Zetsa Takes The Scene

2801 Words

“Brother! Second brother, you got to help me!” In a large estate with shiny floors, high ceilings and mighty pillars, an orange head, white skin young man at the end of his teenage years, ran along the exhibited artwork in pursuit of a slightly taller man with similar external traits and called out pleading. The man turned and golden light winked in his eyes as he glared at the one chasing him. “Out of the question, Binjo!” Indeed, the on in pursuit was the notorious student of the number one Martial school in El-Eden, Binjo Derneldar. Seeing his second brother glaring at him, Binjo did not seem to mind and hastened to close the gap between them. “Third brother spoiled you way too much and now the whole family is going to suffer! Are you not done causing troubles yet?!” It had been t

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