
It All Started With A Hex

female lead
another world

Ella Kane a young and powerful prodigy sorceress goes on an adventure with her friend Light Oasis to join the guild her parents belonged but what didn't expect was to be accompanied by a witch Brooke Greenly and get into so much trouble along the way, but what's this? did she stumble upon a handsome rich man who is in dire need of her assitance how will this end? with more trouble? or happily? Care to find out?

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When I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a sorceress just like my parents Richard and Camellia Kane, the day I was born my parents decided to hang up their cloaks for good and they even opened a small shop that sold and exchanged magical goods. Oh man look at me I forgot to tell you my name I’m Ella Kane and I was born on Paonia in the Blue Kingdom; my parents are famous here since they are known to be the strongest and craftiest sorcerers with their wisdom and power many people still try to fight them for their titles, but they all fail miserably. My parents defeated the dark lord and demon known as Zanzi single handedly but ever since they decided to retire the kingdoms weren’t too happy about this plus my elder brother didn’t take it too well either, in fact he was rather upset that his infamous parents decided to stop doing what they “loved” and stay home for their children sake, in turn Zane thought that I was the reason behind why my parents decided to stay home, and he even tried to get rid of me when I was still an infant, I honestly don’t know any sibling that hates their younger sibling so much to think getting rid of me would be a great idea! Then again, my brother isn’t that smart anyway. Luckily father always stopped him from doing this, Zane would do it almost every night, but father was always quick on the draw, and he placed a spell of my crib that protected me from my brother and any other evil person that may attempt to steal me away in the night. While I was growing up my brother would purposely try and blame me for things he had done to try and get our parents to either kill me or abandon me somewhere, but as usual mother knew better than that since I never lie to my mother or father ever! I know my elder brother hates me for something I had no control of. Two months ago, my bother finally turned of age, turning of age for our world is when a person who is old enough to leave home legally without a parent with them anymore.    My brother was happy about this, and he tried to get our parents to go on a job with him but they both of course refused mainly because they were worried that I couldn’t handle the shop alone just yet. I tried to reassure them that I could handle it alone if needed but father forbid it because he doesn’t want anything to happen to me, a young defenseless girl who hasn’t fully learned magic just yet or so father thought, and Zane immediately looked at me like I was the culprit behind their decision knowing full well that it was father who made that decision because he felt that I wasn’t ready though I was. I had been secretly training every morning before everyone woke up and even at night when everyone was asleep, when I first started to do this my brother noticed that I was sneaking out all the time when mother and father were sleeping so he decided to set a trap and told mother and father that I had been sneaking out, but this quickly backfired. One night just as I was about to leave father stopped me, I thought I did something wrong but then he asked me “Ella honey why are you leaving the house so late? Are you going to see a boy?” I cannot believe that my own brother would ever say that about me how cruel is he? And why would he make up a lie about me going to see a boy knowing that I avoid boys anytime I go shopping with him and mother! “No Papa I was going out because I wanted to practice my spells and incantations, I know you mama are too busy to teach me anything right now because of the shop and huge surge of customers lately that’s why I thought that maybe I should practice alone and show you when you had time how far I’d gotten from the books. And as for the boy thing that you asked me papa, I would not ever do that! I know how dangerous that is who would tell you such a thing?” I said to my father. After a few minutes father took one look at the bag I was carrying and saw that I had been using the potions that he made for me months ago so that way I’d always be prepared, he began to smile and nod his head then father gave a sigh and said “Ella please don’t go out at night to do your practices anymore, you being out alone in the dead of night when we don’t know it is just as bad as you being alone with some random guy” I sighed and nodded “yes papa” I said while hanging my head and slowly heading up to my room but what my father would say next caught me so off guard. “You can use my old sanctum for when you want to practice at night alright?” papa said while smiling at me. I immediately turned around and smiled and ran into his arms almost knocking him over “woah easy there” he said while laughing and trying to keep his balance, “thank you papa!” I said while crying with joy, while I’m hugging my father, I thought I heard a door slam shut, must’ve been my no-good big brother again. And with that I thought about a boarding school that would take me away from my no-good brother and I could practice my magic and learn new spells and maybe make some friends too.   A few days have gone by, and I have used father’s old sanctum numerously, father came to me one day and told me that mother had been checking up on me while I’m in the sanctum and running back to him smiling and telling me how well I was doing. Maybe I shouldn’t go to some boarding school my mother might get lonely without me here maybe I should take a sorcerer job at least a low level one that I know I can handle maybe father will let me. The next morning, I decided to ask my mother “mama? Can I join a guild I’m 14 now plus I know that I’m ready for it! Please mama?” my mother was in the middle of cooking breakfast when I asked her, and she stopped plating the eggs she was cooking and faced me “are you sure baby? Are you sure this is what you want to do?” she said sweetly to me, “yes mama, I want to follow after you and papa, I really want to make you both prouder of me” I said to her with pleading eyes.  My mother sighed and said “baby we are already so proud of you, but I cant stop you if you want to join a guild, but might I recommend the guild your father and I are from? They will treat you well and I know they’ll love you just as much as we do” my mother said to me while smiling. Oh, fudge how could I forget to tell you about what exactly guilds are, guilds are places where not only witches, sorcerers, wizards, and even alchemists yes, I know that sounds strange but if they want to be paid for some of the bigger or even smaller jobs then they must be in a type of guild to gain any real profit. The guild my mother and father were apart of The Crest guild is a nice guild and it’s even more infamous than my parents for the best sorcerers, witches, and alchemists not to mention on occasion swordsman come from there. “Alright mama can I go later today?” I asked her excitedly but got shot down immediately “not today your not did you forget that your brother is about to go off to request entrance to another guild today?” she told and asked me, I had completely forgotten about my brother doing that today. Zane had gone a few days ago to the guild mother and father were apart of and they shut him down right away, I heard from my friend Light that he didn’t make the cut to be a part of their guild plus they heard about what he had been doing to me since I was an infant. I can only imagine how much he hated himself when he found out why they didn’t let him in, I really wonder if my parents’ old guild will allow me to join but you know what? I am going to promise myself something, if I do get accepted into the guild, I will not rub it into Zane’s face after all his is still my elder brother I can only imagine how that might hit his ego and how he might bully me worse. “Mama, I don’t think I want to be around if he is going to another guild” I said to my mother who is just finishing the pancakes, “why baby? If Zane has been bullying, you again you need to tell me so that way your father or I can do something about it. I don’t care if he threatened you to keep quiet did, he says something to you?” I shook my head violently and as I was about to say something back the devil came in “good morning mama! What’s for breakfast?” he said with an unusual smile on his face, I have to say that smile is giving me goosebumps right now I’m not used to this, as soon as my brother noticed I was staring he came up to me and started rubbing my head “morning shortness” he said in a almost comical way “good morning brother” I said politely and walked to get the plates but father put them on the highest shelf again! I swear he keeps forgetting not all of us are tall like he or my dimwitted brother, just as I was about to climb the cabinet to get the dishes down my brother lifted me up onto his shoulder and said “well? Aren’t you going to get the dishes so we can eat?” I didn’t know what to say I swear this is seriously scaring me! Who is this guy and what did he do to my asshole of a brother?! “Oh yeah thanks” I said while quickly grabbing the dishes. When he helped me down, he took half of the dishes “I’ll set up the other half” he said while putting the dishes on the table. I don’t like this I don’t know if I can contain myself just as I was looking confused my mother and father were both looking at my brother and I, I turned me head toward them and shrugged my shoulders and did the screw loose gesture with my hand quickly before he noticed.   An hour after we ate Zane came down with his camping gear and clothes, I still cant get what happened earlier out of my head, my brother was being nice? I’m not used to this…

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