Story By Alice Knightsky

Alice Knightsky

Fake Mate of the Drogomor Alpha
Updated at Jul 26, 2024, 01:17
“Zara,” he whispered. “I need you.” “I need you too,” I replied. The need and desire for him only intensified as we searched for a secluded area beneath the moon to be together. *** My name is Zara Star. Being a matchmaker and finding my own happily ever after is all I dreamed of. But getting pregnant and accepting a proposition from the next Drogomor Alpha seems like the best choice for me to make for me and my baby. *** “We just aren’t the same,” I whispered. “How about you return and we try to fix this?” “That isn’t necessary.” He winced, and I felt a pang in my heart at his expression. But I all I could do was steel my nerves and walk away. Fake Mate of the Drogomor Alpha is created by Alice Knightsky, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Sold as the Alpha King's Breeder(Breeder#1)
Updated at Jul 25, 2024, 20:22
"On the bed." My new master, the Alpha of Drogomor, commanded. I walked toward the bed, naked, ashamed, and full of tears. I was about to lose my virginity, but it meant nothing to the man who was going to take it. *** I am Rosalie, 20 years old, sold to the most terrifying alpha by my own father. "You're nothing to me but a breeder." he said to me cruelly. I had long known that my love for him was hopeless and foolish. However, I was naïve to think that was the end of the story. Once the baby is born, I will be put to death. *** People thought I was dead, but I survived. "It's you!" He grabbed my hand, and his eyes were filled with emotions I couldn't understand. "Come back to me, Rosalie." "Sorry." I calmly looked back at him, "but I think you've got the wrong person."
Dark Fate of the Crimson Princess(Breeder#8)
Updated at Apr 28, 2024, 19:14
His fingers gently closed around the back of my neck, causing the nape of my neck to burst into waves of euphoria trickling throughout my body. He kissed me again with a fiery passion that left me breathless. “What do you like?” “I just want to remember my last night with you.” My name is Daphne Crimson. As a little girl, I thought my life would unfold like a fairytale. But falling in love with the shifter who kidnapped me for a blood sacrifice to a dark witch was not where I thought my tale would lead. “Daphne, I’m sorry. ” “How many times do I have to hear that from you? I was too blind to see it before but if I stay with you I’m as good as dead. So kill me now, or let me go.”He took a half step back, his eyes glinting with a hint of tears, drifting from mine to my pregnant belly. “This is best and you know it,” I said, turning from the heartbreak in his eyes and go away. Dark Fate of the Crimson Princess is created by Alice Knightsky, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Fated to my Timebound Mate(Breeder#7)
Updated at Nov 11, 2023, 18:43
I'm Sasha Wentley. It took a lot to shut the door on my dark history flooded with unhappy memories. Coming face to face again with my childhood bully was hard, and being his mate was complicated, to say the least. The problem was, he was the only one who could save me from getting lost in time. "I don't want to let you go," I whispered. I pulled him down to me and kissed his lips again. He sighed and ran his hands down my sides. "Are you sure about this, Sasha?" he murmured, pulling back. I nodded. "I don't care if you remember me or not. I don't want to spend another moment without you." "Sasha, this isn't you," he pleaded as he held me firmly in his arms and I felt my heart sink. "This is the real me. There is a reason we've fallen through time, a reason we've always been torn apart. We're not meant to be together, just let me go." Fated to my Timebound Mate is created by Alice Knightsky, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Rejected by the Dark Lord(Breeder#6)
Updated at Oct 29, 2023, 02:29
He trailed his fingers along my skin. I sucked in my breath, a desperate moan escaping my lips. He stole the sound with another kiss. Every part of me begged to become his. “Eliza,” he whispered, resting his forehead against mine. “I’m a Dark Lord. Do you know what that is?” “Yes but I’m not afraid." “I could hurt you,” he said, his gaze dangerous. “I will hurt you.” * After hearing tales of Dark Realm my entire life, I took the opportunity to explore it first-hand. Being abducted? Sold as a breeder? No big deal if it was how fate brought me and my mate together. But little did I expect, what I got for my love was his cruel rejection. * “Eliza, please. Come back to me. I've restored our matebond!” His eyes bore into mine. I leaned into the kiss he planted on my lips. The irresistible pull toward him was there again as strong as ever, but I managed to push him away. “No." I looked into his pleading eyes and forced my voice to stay calm, "I, Eliza, now reject you as my mate!”
Four Alphas and Me
Updated at Sep 21, 2023, 19:35
"Keep your eyes closed,” he whispered in my ear and my heart skipped a beat. The heat of his kiss against my neck sent a shiver down my spine. His hands moved up to my face, caressing my cheeks and chin as his mouth moved across my skin, sending sparks of pleasure through me. He continued to explore my body and brought me closer to him. My eyes fluttered open, locking with his tender gaze. Then I snapped out of it. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips pressed against mine, but I couldn’t. It was a mistake. I should pull away… *** I was born as an omega and died as an omega, but before my miserable demise, my enemy revealed that my real identity was an alpha princess. When I woke up from my nightmare, I vowed to hunt down those who wronged me and to bring happiness to those who I loved. My enemies got what they deserved, however, those I love weren’t exactly happy. Because now, they all want me.
Soren's Blackfire Luna(Breeder#5)
Updated at Jul 19, 2023, 00:43
"Tell me you want me," I ordered. My tongue rolled over hers, tasting her sweet freshness, like the nectar from a honeysuckle and a splash of water in the desert. "Um… I want you,” she moaned lightly and started to kiss me back. Her body formed to mine. She was liquid fire in my arms, burning me with desire. ** I'm Soren Black. Twelve years ago, I came to the Dark Realm to start over. Living in the rogue zone had its perks... until a mysterious young woman showed up in my bed—on fire and in trouble. What I didn't expect was that our one-night stand turned into an entanglement that I couldn’t resist. ** “I didn’t ask you to save me, Soren.” “That doesn’t mean you didn’t need saving.” She put her hand on her swollen belly and looked at me fiercely. “So, what do you want from me now?” “Everything….” “I’m sorry,” I could feel the heartbreak and regret she carried. “I can’t be your second prize.” She turned and walked away, taking my hope with her.
Mates of Shadow and Light(Breeder#4)
Updated at May 15, 2023, 20:40
I would live in this moment forever. I’d have this one taste of love to hold fast to as the years ticked by. I’d shelter it, keep it tucked away, a memory for my eyes only. He kissed my neck, then my mouth, sucking on my lower lip until I finally cried out and threw my head back in ecstasy. “Xander,” I said, fighting against his grip. “Xander, wait–” Submit, I thought. “Lena,” he said, his voice edged with a nearly inaudible frustration. “You’re mine. I’m yours. Whatever happens next,” he breathed, kissing me deeply before continuing, “this will be for us. A tether. A thread to keep us grounded to each other.” He was going to mark me. I could feel it in my soul. * All I ever wanted was a chance to be normal, to finish my studies and live a quiet life where I’d never have to think about my past. But Xander changed everything, and once he walked into my life, I could never go back. Neither of us could control the destiny we could never avoid…a destiny that would change the world forever.
Runaway Breeder of the Dark King(Breeder#3)
Updated at Mar 1, 2023, 02:01
Prince Theo, the most handsome and powerful man in the country, was feared by all. Bloodthirsty and cruel, it was said that no one could ever survive him. The day I was summoned to be a part of his consort, I was determined to escape from his clutches. Eighty women vied for his attention, most of whom competed to be his wife and bear his heir, while I did my best to blend into the background. But fate had another plan for me. *** He moved in closer, his muscular frame enveloping me as my body trembled. “I want you, Ciana,” he said in a husky voice. “You will be the mother of my child.” His strong hand caressed my arm and his warm breath blew against my neck as he whispered, “I know you feel it, too.” My heart screamed, “Yes.” But as he leaned forward to find my lips, all I could breathe out was, “No.”
Vendida como la criadora del Alfa
Updated at Feb 25, 2023, 01:15
—A la cama —ordenó mi nuevo amo: El Alfa de Drogomor. Caminé hacia la cama, desnuda, avergonzada y al borde de las lágrimas. Estaba a punto de perder mi virginidad, pero no significaba nada para el hombre que iba a tomarla. *** Soy Rosalie, 20 años. Mi padre me vendió al Alfa más aterrador. —Para mí, no eres más que una criadora —dijo con crueldad. Hacía tiempo que sabía que mi amor por él era inútil. Sin embargo, fui ingenua al pensar que ese era el final de la historia. Cuando nacía el bebé, me matarían. *** Todos pensaban que había muerto, pero sobreviví. —¡Eres tú! —exclamó. Agarró mi mano y sus ojos se llenaron de incomprensibles emociones—: Vuelve a mí, Rosalie... —Lo siento —lo miré con calma—: Creo que te estás equivocando de persona...
Breeder for the White Queen(Breeder#2)
Updated at Nov 22, 2022, 23:51
A new generation. A new breeder. A whole new set of problems…. He took his time, moving against the wetness between my legs, his fingers gripping my hips as he took me, gently at first, then harder and hungrier as he pushed me toward the edge, the sharp fullness giving way to pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Whatever this was wasn’t just business. This was heat. Need. A deeply rooted longing that threatened to shatter my carefully crafted life. No, this was more than business. He was more than a breeder. And I would never be the same. *** I’m Maeve, the next White Queen. But before I can ascend the throne currently held by my mother, Rosalie, I must produce an heir for the Drogomor line. But I’m not a breeder. I need a breeder. It should be a simple process, right?
Ayah Menjualku pada Pria Alfa
Updated at Nov 7, 2022, 17:37
"Di tempat tidur," Tuan baruku, Pria Alfa Drogomor, memerintah. Aku berjalan menuju tempat tidur, telanjang, malu, dan penuh air mata. Tidak lama lagi aku akan kehilangan keperawananku, tapi itu semua tidak berarti apapun bagi pria yang akan mengambilnya di hadapanku sekarang. *** Namaku Rosalie, 20 tahun, dijual oleh ayahku sendiri kepada pria alfa yang paling mengerikan. "Bagiku kamu tidak berarti apapun kecuali alat untuk menghasilkan keturunan." kata pria itu padaku dengan kejam. Aku sudah tahu bahwa rasa cintaku padanya hanyalah sebuah kebodohan tanpa harapan. Namun, aku sangat naif karena mengira bahwa itu adalah akhir kisah cintaku. Ketika bayi itu telah lahir, aku akan dihukum mati. *** Orang-orang mengira aku telah mati, namun aku selamat. "Ini benar kamu!" Dia menarik tanganku, matanya penuh dengan emosi yang tak dapat kujelaskan, "Kembalilah padaku, Rosalie." "Maaf." Aku menatapnya dengan tenang, "tapi sepertinya kamu salah orang."