Story By Echim


Greetings, everyone! I am Echim, a dedicated writer who possesses a deep love for both writing and reading tales. I create captivating narratives that are bound to pull you into their intriguing worlds. So, I warmly invite you to read my works, share your thoughts, and join me on this literary journey. So immerse yourself, leave a comment, and above all, enjoy the ride with me!
Playing with Fire
Updated at Jan 1, 2023, 20:59
Suddenly, she found herself waking up inside a novel, embodying the character with whom she deeply sympathized. Astonishingly, the life of this character mirrored her own in every aspect. However, she soon discovered a heart-wrenching twist in the plot: this extra's fate was doomed, as she was destined to die young by the order of the novel's male protagonist, the man she secretly loved. Fueled by a fierce determination to survive and escape her tragic fate, she devised a plan to avoid all encounters with the main protagonists of the story and sought allies who could help ensure her survival and prevent her untimely demise. Surprisingly, she learned that the key to her survival rested with none other than the tyrant and cold-blooded King of the Arenthal Kingdom, the novel's second male lead. Known for his deadly aura and infamous killings, he held the power to aid her in evading her fatal destiny. Nevertheless, to depend on this dangerous man was to play with fire, and the consequences could be dire. As she journeyed through this unfamiliar world, the stakes were high, and she faced a crucial decision. Would she risk everything and get dangerously close to the tyrant, hoping to survive by his side? Or would she choose the path of her doomed character, accepting her demise in this world, and ultimately be forgotten? The answers remained uncertain, and the choices she made would shape her destiny and the outcome of the tale she had become a part of. The risks were immense, and she stood at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Only time would reveal the repercussions of her decisions in this captivating and perilous new reality.
Once Upon A Princess
Updated at Sep 28, 2022, 23:45
Natalie Charles was once living a life of abundance and admiration. With her perfect figure, flawless skin, sharp intellect, immense wealth, and the fame bestowed upon her by her parents' successful business, she was the object of envy for many. Yet, despite all the attention and admiration, she fell in love with someone unexpected—Ethan Duane Holland, her brother's friend and an orphan who had faced a lifetime of hardships. Their love was mutual, but a certain action led Ethan to leave her. Time passed, and both their lives took unexpected turns. Natalie's family business collapsed, leaving her in financial ruin, and she underwent significant changes that made her almost unrecognizable from her former self. Meanwhile, Ethan's life transformed as well. He became the president of a company owned by his long-lost parents. Fate brought them together once more, this time in the office, but Natalie no longer remembers Ethan. What will transpire now that their paths have crossed again? Can he be the catalyst for her escape from her current life, or will his reappearance bring about the downfall of everything she has left?
Bloody Queen
Updated at Aug 28, 2022, 10:18
No one ever knew the origins of her existence - the what, who, why, when, and how. Her past remained a mystery, and she had no recollections of it. In an unfamiliar place, she encountered numerous enigmatic individuals who addressed her by a name she believed was given to her from the moment she was born. However, she soon realized that her assumption was incorrect. With an enchanting and captivating countenance, an ageless form, an extraordinary intellect, and a devastating power capable of obliterating anything or anyone with a single gaze, some mistakenly regarded her as an angel but she is far from being that. She is the oldest demon, the very first of their kind. She is their queen, and she is... bloody deadly.