
Help my Boyfriend is a vampire

magical world

Turned rogue, after losing her parents at the age of 6, Charlie has to take matters into her own hands and learn her skills from the people she comes across throughout the years, but can she really make it through being mated to a vampire? The very creature that killed her parents and pack?

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“Take Charlie and get to safety” he shouted at his wife as he shoved a gun into her hand. “I’m not leaving you!” she shouted back to him as he turned his back on her and headed towards the front door. The chaos outside was getting louder as howls and screaming filled the air. He turned to look back at her. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears that she refused to shed. He walked up to her, taking her face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers. “You have no wolf; human training alone will not protect you, the attackers are not human.” He kissed her again and pushed her towards the door where their daughter now stood. The little girl’s eyes were huge. BANG! Something slammed into the front door, causing it and the walls around it to rattle. The window shattered. The noise from the outside began to pour in loud and clear. “Mommy!” the little girl screamed as she ran towards the woman who stubbornly refused to move. “ Take her and go” Take shouted, his bones cracking and breaking, reshaping as he began to shift, the pull, to the Alpha’s command taking him over. A pitch-black wolf stood in the middle of the living room before he jumped through the broken window. “Marcus!!” she shouted as she ran towards the front door, ripping it open. “Mommy!” The little girl screamed as she moved towards her mother again. Her mother lifted a hand, stopping her in her tracks. She looked down at the sandy wolf that was lying panting on their doorstep, the thick fur was coated in sticky red and black liquid. Get out of here The lights left the wolf's eyes, shifting back into its human form, a woman, the Luna. Her eyes ran over Luna’s body, watching as the black sticky liquid began to eat through the flesh it sat on. Vampires. The mother looked back at her daughter before looking back at the chaos that unfolded outside their home. Her mind was made up. She could make another daughter, but she couldn’t make another mate. She would not become a shell of herself if she lost him. She walked to her daughter, the tears she had been holding back were now running freely down her face as she framed the child’s face with her hands, “ Go back to the room, get into the cupboard and hide, I’ll come to find you,” she said softly as the little girl shook her head from side to side, “Go hide,” she said a little more harshly. “I need to help daddy.” As young as she was, Charlie understood that her mother was very different from the rest of the people that lived in their town. She knew her father could transform into a powerful beast and she knew that her mother couldn’t. She had been bullied about it and called a mutt by a child in her class, “Mommy don’t go”, Charlie begged, but this only made her mother shove her towards the bedroom door. She opened the door and shoved the child into the room before pulling the door shut. “MOMMY!!!” Charlie shouted as she banged her fists against the now locked door, “Go hide”, her mother shouted through the door as she stood with her back against it, tears streaming down her face. Was she really about to do that? She looked up at the front door again, her mind made up as she began to slowly walk towards it, wolf or not, she needed to help him, she needed to help her mate. She walked over the Luna’s body and raced into the battle, with no plan whatsoever. Her only thought was her mate. She could feel every blow he took. Falling to the ground, a sharp pain ran the length of her leg. She stifled the scream that wanted to tear from her throat. She knew it wasn’t her pain, she had to push through it and get to him. All around her she could hear the growls and howls as the wolves fought for their lives. She knew where she would find him. As the beta to the Alpha, her mate would be near the packhouse, protecting the Alpha that had been bedridden thanks to an ambush earlier that day. With the Alpha out of the picture, the pack would have been easy pickings. She ran up to the packhouse, careful to remain in the shadows. She would be of no use to him if she was dead. She stifled loud sobs as she witnessed three wolves being taken down by a bulky vampire. “Alpha Julian” she heard a voice shout mockingly, the voice sending a shiver down her spine. She was close to the packhouse now. It was just a few feet from her. “Come out, come out and play!” The voice continued to mock. A sharp pain suddenly split through her side. She knew it was a blow to her mate's side. She took three deep breaths. How the f**k did the wolves stand this? Or was it because she was human? She moved quickly through the bushes, coming to a halt as she saw her mate's black wolf suspended in the air by the throat. Blinded by rage, she ran; she ran hard, knocking into the vampire King himself. It did little, but it did cause him to drop her mate. “ Ah, and what have we got here” the king mocked as he looked down at her. “A human?” she jumped to her feet, setting herself, as her mate came to stand next to her, Where is Charlie? She is safe She snapped at him, as she dodged the blow that came from the vampire, her mate jumping and biting down on the vampire’s arm, before quickly letting go. Vampire blood in small amounts did nothing, but if allowed to seep and settle it was acid, scratching was preferred against this enemy, but biting did more damage. He shook his head, getting rid of as much blood as he could as he watched his mate move with speed from the vampire. She had learned quickly while being part of the pack. His chest swelled with pride, but would it be enough? He jumped back into action, this time going for the vampire’s throat. His sharp claws ripped through the tough pale skin, causing inky blood to spill from it. The vampire stood with shock on his face, which was quickly changed to a deep smile. The Vampire lunged for the black wolf, grabbing him around the neck as he thrashed to break free from the vampire's grip. He looked towards his wife, her eyes were huge as she was planted on the ground. She stood one. The yelp was deafening “NOOO!” she yelled as she watched the great black wolf hit the ground before her own body was flung to the ground. Another vampire had joined in and was now standing over her. She kicked but it did nothing. He merely laughed at her as he sank down beside her, capturing her hands and holding her head to the side, forcing her to look into the eyes of her mate. His human body had shifted back. She felt as the teeth pierced her skin, but she didn’t care, she had felt the light leave her body as it had left her mate's eyes. Charlie had listened to her mother and ran towards her closet. She crawled into it and hid behind the clothes that hung. She could hear the noise outside getting louder, there were more and more screams that filtered through the air, as she clamped her hands over her ears, she softly started singing to herself. Trying to drown out the screams and howls. A man stood at the front door, spitting on the body of Luna. He took a few steps into the house, following the sound of the singing. He kicked open the door with a force that caused the child in the closet to sink to the floor. Her eyes closed shut as she kept singing to herself. No survivors. That was the instruction. He looked down at the girl that had become quiet, she was now looking up at her with shocking purple eyes. He put a finger to his lips and shut the closet door.

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