Counting Priorities

1884 Words

“Why not tell him?” In the top story of the pagoda mothership, Eighteenth Haberta sat on her pile pillows, talking to a piece of jade. “As an Infernal, moreover, as on who cultivates Legacy Of The One’s Path, perhaps he has no other way than breaking a pathway through the Valleys. And since it has already been done trice in the past, he has higher chances of success than going and returning from the source of the Void aura”. A green light flickered from the jade and a womanly voice replied. “It is because he cultivates the legacy that I forbade you from telling him. I rather avoid being the instigator of a war between the factions. As for your reasoning… breaking a pathway is more dangerous than the treading through the source of the Void aura, but risk and reward go side by side, and the

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