The Immortals Are Plotting

2023 Words

“Sveta, you better explain yourself!” Divisions Commander Dark Wing sternly advised. “Who is the one you are talking about?” “Divisions Commander”, Sveta called and anxiously knew that whatever next that will come out from her mouth will either agitate Divisions Commander Dark Wing's suspicions or convince her. For this old woman there was only white or black and even the Left and Right Generals or the Seven Supreme Generals could not make her consider the gray. “His name is Sweeril Elpherion. He was the first of my countryman to joined the Planetary Battalion and roughly two hundred years ago transcended his Evolutionary Ascension”. "Sweeril Elpherion?" Divisions Commander Dark Wing recalled. "Logan and Kikon notified at the time". As the Divisions Commander she knew everything of impor

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