Gods’ Equals

1743 Words

"Avoid the Heart". Zax murmured aloud and entered a meditative state. Previously, when he attempted to cultivate the second stage of Shape the Dantian before he could bring out his Infernal state, Zax felt a mutt paddling in the middle of a vast ocean as a storm brew above his head. Restarting to cultivate with the Infernal state, Zax now felt like a fish in calm water, while the chain of destruction of the trillion Solar Systems was split to countless undercurrents, of whom he has to perceive the correct one and swim in accordance to its path. One after the other Zax examined the end of the Solar Systems. However, going by tracing the chain of distraction one step at a time was too time consuming. 'Like this, even in a billion years I won't perceive the precise route of the chain of d

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