
Twin Curse: Blood Moon Day ( Book 2 )

kickass heroine
small town
first love

#Chasing Her Apollo Writting Contest

Twin Curse Sequel:

1. Twin Curse Kissing The Witch

2. Twin Curse Blood Moon Day


At the age of eighteen, my life shattered into a million little pieces. My boyfriend Dillan was kidnapped by his crazy ex-girlfriend Nikita. Using dark, powerful black magic, she forced him to obey her every word and wish. Even though there is a huge black hole in my heart, I am determined to do everything I can to win back the love of my life. With the help of my friends Chloe, Henry and Cassian, I am trying to find one hope, one reason not to give up. The disasters, the dangers, the deaths of my loved ones, make me wonder even more if it is possible to fix everything. The fateful Day of the Blood Moon - the words that will leave my lips that night will change the fate of the Harrison brothers. There is only one small detail missing - my boyfriend, healthy, alive, breathing. A few days later, a mysterious man appears on my doorstep. His words turn my whole life upside down. The only question on my mind is whether the dead can walk among us. Will I be able to get Dillan back? Will there be a happy ending?

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Chapter 1 - I don't need a babysitter
The memories in which my mom forced Cassian to erase from my head: >> I walked through a large meadow leading to a tall dark tower. A strong wind made my long hair dance in the air. I climbed heavily over a small wooden fence that stood as a warning. Although the inside of the tower looked creepy, when I looked up, I saw sun bunnies dancing from wall to wall. I counted the precarious steps beneath my feet to reach the top as quickly as possible. Finally, the deep city appeared before my eyes. I sat down on the edge with my feet dangling down. A strange sound soon reached my ears and I slowly turned my head towards that side. "Hello, what are you doing here alone?" Cassian stood in the dark corner of the tower with his strong arms crossed over his chest.  "The view is indescribably spectacular; I love it here." My eyes slowly turned from Cassian to the dimming city lights in the distance.  "This place is special, not just to you." Cassian sat down next to me, his eyes studying my face.  "What makes it special to you?" I turned my green eyes towards Cassian.  "You." Something bright and soft shone in Cassian's eyes. > I ran as fast as my short legs would let me down the path towards the house. I must have tripped over a small bump. With a sudden movement, I landed on the tiles of the path. Instantly, I felt tears gathering in my eyes and my knee tingled with pain. I turned my eyes towards the bruised area, I saw a red liquid under my leg.  "What happened, little one?" Cassian's male voice sounded near me. "I fell down and my leg is bleeding." I pointed my finger at the blood oozing from my knee. "Don't worry, let's not tell your mom, you're strong, right?" Cassian knelt down beside me on the ground.  "The strongest." I wiped the tears that wanted to run down my cheeks with my hand.  "Do you want me to tell you a secret?" Cassian began to put on a bandage in my leg with a piece of clean cloth.  "Sure." I stared at Cassian with shining eyes, forgetting for a moment about my injured leg.  "You'll never fall again; I'll always catch you." A cute little smile appeared on Cassian's face. "Promise?" I wrinkled my forehead, not believing Cassian's words. "I promise." Cassian tucked a strand of hair behind my ear in one gentle motion. > My eyes fluttered open, demanding rest. I opened them slightly at a strange sound. Only Cassian, sat on the edge of my bed, his green eyes are watching me almost asleep. I closed my eyes, feeling safe and calm. Before the dream occupied my tired body, I could hear a low male timbre somewhere. It sounded like an echo the same in my colorful, childhood dreams. "Sarah, I will always love you. You are a little creature who gives light to my dark life." Cassian's voice faded into the silence. << -After five days- The violent slamming of the door forced my bleary and tired eyes wide open. I lifted my aching heavy head from the kitchen table. I turned my sleepy eyes towards the person who was disturbing my peaceful sleep. As soon as I saw the person I put my head back on the table, not wanting to get up. My eyes wandered over the photos that were scattered on the table. "Time to get up, we have a long day ahead of us." Cassian's voice echoed through the quiet kitchen. I didn't say anything, I just wanted to sleep at the moment. I could feel a large headache throbbing against my well-being. I hate this situation I am in. To return for a moment to recent events, Cassian saved my life by catching my falling exhausted body from the tower. It was probably my heart that hurts more than my head. With a loud bang, two coffee cups ended up on the kitchen table. I raised my eyes to see the coffe cups and thought of removing the bad taste in my mouth as quickly as possible. "I don't want you to miss your school." Cassian pulled his chair away from the table and took a seat near me. I saw his two green eyes linger on my face for a moment. I rolled my eyes as I lifted myself off the table with a heavy hand. I grabbed the coffee cup in a light movement to get rid of sleepiness. The last few days of my life have been all tears and sleep deprivation. I can't believe that Dillan is gone. I hope that w***e Nikita won't do anything bad to him. I put the hot cup of coffee to my lips and started sipping on it. I cupped my chin with my hand while my eyes are on the pictures on the table. It was  They were the few remaining copies of the spellbook in the photos, that  Henry had managed to make. What I am thinking and  working on right now is lifting the curse and finding Dillan. One thing's for sure, Henry and Dillan missed something which is why the spell didn't work. "I don't need a babysitter." I looked at Cassian who was holding a black and white photo in his hand. "Sarah, you have to finish school. There is only a few weeks left. I won't let you waste your life because of the grief in your chest." Cassian uttered while returning the photo to the table. I took a deep breath then got up from the table  attentively. I needed to take a shower and prepare myself before heading to school. With a slowly I made my way towards the hallway and soon climbed the small steps to the second floor. I needed to take a shower, and to take care of myself a bit. A hot cup of coffee warmed my hands pleasantly, making me want to sleep even more. I shook my head, one hand reaching for the door handle. I gently pushed open the room door, my eyes lingering on the room's surroundings. It was the as same as the brothel as a few days ago. I stepped into the room, then grabbed some clean clothes off the bed. As quickly as I could, I went straight to the shower. As the cool drops of water slid down my body, my mind wandered. I can't bring myself to tell Cassian that my memories are back. I can't believe that he's been taking care of me for so long since I was born. I remembered only a few details of that fateful evening at the Ghost Tower. A few moments that he made me forget, but for some unknown reason, when I turned eighteen, I remembered everything. It doesn't matter now, the only thing I want is to find Dillan. We have tried everything to look at every nook and cranny the search spell, the nearest towns, the uninhabited houses, the sheds. That guy with the wide smile and chocolate eyes is nowhere to be found. I could feel my tears starting to mix with the water running down my body. Come on Sara, get a grip, you can't break down right now. I turned off the water, placing my bare feet on the white tiles of the bathroom. I quickly towel dried my body and brushed my teeth. I put on the clothes I had arranged the night before, nothing fancy of course. Grey jeans and a black sweater, and soon they covered my naked body. I looked in the mirror not expecting anything good. Although my face looked clean and shiny, my red and tired eyes a are visible of showing sleepless nights. I ran my fingers over my temples in an attempt to look a little more human. I pushed the bathroom door open and went back to my room. I grabbed my backpack from the computer chair, then put on my heel and headed for the room's exit. I knew Cassian was waiting for me in the car. I quickly ran down, stopping at the door. I put on my black sneakers, then opened the front door widely. I locked it firmly behind me, turning towards the backyard. There was a crimson car parked there, and Cassian was already in the driver's side. Like every morning, he was patiently waiting outside for me to get ready for school. Just a few steps later, I opened the car door with my hand. Crouching lightly on the seat, carefully fastened my seat belt. "I promise we'll find him, it will just take a little time." Cassian's unexpected words shattered my. peace of mind. I didn't want to say anything  about what Cassian said. I turned my red eyes to the side, and a few seconds later the car's engine ignited. We slowly made our way out of the yard to Chloe's house. My thoughts kept tormenting me without letting up. We are all doing the best we can at the moment, even though we seem to be so stagnant. Henry and Elaine are trying to find out why people are still disappearing in the surrounding towns of Elderville, Frandlyn and Wahtfar. Chloe, Cassian and I are busy looking for Dillan and updating the spellbook. My hand went lightly up to my neck and I could feel the blue ring between my fingers. It's the only thing that still brings a smile on my face. It is the only thing left after Dillan's disappearance, and it still gives me hope that he's okay. The car slowly came to a halt at the kerb. A few loud car horns signals Chloe that we were already there. My gaze rested on the main white door of the house. A few seconds later, Chloe appeared in the doorway with a big smile on her face. She waved enthusiastically as she walked through the steps, looking into my eyes. I felt the corner of my lips lift and I waved weakly back to Chloe. It's nice to see my best friend going through this difficult phase of life so well. I'm sure her mind is still filled with bloodlust, and from the outside, she looks desperate. She may get a bit aggressive and bossy, but she still is Chloe. "Good morning, you look terrible." Chloe opened the car door and took a seat at the back. "Thanks for being so frank, crown." I looked at Chloe and rolled my eyes. "Where's my coffee?" Chloe glanced down at the coffee cup in Cassian's hands. "Be glad you don't have to walk to school." Cassian looked at Chloe through the car mirror. "Asshole." Chloe glared angrily at Cassian. Cassian didn't say anything in response and just pressed the accelerator harder as he drove towards the school. I looked at the people hurrying through the streets of the town. My life had changed since I turned eighteen. Dad got a night job shift with Finn. This was to help solve as many murder cases as possible. Because of this, the house is quiet and empty. Lucy usually shuts herself up in her room and the whole house is left to me. That's why Cassian keeps me company by driving me to and from school every morning. When Dad doesn't have time to take us to school anymore, Lucy usually uses the bus. Lately she has been very withdrawn, but that's how younger sisters are. The car slowly pulled up in the school car park. Quickly, I unbuckled my seat belt and with my other hand I pushed the door handle letting myself got out of the car. "I'll see you after school. We have to go to Henry's office." Cassian looked at me through his sunglasses. " Sure, Thanks for the transport." I pushed the car door closed. Chloe soon got out of the car and catch up with me. I walked slowly towards the school building. The weather was more pleasant than ever, the sun shining high in the sky.No wonder the weather is good cause summertime and holidays are coming soon. With my green eyes I watched the pupils hurrying towards the school's main door. "How are you?" Chloe's concerned voice caught my attention. I turned my eyes towards Chloe who was walking beside me. She looked as good as ever, her hair is neat, her clothes are impeccably styled, her make-up is done in minimal sytle, bringing out the best features of her face. Although she has changed eversince becoming a vampire, I am glad that she is here beside me. "The way I look." I raise my eyebrows as I turn to the school building. "How many hours did you sleep tonight?" Chloe's brow furrowed, drawing a few lines on her forehead. "I don't remember, maybe an hour, maybe two." I put my feet up on the first step. "Girl, stop being a zombie. We're doing the best we can, you can't ruin your health like this." Chloe beckoned to me as she opened the school door. "Looks like we're not doing enough - Dillan's still missing." I walked through the door into the school building. "We're getting closer to our goal every day, it's going to be okay. You are the strongest girl I know." Chloe hugged my shoulders, smiling broadly. " I just miss the hell out of him." I nodded at Chloe as I walked towards the school locker. I saw Chloe press her lips together for a moment and looked away. Then, in one simple motion, she pulled the locker keys out of her pocket, turned the lock on and opened the door widely. I know very well that we are doing the best we can. But that emptiness in my chest - no one will understand it. When you lose the person you planned to spend the rest of your human life with. That pain in your chest is like a constant reminder that you are only human that who is vulnerable, weak, and emotionals. Chloe, I haven't mentioned a single word about Cassian, regarding those memories that should have been forgotten. I hope the day will come when my chest feels lighter. Then I can tell Chloe about everything, now it's up to me to sort it all out. I grabbed the books I needed from the cupboard, then slammed the door shut. "Come on, let's go, enough dreaming, or we'll be late for maths class." Chloe grabbed me by the arm and turned me towards the maths room. "I hate math. Maybe we can skip class?" I sighed, glancing at Chloe walking beside me. "Sarah Willow are you crazy?" Chloe gave me an angry look. "Just one day, isn't that too much to ask?" I wrinkled my forehead as I held my hand out towards the door of the math room. "We'll schedule it for another day, okay? For now, we need to concentrate on the exams. After that, it will be a long summer with the heat." Chloe smiled broadly as she stepped into the classroom. "I'm still mad about your "little" birthday party." I walked slowly towards my desk. "It was a party that is one of the best." Chloe sighed as she hoisted her backpack onto her chair. "The whole school was there, or maybe the whole town." I rolled my eyes as I sat down on the wooden bench chair. "Admit it, it was still the best party ever?" Chloe looked up and gently tapped my shoulder with her fist. "Yes Chloe, you are the best." The corner of my lips turned up slightly. The school's insistent bell rang loudly throughout the school.  One by one, the pupils began to take their seats in their desks. Although there was some commotion in the classroom, the pupils seemed quite calm. The teacher soon entered the classroom and greeted everyone in a friendly manner. All of a sudden, my phone rang in my jeans pocket. I instantly diverted the attention of all the children and the teacher. "Sarah, please make your phone calls outside the classroom." The teacher's thin voice echoed inside the the classroom. I lowered my head as I stood up from my desk. I quickly headed for the door. I pushed the classroom door open, and with my other hand, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. What the hell is bothering me during school. I closed the classroom door behind me, then glanced at the ringing phone in my hands. It glowed with a phone number I hadn't seen before. I swiped my finger across the screen and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" My annoyed voice rang through the empty school corridor.

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