
1879 Words

"What is the unconventional process?" Zax asked, inquisitively. For Infernals and Celestials the word "Unconventional" was a second name. "I told you that to cleanse the three aspects and spirit Void Aura is necessary. If you can go and return from the source of the Void Aura, you will instantly become a Sanctified Immortal, moreover, one that, for good or bad, can't be simply measured by the Four Cycles". Eighteenth Haberta said without elaborating, which irked Zax. "Well? I want to know more. Tell me, or maybe you think everything you mentioned by now can compare to what you want from me…?" Eighteenth Haberta shook her head. "Anyone who knows about Void Aura had sworn in Genuine Intent not to reveal it in detail outside of a specific place... Only Gods and Sanctified Immortals can ig

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