then. You have a good night, Mirabella Champagne” He concluded before walking out of the restaurant. I sat alone for the next half hour calling Tyler's phone, and getting sent straight to voicemail everytime. Disappointed, I got off the chair and cleared the bill before leaving the restaurant. I got in my car and decided to stop by his apartment to pick up a folder I had left over. The door was open so I assumed his housekeeper was still in. I was greeted by two voices yelling over each other in Tyler's bedroom, one I recognized and the other not so much. “You're always with her. It's my birthday Ty! You're not here with me” A girl cried. I moved closer to the door way to see them standing close to each other. “Baby, you know I want to spend as much time as possible with you. If things were different with my family, I would have left that goody two shoes who thinks she's better than everyone else. Just give me a month, she just signed another deal. I'll take the money and leave” Tyler wrapped his arms around her as he spoke. She pulled away from him. “You said that two months ago, I just can't help but think maybe you love her” “I don't love her! I love you!“ I heard Tyler yell. A pang of pain shot through my chest. My body went numb and my bag fell to the floor. Their attention snapped towards me like deers caught in a headlight. “Mirabella...“ Tyler muttered. “You left me at the restaurant. Didn't even have the decency to tell me to go home while you went on home to confess your love for another” Tears had started to build up in my eyelids, the room started to blur so I picked up my bag. “You've been robbing me right under my nose. God, I've been so stupid” I sniffed and rubbed my tears off my cheek. “I hope she's worth it” I walked out of his apartment, a part of me had hoped he would chase after me. At least, try to explain himself or lie to me but he never did. I got into my car and banged my head on the steering wheel like the action would make me forget what just happened. I wanted to scream but my throat tightened as I suffocated in this tiny space. I pulled out my phone and called the only person I could cry out to. My best friend, Elena. “I can't believe I didn't see it. He would ghost me for days then show up whenever I signed a deal. I got him whatever he wanted” I cried to Elena when I got to her house. “You're a kind and generous person. That's who you are. You love too hard and trust easily. I never would've thought Tyler would be so cruel to you. I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve this” She cooed into my hair. Elena had been my support system since my parents passed away in highschool and she was sticking with me now. She has always been protective of me. While I was the sensitive and emotional friend, Elena was the opposite. Stubborn and smart, she didn't let anyone get to her as easily as they got to me. She helped me build my jewelry company “VIER” from the ground to the multi million dollars it's worth today and I would forever be grateful to her for that. I have no idea what I must've done in my previous lives to deserve her but I was happy I did. “You should stop crying now, You're Mirabella Champagne! CEO of Vier! And my best friend! You shouldn't be crying over some stupid men who are too lazy to work for themselves. Tyler lost a gem! And that's you” She smiled down at me as she cuddled me in her arms. Now I was crying for a different reason. “You'll always be there for me right? I can trust you forever right?“ I bawled like a child. “Always and forever”

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Luna He Rejected


Just Got Lucky


The Vampire King's Human Mate


My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


The Lone Alpha


Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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