Story By Tiffany Hoffman

Tiffany Hoffman

Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to view my profile and read my stories, I appreciate it all so much. I have always enjoyed writing or thinking about different stories I might like to tell. This has given me a way to tell those stories and be myself. A lot of my characters are based around real life people and experiences I never got to try. It’s a way to express myself and do what I love to do. Follow me on insta and f a c e book for character images and behind the scenes videos @TiffanyHoffmanAuthor
Love’s Eternal Fire
Updated at Oct 17, 2024, 09:45
Kesiray and Solaris met when they were only 10 years old. Kesiray, a fairy, was out exploring and picking flowers when she wandering a little too far from home. Solaris saw her in his family’s territory and thought she was cute. Despite their kinds being mortal enemies , they became fast friends who would sneak away to see one another, declaring they would be mates when they grew up. When neither came home on time, their parents went out searching for them, furious when they found them together. Their parents vowed to keep them apart, and Kesiray’s family moved their entire tribe to a different part of the fairy lands. They assumed they would never see each other again, that is until fate steps in. Will they be able to get past the forbidden love they share? Or will they decide to leave the other behind to make their kingdom happy?
The Hybrid's Second Chance
Updated at Sep 30, 2024, 17:11
Julianna is a member of the October Moon pack. She was found wandering around the woods alone at three years old. Her new pack quickly finds out she is a hybrid, part witch and part wolf. She lives a simple life with her adoptive mother Sandra, who is the mate to the former Gamma of the pack. Sandra's mate passed away, so she has been raising Julianna on her own. On her 18th birthday, Julia discovers her mate is none other than Logan Russell, the son of Alpha Gregory. She is heartbroken, how could the Moon Goddess be so cruel? Logan hates Julia because she isn't a pure wolf. He thinks she is below omegas on the food chain. "I, Julianna Parker, of the October Moon Pack reject you, Logan Russ...." I didn't get to finish my sentence as something hard hit my face. My hand flew to my cheek where Logan had slapped me. I turned my head back to face him, unable to believe what he had just done. He was glaring at me, deep hatred apparent all over his face, but again there was something else. "You think you have the power to reject me? You, and insignificant filthy hybrid? I'm the son of an Alpha, you can't reject me! How dare you try and humiliate me in front of my pack!" I looked around for help, but everyone was attempting to ignore the situation that was unfolding as they spilled out of the dining room. "Accept my rejection," I pleaded. "We both know you don't want me as your mate, you hate me." "Of course I don't want you, but that doesn't mean I don't need you." He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent, his eyes glowed as his wolf was on the surface. He reached towards me. I thought to slap me again, so I recoiled; but he grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me close to him. I tried to resist, but being this close to him and the mate bond made my legs weak. His scent was strong with only a few inches between us, like cedar and honey. It was making me dizzy, and I could feel my desire for him becoming stronger. Da*n this mate bond. I wanted to be repulsed by this man. I wanted to get as far away from him as possible, but every fiber in me was yearning for him to touch me. To kiss me, bring me close to him and caress my insides. "I don't understand, why do you need me? You could have Alexis as your Luna." He laughed at me, still holding on to my hair. "I don't need you as my Luna, but an Alpha is stronger when his fated mate is around. I think I'll have some fun with you for a while. I'll be back for you." He inhaled one last time before releasing my hair. I watched him walk away, making sure he was really gone before running for the nearest bathroom. I burst into the stall, leaning over the toilet and throwing up everything in my body. This can't be happening. Why was I being mated to such a horrible wolf? Was this the Moon Goddess' idea of a sick joke? I had a find a way out of this, I could not survive being this man's play thing.
Unveiling The Unknown
Updated at Sep 29, 2024, 18:10
Sierra and Aaron once again find themselves in the middle of chaos. Having managed to rescue Sierra from the underground smuggling ring she was taken to by James and Austin, they want to do more. Sierra wishes to get revenge on people who hurt those around her, but also take down the smuggling world once and for all. Will this mission put them in even more danger? Or will they come out on top once again? A surprise may complicate things even more and make Aaron ten times more protective of his mate. How are they going to navigate this new chapter of their lives and make the world better for all supernatural creatures?
Bound By Moonlight
Updated at May 29, 2024, 10:17
Quinn is a 27 year old ER nurse living her life normally with her friends Brianna and Tanner. Landon is the Alpha of the largest pack in North America, Crimson Dawn. They are known by all other packs and feared by most. What happens when these two cross paths and Landon discovers Quinn is his fated mate? Their pack has been known for the strong bonds between wolves, and never has a human been mated to one of their Alpha’s before. His Beta Rob urges Landon to reject Quinn in favor of a stronger more proper Luna. What will Landon do? Will he take Rob’s advice or follow his wolf Ezra who wants to take Quinn as his mate, noting how the Moon Goddess never makes mistakes. Does Quinn want any part of this life, once she finds out werewolves existed? Can a human help protect one of the strongest packs out there?
The Luna's Betrayal
Updated at May 20, 2024, 06:52
It's been over a year since Sierra became the official Luna of the Emerald Sky Pack. She has been leading along side her mate and now husband Aaron, all while trying to navigate her powers as a primordial wolf. It's not long before she learns someone is after her once again. The betrayal she learns of someone close to her is devestating. Will she be able to escape the new fate she is staring at? Or is she destined to live a curel unhappy life? "I don't understand why you're doing this?" I asked, knowing he would never really give me the truth. "After everything we've done for you, this is how you repay us?" "I told you to shut up!" I was being dragged down a dark hallway, with no memory of how I got here; but I did know the person dragging me. "You helped us, why would you do that only to betray us this way? Betray me…" He stopped walking, raised a hand and hit me hard acorss the face. Losing my balance, I fell sideways into the cold stone wall. I was still recovering from whatever they had given me that caused me to pass out. I was chained in silver but there was something else to this metal. It seemed to strip away all my abilities. They had done their research on what would keep me from fighting back. Whoever these people were, they didn't want me getting away. I couldn't communicate with Brooklyn or Aaron, I had tried many times. I didn't even know if we were close enough to my pack for Aaron to hear me. I had no idea how long I had been here or where I was. "You know he's going to find you. He's going to find you and kill you slowly for taking me," I told him from my position on the floor. He came down to my level and was so close, his breath made my hair flutter slightly. "With what we have planned, he's never going to get the chance. There's a lot of supernatural creatures out there dying to get their hands on a primordial. They'll pay anything to have you. Get comfortable, becuase soon this is going to be your life."
A Wolf In The Shadow
Updated at Dec 11, 2023, 14:31
Marleen has lived her entire life hating werewolves. She was brought up at a special academy with the soul purposed of eliminating them one by one. She is top of her class, and the favorite of all her teachers, especially the headmistress Yvonne Ryan. Yvonne has always treated Marleen as a daughter, since Marleen is an orphan. What happens when she discovers her mate is the Alpha Leland, of the (pack name)? Will she kill him like she’s been trained to do her entire life? What happens when she discovers she’s what she hates the most? Secrets begin to unravel as her world is turned upside down. Is she able to trust anyone around her?
Betraying the Coven
Updated at Oct 5, 2023, 08:32
**This is a prequel to The Hybrid’s Second Chance. This book explores the relationship of Julia’s birth mother Cornelia and her fated mate Joshua. **This can be enjoyed as a stand alone book. Cornelia Sullivan is the daughter of the High Priestess of the High Noon Witch Coven. She is slated to take over the coven when her mother thinks she’s ready. Soon, Cornelia finds out her mate is none other than Joshua (last name), the Alpha of the (pack name). This is a problem because it’s long been forbidden for anyone in their coven to mate to wolves. A war between witch and wolves nearly tore her coven apart in the 1600’s. Will she give up everything she knows for her mate? Or will she reject him and return to her life as the future high priestess? What happens when their worlds collide and she finds herself pregnant?
My Fated or Forced Mate
Updated at Jul 7, 2023, 10:21
When Kahlani Hayes, daughter to Alpha Charles Hayes of Hollow Springs pack, celebrates her 21st birthday, it should be an exciting time, but she knows that once she turns 21, she has to leave her pack and go join Crimson Nightfall. Since the day she was born, there has been an agreement with the Alpha of the Crimson Nightfall pack that their children will one day be chosen mates. Alpha Nicholas Remington of Crimson Nightfall, has a son Owen who is 26 and has taken over for his father. Kahlani travels with her parents to Crimson Nightfall to celebrate their engagement to Alpha Owen. During the celebration, she discovers she has a fated mate at the party, Alpha Ryder Spade of Silver River. Will she follow what has already been agreed upon? Or will she follow her heart and choose her fated mate? What happens when secrets from her parent's past are reveled?
The Alpha’s Hidden Luna
Updated at May 31, 2023, 07:27
Sierra is about to turn 18 which should be the best time of her life, but when secrets about her life and family are revealed, she discovered she’s not who she always thought. Her hlife is turned upside down, will she be able to escape her fate? Will she be able to find happiness, or will she learn what a cruel world she has stumbled upon? “What we’re about to tell you is going to be hard to believe.” My dad started. "But please, try to just listen to our entire story before you say anything.” My mom interjected. My dad took a deep breath before continuing. I noticed my mom’s hand was shaking, my dad reached over and covered her hand with his. She instantly relaxed and smiled at him. “There’s no easy way to say this part, so I’m going to say it quickly, like ripping off a bandage... We’re werewolves. You, myself, and your mother, we’re werewolves.” He opened his mouth to continue but I just couldn’t help interrupting. “Um, I’m sorry what?!” I questioned. “Werewolves.” They both said together. “No, I heard you the first time. I’m just trying to see whether or not this is some kind of joke.” I almost wanted to laugh at them about how serious they were both being. Werewolves didn’t exist. My parents had raised me on folklore and fantasy stories of pixies, witches, werewolves, and vampires; but that’s all they were, stories. “This isn’t a joke, we’re being serious.” My mom looked at me with raised eyebrows. “Should we show her?” She asked my dad. “Show me what?” I was starting to get annoyed. If they kept this up, I was gonna be late for work. “I guess we should, no use hiding it now.” Responded my dad. Suddenly, my mom got up from the table. “Come outside with me. There’s not enough room in here.” She said, turning on her heels and walking towards the back door. “Umm.. okay..” I followed her with my dad right behind me. My mom walked into the middle of the backyard. She was only wearing her robe, which she began to untie and drop to the ground. “Mom! What the h*ll?!” I yelled out, covering my eyes. “Oh honey, stop it and just look at me. I gave birth to you, you can see me naked.” I uncovered my eyes, and watched as she stood there for a moment. The next thing I knew, a giant grey and brown wolf was standing where my mother had been a second before. “WHAT THE F**K?!” I screamed out, jumping back. I looked at my dad and all he did was smile at my mom. An endearing smile like he was seeing the sun for the first time. Just as quickly, I blinked and my mom was back putting her robe on. “DAD..” I just trailed off, I didn’t even know what to say. What I had just witnessed shouldn’t be possible in nature. I had always thought it would be amazing for things like this to be real, but never imagined I’d watch my mother transform before my eyes. “Let’s go inside and we can explain.” He said, taking my arm. I let him lead me back into the kitchen, followed by my mom. I sank into the nearest chair, too stunned to speak.