Story By Leah Ashton

Leah Ashton

single mom writer with a love of all things supernatural. I have always been drawn to the ocean but I have loved the supernatural world.
Falling Heart
Updated at Jun 20, 2023, 10:30
Leona Heart has been alone for three years. She's older than most but it can take years or more to meet your other half. Will he be what she needs or a lesson on what to avoid.. Andrian had believed in mates but he had given up on finding his after watching his parents marriage crumble. They divorced when he was ten,. His father had married for love instead of his true mate. They were happy for years, until his father's true mate appeared. Despite still caring for his mom, Adrian's father chose his true mate over his mate of his heart.
who am I?
Updated at Mar 3, 2023, 13:45
I have always known I was adopted. I did however have a great childhood and my parents have been my heart, but now that I am in my adult years strange things have been happening. Is there something my parents haven't told me about my lineage.
beyond the waves
Updated at Jan 27, 2023, 09:25
all Shelly knew was her life on the land. she never knew or understood why she was drawn to the ocean. Her 18th birthday was quickly approaching, so was something unexpected. Will Shelly be able to handle the changes to come along with a handsome stranger who knows more about her than she does her self?
Updated at Jul 27, 2022, 07:07
A family that truly cares can survive anything. The Stones come from a long line of witches. they run a family store selling holistic products. when their magic is exposed will it cause them to spilt or stay Fierce...
my first part of this story got deleted so, I'm starting again. feline shifters are rare but we exist. We share one thing with o
Updated at Jun 16, 2022, 12:00
my first part of this story got deleted so, I'm starting again. feline shifters are rare but we exist. We share one thing with our wolf brothers and sisters, the goddess, Seline. she has her blessed children. I am one of them.