
Kissed by the Moon Goddess

opposites attract



Melanie Stokes is Alpha Damon’s eldest daughter and heir. Jaxon Miller is the fatherless male wolf that snatches the title right from underneath her. After they begin to work together as Alpha and Beta, they make a deal to have a casual relationship until the Mating Ball, when they will both meet their mates and decide their fates from then. What happens when Jaxon discovers they are mates a month before the ball and that the Moon Goddess chose her from birth to become a member of “The Alpha Council” that will force her to leave the pack? Can he make her fall in love with him before her hatred causes her to reject him? Can love even prevail the challenges they will face if she does choose him? Find out when you read, “Alpha Jaxon” by Destiny B.

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Chapter 1
(Song: “Who Do You Think You Are” by Kiana Ledé & Cautious Clay) Melanie’s POV “On Monday, I will be announcing Jaxon as the new Alpha,” Dad declares, sipping his morning coffee. “This will give our give our pack plenty of time to prepare for his ceremony on Friday during the Full Moon.” “Are you f*****g kidding me?” I explode, slamming my fists on the countertop. Mom averts her eyes, avoiding my gaze as she often does in these situations. She never stands up for me when I need her to. Dad shrugs. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Melanie. I gave you a chance to prove yourself in the Alpha Academy. Now you know that it’s not because you’re female. You just weren’t good enough. Jaxon’s scores consistently outshine yours. He’s faster, stronger, and more deserving of the Alpha title than you.” “Damon-” Mom whispers, attempting to intervene. “No, she needs to hear the truth,” Dad interrupts sharply, “I will not tolerate her disrespect.” He glares at me, his eyes growing darker by the second. “You disgust me. Stop acting like an entitled brat,” he hisses. My mouth drops open. “Entitled? I’ve spent my entire life working my ass off to please you, to earn the title that would automatically be mine if I were a man!” I scream, my voice thick with emotion. Jaxon is the son my dad never had, and I am the daughter he never wanted. After I was born, my parents spent years trying for a male heir. When my little sister came along, and Dad realized it was never going to happen, he began to resent us. I should have seen this coming. He was never going to grant me the title as Alpha, no matter how hard I worked for it. I feel my body beginning to vibrate as my wolf within, threatening to take control. “I…I can’t believe this!” I stammer, threatening to contain the surge of anger and frustration washing over me. “The decision has already been made,” Dad asserts, his tone firm and unyielding. “Jaxon will take my place as Alpha, and you will remain in yours and never question my authority again. Understood?” My vision blurs with rage, but I know that if I argue with him, I’ll just be digging a bigger hole for myself. So, I swallow my retort and turn to leave. As I burst out of the house, I shred my clothes and shift into my wolf. Thanks to my Alpha bloodline, my wolf form is larger than average. My soft, black coat gleams in the sunlight as I streak through the forest. Trees buzz with life around me, and small animals scatter in all directions at the sound of trigs and leaves crunching beneath my thunderous paws. My wolf, Nina, revels in her new freedom, her joyous purrs filling my ears. Suddenly, somebody rushes up behind us, and before I can react, a massive, black and gray wolf tackles me to the ground. My eyes round with recognition. Get the f**k off me, Jaxon! I snarl through our telepathic connection. He bares his teeth, his canines menacingly close to my face as he gazes at me intently. Goddess, I was just playing. Good morning to you too, Mel, his rich, deep voice rumbles in my head. I quickly push him away, my irritation bubbling within me. What do you want? His bright, green eyes assess me with amusement. Somebody’s in a mood today. I’m pretty sure my dad already told you the news, I retort, a bitter edge coloring my words. He seems surprised by that, but quickly regains his composure. Oh, so that’s why. I never would have thought Melanie Stokes was a sore loser, he teases. I growl at him. f**k you. Just give me a time and location, baby girl. It’s absurd to think a wolf could smirk, yet the sight manages to stir an unsettling flutter in my stomach. And I f*****g hate it. Don’t call me that! I snap, my temper flaring. Well, you’ll be calling me Alpha soon. He darts away before I can retaliate. I resist the urge to follow him; instead, heading to the training grounds to blow off some steam. Swiftly shifting, I throw on a purple sports bra and shorts, ready to release my pent-up emotions. Then, I do a series of warm-up stretches before running a few laps around the track outside. I have spent the last six months in Alpha Academy, where Alphas from all over the country come and train for their roles. which I can only describe as pure hell. After graduating high school a year early, I pleaded with my father for the opportunity to prove myself worthy of the Alpha title, and with Mom’s persuasion, he sent both me and Jaxon. Jaxon, golden boy groomed from childhood to become the next Alpha, had always been Dad’s favorite choice. And no matter how hard I worked or begged for recognition, it was obvious that his decision was made long before I ever stepped foot in the academy. My fist smashes through the wooden dummy, sending pieces flying in all directions. “f**k you, Jaxon!” I growl. “Who’s f*****g Jaxon?” a cheerful voice asks from behind me. “Hey Bliss,” I mutter, walking over to pick out another dummy to obliterate. Bliss is my one and only best friend. We’ve known each other since we were in diapers. She has long black hair, hazel-green eyes, and the figure of an hourglass. I only hope to one day be as gorgeous as she is. “What’s wrong with my bestie?” she inquiries from behind me. “Ask our new Alpha.” I throw the dummy on the ground, punching it repeatedly until it’s just a pile of wood. “Oh, damn, I’m sorry-” she trails off, keeping her distance to avoid flying splinters. I destroy three more dummies before I feel even a tiny bit better. By the time I’m done, I’m covered in sweat and panting, trying to catch my breath as I lay sprawled on the ground. Bliss walks closer, now that there isn’t a chance she’ll be hit by a stray piece of wood. She looks down at me with a sympathetic smile. “Want to grab breakfast at the diner?” she asks. “Sure, whatever,” I mutter, getting up, throwing a towel over my shoulder, and heading to the showers. After washing off some of my anger and disappointment, I find Bliss in her car, waiting for me. I stare out the window as she drives, watching the buildings blur past us. “You think he would’ve ever picked me?” I ask, my voice tight with emotion. She sighs loudly. “Honestly, no. Your dad is a huge d**k, and he probably chose Jaxon just because he’s an even bigger d**k than he is.” “Probably,” I chuckle. Her answer actually makes me feel a little better. We quickly arrive, thanks to her reckless and illegal driving, and find a parking spot in front of the building. Donna, our favorite waitress, seats us at a booth. I order avocado toast and orange juice, while Bliss gets three orders of short stacks and two coffees. I eye her suspiciously. “Let me guess, Patrick will be joining us?” She averts her gaze to the table, her face blossoming with warmth. “Ugh, I’m sorry, Mel. I can’t stay away from him for too long.” “I know, a slave to the mate bond,” I mumble, disdain coloring my words. “I hope I never find my mate. That s**t looks miserable.” “Here you go girls!” Donna exclaims, placing our orders on the table. “Thanks, Donna,” we say in unison. After she walks away, I dive into my food. I deserve it after the shitty morning I’ve had so far. Bliss shoves a forkful of pancakes into her mouth. “Don’t you think you’ll find your mate at the Mate Ball?” she asks, curiously. I scoff. “I’m not going. It will be on my birthday too. You think I’m falling for that trap?” She scowls at me like a stern parent. “Now Mel, you know it is mandatory for all werewolves to attend the Mate Ball every year after turning nineteen until you find your mate. Your dad is going to force you to.” “It’s my birthday. He’ll understand,” I insist. No, he won’t. “You know that’s a lie,” she mumbles, taking another bite. Her head suddenly snaps in the direction behind us. “Baby!” she exclaims, getting up and jumping into Patrick’s arms as he walks through the diner door. They sit back down across from me. “Hey, Mel,” Patrick greets cheerfully. “Pat,” I mumble, trying to conceal the irritation in my voice. By the glare Bliss sends me, I didn’t do a very good job. “Baby, I’ve missed you so much,” she whispers. She kisses the mark on his neck, and Patrick damn near starts sucking her face off. I pretend to gag as I quickly look away. There is no way I would ever act like some lovesick puppy over a guy. Even if I find my mate, I vow to reject him on the spot. Because of my bloodline, my mate can only be an Alpha, and that means I’ll become a stupid Luna. I’ll just be a housewife washing dishes and raising pups. I would rather die alone than do that. Mating with an Alpha also means I will have to join his pack instead of ruling the pack that is rightfully mine as Alpha Damon’s actual child. Instead, my heritage is being handed to some cocky asshole just because he has a p***s. Speaking of cocky assholes, here he is. My eyes lock on him as I watch through the window. He gets out of his car, and walks into the diner with his best friend Ameer on one side and his arm around one of the pack sluts, Kaylee, on the other. It just proves that he’ll stick his d**k in anything, but he’s Alpha material, right? As they walk past, the smell of cinnamon and vanilla smacks me in the face. It’s overwhelming but sweet and mouthwatering. I didn’t know they made perfume that smells like French toast. No wonder all the unmated males are always all over Kaylee; she reminds the poor bastards of food. They take a seat across the room from us. I swear he’s stalking me or something­ —this is the second time I’ve seen him, and the morning isn’t even over yet. I can feel the heat of his stare on me, but I keep my gaze fixed in front of me. “Hey, Bliss, I think I’m going to leave,” I mumble. She finally breaks away from Patrick. I can only wonder how she went so long without coming up for air. Her face crumbles like a used tissue. “No, Mel, please stay! I promise not to kiss Pat in front of you if it makes you uncomfortable-” It certainly does, but that’s not what I’m worrying about. I shake my head. “I’m not talking about you,” I whisper, not caring if he’ll overhear with his wolf senses or not. “The asshole is here.” She sneaks a glance and grimaces. “s**t, and he’s with Kaylee. When did they start dating?” “What’s wrong with Kaylee?” Patrick asks, way too loudly. We both shush him. “Babe, just drink your coffee,” Bliss suggests, sliding the cup his way. “How could my dad choose that over me?” I ask in frustration. Yes, he’s a good fighter. Yes, he’s intelligent and has good leadership skills. Yes, he’s gorgeous, with perfect features that could dazzle any girl. He’s at least 6’2”, with deep chocolate skin, green eyes that have you feeling like you are floating on a cloud when you gaze into them, and short, curly brown hair that you could pull- Wait, what am I talking about again? Oh yeah…how much I hate him. He’s a smug, arrogant asshole who doesn’t deserve to be Alpha. “I told you your dad is just a d**k,” Bliss says, pulling me back to reality. “Remember how he acted after you got your wolf?” I internally cringe at the memory. The day I got my wolf when I turned sixteen, my eyes changed from brown to violet. Dad immediately despised how they made me stand out. He was already ashamed of me, so to him, I had no business bringing more attention to him or myself. Nobody knew why it happened, but I guess the Moon Goddess was like, “How can I make her father hate her more?” I sigh, burying my face in my arms on the table. “It’s going to be so humiliating when he announces him as Alpha,” I mumble, my words muffled by my folded arms. “I know, but we’ll get through this together,” Bliss says soothingly. I peer back up at her with a bleak expression. “And then what, Bliss? Find my mate, become a housewife, and live happily ever after?” My voice is louder than intended, causing everyone in the building, including Jaxon and his crew, to look my way. Bliss’s eyes widen in shock. “Mel-” “Just f**k my life,” I snarl, “I need some fresh air.” I get up and storm out of the diner. Leaning against the cool brick wall, I take a deep breath to calm my wolf before we end up destroying something or someone. Preferably, Jaxon. “I see you’re still in a bad mood,” a familiar, hated voice drawls, dripping with arrogance. The smell of cinnamon and vanilla overwhelms my senses again. I guess he is the one walking around smelling like a slutty breakfast. Disgusting. Jaxon leans against the wall beside me, the heat from his body radiating like a furnace. Some sick impulse inside me wants to lean against him, just to see how it feels, but there’s no way in hell I’m allowing that to happen. “Maybe if you would stop stalking me, I wouldn’t be,” I snap, turning my back to him. He lets out a low snort. “Please. I just keep running into you by accident.” “Well, you won’t have to worry about that soon,” I mutter, kicking a pebble across the pavement. If I won’t be appreciated in this pack, I’ll find another pack that will. “And why is that?” he asks, a hint of curiosity creeping into his voice. I meet his eyes, but the intensity is too much, so I look away. “Why do you care? You’ll be Alpha soon, and you can continue f*****g all the pack sluts your heart desires. That’s if you even have a heart,” I growl bitterly. His eyes darken, and before I know it, I’m pinned against the wall, his arms caging me in. Our faces are only inches apart, way too close for comfort. The heat of his sweet, inviting breath fans against my face, and I shudder involuntarily. “Is that so? You sound jealous, baby girl,” he purrs. his hand trailing along my arm. The single touch is electric, and I hate the way it sends tingles throughout my body. “Jaxon, get the f**k away from me!” I shove against his chest with all the strength I can muster, but he doesn’t budge. Instead, he moves even closer, his hot breath against my neck. “You’re always so mean, Mel. It’s like you’re just begging for someone to f**k that little attitude out of you.” His voice is so deep and velvety in my ear that it sends waves of heat coursing through me. I pray that he doesn’t smell my arousal because if it were literally anyone else, I would let him have his way with me. But he’s Jaxon Miller, and I hate his guts. “I’d rather die!” I hiss, pushing on his chest again. He reluctantly sighs and drops his arms, allowing me to storm past him and back into the diner. Bliss looks at me with growing concern, but I shake my head. I have no idea what just happened out there, but I don’t plan on telling anyone else about it. I’ll just take that s**t to the grave. A few moments later, Jaxon strolls back into the diner to rejoin his table, his expression deadpan. I use my wolf senses, pretending to listen to Bliss and Patrick, but my focus is entirely on Jaxon’s table. “What was that about?” Ameer asks Jaxon. “Nothing. She’s just stressed about the final we have in the Alpha Academy and needed some assurance,” Jaxon mutters, not even bothering to lower his voice. It’s like he’s just trying to embarrass me, to make me look inferior to him. And it makes me hate him even more. “Aww, poor girly. All that stress can’t be good for her,” Kaylee chimes in, feigning sympathy. I’m assuming she’s practicing acting like she actually gives a f**k about anyone but herself, so when she takes over as Luna, nobody sees her for the fraud she is. I glare at Jaxon from across the room, but he just shoots me a cocky grin in return. Through mind-link, I say, “Asshole.” When his grin widens, I huff and turn my attention back to Bliss and Patrick. Even when I look away, I can still feel the searing heat of his intense gaze. It’s like a spotlight that won’t shut off, and it makes my skin crawl. The sooner we get out of here, the better.

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