Story By A. Gupta

A. Gupta

For more info on my upcoming books and their updating schedule, You can Follow me on instágram @author_gupta (A. Gupta) and on Fáceböok: A. Gupta Fán page My books are also on GôôdNövel and Môbôreader. A safe place for all the women, who have certain tastes in unconventional books and love Happily Ever After even when there\'s none possible. Shatter the limits. Fly above and beyond. BOOKS with Anti-Heroes CAGED- A Dark Billionaire Captîve Romance Indebted To A Tyrant King Married To A Duke The Kingdom of Burning Ice Bride To Be Tormentor Series Carter Brothers Series Hope you like my books. Thank you for your time.❤️
Hating My Bodyguard
Updated at Jul 23, 2024, 19:13
Explicit content. Kickass Heroine. Kînky/Séxual Punishments. Mental health. BD$M elements. Opposite Attracts. Jealous/Possessive. Forbîdden. Love and Disobey. KATLYN There are only a few people who know my secrets. Even my own best friends aren\'t aware of those secrets and what I was capable of. But then someone from my past came out to torment me, threatening to reveal my wrongdoings and what an evil person I am to the world. The Stalker refuses to leave me alone and has reached new limits to hurt me, his threats have started to feel real and dangerous even to me. But the Stalker isn\'t my problem, I can deal with him and keep myself safe. The problem is my new bodyguard that my father hired. To my family I am the most precious thing but to the man who sworned to protect me with his own life, I am nothing but nuisance. And I couldn\'t blame him because I am doing everything I could to make him hate me, for my life comes with strings attached that could kill him if we aren\'t careful enough. ZURICH They call me a killing machine for a reason. I have killed people without blinking an eye and will continue to do so if they hurt what I cared for and sworn to protect. The spoilt Princess is my new charge and I will do anything to protect her even though I hate her for everything she stands for. Every time she mouths off, refuses to follow my orders and is rude, my palm itches to teach her a lesson but being a bodyguard there are certain lines I can\'t cross. But those lines blurred with my haste for her when I realised that her bîtchy attitude has a reason and there are secrets she is hiding from the world. Her parents doesn\'t want the world, especially her future husband, to know what she\'s capable of but unfortunately I learnt those secrets and I planned to use them to keep her for myself even if I have to use all the unorthodox methods to help her see the beauty in the darkness that rules her.
My Boss Is My Tormentor.
Updated at Jul 7, 2024, 17:18
RYAN When you taste betrayal in childhood, it never leaves you. My own mother taught me the most valuable lesson: trust no one, and money is the only thing that matters. I became the man my father never was— Ruthless and heartless. As one of the most sought-after billionaires, I’m accustomed to having my demands met even before I voice them. Money has its perks and I understand my mother’s hunger for it. The moment I stepped into India, I knew I needed to leave, but fate had other plans. It led me to Rose Kapoor— captivating and defiant. The one woman who refused to bow to me, regardless of my status. When she dared to slap me and insult me in public, my need for revenge ignited. I promised myself I wouldn’t leave the country until she begged for my mercy. She's a lioness, fierce and untamable. She thought loyalty and submission couldn't be bought. How naive she was. She didn’t know that I would not only buy her submission— I would break her, ruin her, and bend her to my will until she begs for mercy. ROSE Beautiful, smart and loyal to her loved ones. Rose Kapoor will do anything for her family that gave her a life she has today. She only wanted this job to be independent and be able to live her life on her own terms for once. Instead, she met Ryan Johnson—a beautiful, arrogant bastard who ruined her interview and insulted her like she was a nuisance. When she discovered he was her new boss, she tried to leave, but he blackmailed her into staying. Cold hearted and ruthless to his core, he demanded more than an apology; he wanted her total submission or else her family will face his icy wrath. Trapped and desperate to save the only family she knew, she agreed to his terms, unaware of the dark depths of his demands. As she innocently resisted his control and tried to understand what kind of submission he was demanding, she found herself drawn into a dangerous game where not only her body but her heart—and soul— were at stake. THIS BOOK IS FOR MATURE 18+ AUDIENCES ONLY. IT CONTAINS THEMES TGAT MIGHT BE UNCOMFÔRTABLE FOR SOME. THE HERO IS A Dominant, Controlling and OTT ALPHAHOLE AND HAS VERY QUESTIONABLE CHARACTER. HE IS NOT GREY, HE IS DARK GREY! TAGS: #enemiestolover #boss #secretary #officeromance #b.d.s.m #dominant #controlling #dark #drama #jealous #billionaire #blackmail
His Steel Princess (His Broken Princess #2)
Updated at Apr 13, 2024, 19:12
VIOLET He left me because of his secrets that he refused to share with me. He didn't care how he shattered already broken pieces and I was left a mess. But my family was there for me, they put me back together with their love and care. And now I'm a completely different person, the girl who was abused and the woman that was left behind was nowhere to be found. Now I am here with an armor that I had built in his absence, with a heart incased behind walls of steel and I refused to let him fool me again. He might've been the one to heal my body with his soft touches and made me trust him where it was concerned but he broke that trust. And now my heart is too tender to believe in him again despite that one dream of mine that could be possible only with him. He says he had his reasons. That he's ready to do or tell me whatever I want. But should I trust him again? Should I listen to the heart that had come alive with his return and is now thrahsing against its prison to be set free? Should I give him the chance he's begging for when he had been nothing but a coward to leave me without a word? Or should I just fool him like he did me and get what I really want, more than him and his love? COLE I made a mistake when I left her. But now I'm back to beg for forgiveness on my knees in front of her. The problem is My broken princess has turned into one with steel heart and ironclad armor. She doesn't care about my sweet words or tender touches anymore. She is not the woman I had left behind. She knows how to hurt me and she hurts me where it is fucking painful. She says she won't forgive me but she'll have to because there was nothing else I want more than her forgiveness. I'll do anything she wants, give her everything she needs, except that one thing that she really wants from me. And the second time I am going to do something she'll hate me for but at least I'll have her where I want her. By my side. In my heart. As my wife. THIS IS SECOND BOOK AFTER ‘His Broken Princess’. #sweet #secondchance #betrayal #wealthyfamily #painfulpast #hotromance #jealousy #stubbornheroine #HeroInLove #steamy #youngadult #drama #family #loveablecharacters
Scarred Knight
Updated at Sep 26, 2023, 23:52
STANDALONE. Dark themes. Strictly for mature audience. Erotic thriller. "Hide, little deviant. I won't show you any mercy." “Leave me.” I said, my words low and lacking the strength. Maybe because I didn’t want him to. He leaned down closer. The dark was making him invisible but the hoodie was keeping him hidden too. “You’d have to do better, Little Deviant.” I squirmed in his hold, twisting my arm to slip it free but he only tightened his hold to the point of pain. “Submit.” I laughed. “In your dreams.” I said through clenched teeth and then head-butted him. Unfortunately, he was ready for it and my head only grazed his chin. He chuckled darkly but stopped short when I stood up on my toes and kissed him. I smiled inwardly as his hold loosened and he kissed me back. Smelling of cinnamon, just like my Ghost. But still icy just like my Knîght. This time when I pushed him back, taking him by surprise with all my force, he stumbled back and I whipped around making a run for it. I didn’t even take two steps when I was falling down on the floor with him on top of me. “Fûck…” I growled and the fingers tightened around my throat as he growled, “I will fuck you, little girl.” I sucked in a breath. It was different. His voice. The name he used for me. And a shiver of apprehension raced through me. “I— I” “Hush…” His lips brushed mine as he said, “You know your safeword?” Safeword. What was it? Yes. Promise. I nodded. “Say it.” “Promise.” My lips brushed his as I spoke. “Then say it only when you want me to stop. Yes?” I nodded. “Say it.” He growled, his weight pushing me into the carpeted floor harshly. “Yes.” And then it was on. “Good. Because now, there's nothing that would stop me.” His hand went to my top as his rough fingers started to tore at it. “I will you so hard, little girl, I’ll make you cry.”
CAGED - A Dark Billionaire Captive Romance
Updated at Apr 2, 2023, 14:02
Duo Series In One. COMPLETED. For adult audience, please read the warnings * . . BOOK 1: CAGED -> ERICA: Kidnapped. Sold. Caged. I should've known. But with the monster I was familiar with locked in a mental asylum I stopped looking over my shoulder. And that's when the real monster in an Armani suit, with beautiful face and a dark accent decided to haunt my dreams and every waking moment. Antonio Rossi. He bought me for the reasons unknown and now I'm a captive in his billion dollar cage. It has cliffs and forests and river. It has everything but the peace and freedom- two things I have dreamed of since childhood. He is ruthless in his quest to make me understand who's the master of my faith. He says that I belong to him, that he owns me. And he promised me retaliation for every rule I break. His every touch burns me and leaves me thinking maybe he's right which only makes me hate him with every fibre of my being. But he forgot that I made a promise too. The day he locked me in his cage I promised him that I'd make him beg on his knees and at the end of this nightmare I'd wake up with a smile on my face. . ANTONIO: Ruthless. Monster. I am the monster nightmares are made of. The part of me that was human died a long time ago and now I live for vengeance and blood of my enemy. My name is enough to bring my enemies to their knees. I'm the real villain walking among the innocents. There's nothing and no-one that would stop me from getting the blood that I was owed. Except her. And she tries. Oh, how she fücking tries. She doesn't know that she's a pawn in a game unknown to everyone but me. She's a collateral- a sacrifice I chose, but she hasn't accepted it. She rattles the bars of her cage every chance she gets, disobeys me and earns a punishment for every insult she throws my way. The fight for freedom in her eyes makes me furious, it burns me. It makes me fascinated too which is really not a good thing for her. Because if I decided to spare her life then she would be a lifelong captive in my cage. . . BOOK 2: TRAPPED FOREVER -> ANTONIO: She's mine. She has been mine for a long time, she hasn't just accepted it yet. But it doesn't matter, I'II make her understand. Freedom is overrated & my Cage is what she's made for. I'll protect her with my life, keep her safe from the world & make her demons bleed. I'lI give her the world on a silver platter, I just want her to choose me. To be Trapped with me forever & ever despite everything I have done, because one thing I'II never do was to let her walk away from me. She's the one who battered down my walls & made my heart beat for her. Now I'II go to any lengths, do anything & everything to keep her by my side even though in the end she might hate me for it. I'lI be the devil, monster & villain, only for her. . ERICA: I never thought doing the right thing would hurt so much, but it did. The moment I left his side, the man who hurt me, I felt nothing but pain. My heart longed for the man who was obsessed with keeping me safe even though he killed men without batting an eye. And against everything, I wanted to unravel his deep dark secrets & love him in places he was hurt. No matter how much I fought, I was his. I belonged to him in every way that could be possible. He made it so. To be honest, I never had a chance, he was playing for the win & I lost. Maybe I was right to think that I could never have the happily ever after, & he wasn't giving me one. Because his love was all Dark & Twisted. . TW: Some themes might be disturbing and are only for Mature audiences not for sensitive readers. Make sure you can handle an Anti hero and Antonio is not just an anti hero, he's the villain who gets the girl.
His Broken Princess
Updated at May 17, 2022, 11:54
Daily Update. Standalone. Violet Fairy tales are just stories told to small girls, who then start dreaming about their prince charming who never comes when you most need him and then you realize the difference between dreams and reality. In real life there are only monsters and villains, who laugh and do evil things that you can’t wake up from. Because your life is a nightmare you never thought it would be. I lived in that nightmare, and lost everything. My dreams. My heart. My soul. My body. And my voice. The problem with such nightmares are they follow you even when you are awake. My monsters are there in the shadows waiting to pull me back in the darkness I thought I had escaped. I was almost certain that I had left the dark behind because for the first time in my life I dreamed a dream. A dream of having a small life that would be mine. A dream of having someone that I would give everything I have left. A dream that involved the real life prince charming with sherry eyes and protective circle of his arms. My very own protective hero. Only... He wants something else in return. He wants a heart that I no longer have. He wants a princess but I’m just broken. Cole I was the poster boy for almost having it all. I had a life people envied. Parents who loved me. An empire I was heir to. A woman I loved with all my heart. But then in one single night I lost all of it. Now that poster boy is no longer here, two years in a cell would do that to you. You forget to interact with people and you forget to feel anything except the pain that you had kept in for so long. And then she came into my life. She eclipsed my every hurt and pain because hers was greater than mine. She is afraid but hides it well behinds her beauty. She is strong but doesn’t let people see that side of her. And she is broken but I fell for the cracks, wanting to fill them up with the pieces of my own broken heart. I would do anything for her, except... (This book is a dark tragedy. Contains dubious content that might not be for sensitive readers. Proceed with caution.)
OBSESSED with my future husband
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:20
WARNING- Dark, Anti Heroes, Heroine who can kill and kills. b**m. Can Be Read as STANDALONE! HEA and thrilling read. ELLISON I'm not a simpering miss, nor I'm a damsel in distress, I'm a force of nature.And a nightmare for the monsters,that cross our paths on daily basis. I wasn't what he wanted, but I was what he desired.He was looking for a scaredy little princess, but found a Queen. BRANDON "If you think that you can buy the privilege of fucking my p***y then you have another thing coming, Brandon." "Its not a privilege if I am fucking whats mine." I said, my tone gruff as I circled her clit in slow motions. Her eyes darkened, her cheeks pinked and she let out a breath as she gasped, "I'm not." But her actions belied her words as her hand slipped between her legs, her fingers slipping between mine as we both caressed her soft flesh. Collecting the dew from her weeping entrance. "It sure feels like it." I groaned along with her as I slipped a finger inside her. "May be, to you?" She groaned. f**k. This woman. Makes me mad. She makes me a hungry beast. Loosening my hold on her wrist, I slipped my other hand behind her neck and grabbed a fistful of her hair as I tugged her head back and whispered, "Is that a challenge, princess?" She didn't answer me. No. Instead, she grabbed a fistful of my own hair and tugged me the rest of the way down and claimed my mouth with hers. She kissed me like she was as ravenous as I was. She devoured me like I wanted to do her. There was no finesse in this kiss. And I didn'tt want it either. It was perfect. A. Gupta 2020. All rights reserved.
My Tormentor Is My Lover
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:18
ROSE I found myself under the cold shower, fingers tightening around my throat. Black dots danced around my eyes. “Pl.. please..” I gasped out. This time his hold was terrifying I was sure I was going to die. “I am—I, I’m sorry.” I didn’t know why I was apologizing, but I also didn’t know what else to do to make this horrible man go away. “Who are you?!!” He asked again, more threatening than the first time. “Mrs. Rose Johnson Kapoor,” I whisper yelled my name, tears slipping down my cheeks mixing with the cold water as I sobbed. The tight grasp around my throat jerked for a moment, lessening the force, but then as if it had angered him even more, he came closer to my face, his nose brushing mine as he roared, “Who the f**k are you?!!!” And, I heard him. My lion. “A lioness!!” I screeched. Dragging me to the small mirror on the wall, he f****d me to turn around and looked at my reflection then holding my injured hand for me to see, he whispered into my ear, “You couldn’t be. A lioness is a f**king queen, not a coward.” Ryan Johnson had shown what Rose was capable of feeling. He had shown her what it was like to belong to him. So, now Rose is ready to fight back.She'll cross oceans to meet the father of her child and this time she had some of her own lessons to teach him. After all, she had learned from the best. Ryan had seen Rose Kapoor,he had seen what she looks like in a fit of rage but now he'll face Mrs.Rose Ryan Johnson and for once he'd want to be on his knees and worship his queen. © A. Gupta 2019. All rights reserved.
Saved By the Devil
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:15
ANTI-HERO, THEMES THAT MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME… If you're looking for a fairy-tale then look somewhere else. Because mine is not one. My prince charming doesn’t come to save me from the evil,but for his vengeance. He vowed to make me pay for what I did to him. He was the only person who'd seen me and saved me. But he was also the person who I feared the most, even more than my aunt who bartered me for money, because I betrayed him when he needed me the most. He’s like Lucifer, devil and angel mixed in one.He saved me from everyone else but who would save me from the devil that he was? Maddox When they're dragging me by my cuffed hands,I'd promised her that I’d come for her and make her pay.And then,I did... I punished her for the betrayal she dealt me and for eight secluded months I spent in the dark cell.I craved her pain and tears.I thrived on her fear and submission. But then I realised,her tears weren’t for me.No,she didn’t fear me as much as she feared the monsters that were after her.And,I realised that may be I could be the Devil who saved her. Preview “Please,Mad... I have an explanation,why I did that…”I was cut short as Maddox barked,“Don’t call me that! And, I don’t wanna hear lies,I just got out of the jail and now I want all the tension sucked off of me.”He came closer,caressed my face,demanding,"On your knees.” “Please, you can’t do this,”I cried out,turning to the eldest brother."Please, make them stop,you can tell them to back off. Please.” I begged as I looked at Brandon,but then he shook his head and looked over my head. Carter brothers always stick together. © A. Gupta 2019. All rights reserved.
The Kingdom of Burning Ice
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:13
"Am I doing it right?” She asked. Her eyes looked up at me expectantly as she waited for my answer. I brought my hand up to her head, checking the urge to push her down on my hard, needy length, I caressed her. And I said, “You are doing perfect, my little wolf.” She grinned up at me and tucked a dark curl behind her ear as she said, or more like announced, “Now I am going to kiss you.” Everything she does or every time I look at her it makes me realize how much I adore her and how deep she was buried inside me. And before I knew it or focused on what she just said, she leaned down and peppered my thick flesh with kisses, making me nearly come undone from those soft little caresses of her lips. Her soft, cushiony lips pressed delightful kisses on my côck, making it throb and flinch in her hold. “My little wolf...” I managed to say. She blinked up at me. So pure and innocent. “Do you want me to tell you how to do it?” The selfish part of me questioned. She nodded eagerly. “Part your lips and take me in you— Oh, lord...” I ended up on a growl as her tongue darted out and she licked the drop of clear liquid from the head of my shaft. And then her lips parted and she enveloped me inside her mouth. I sucked in a sharp breath and breathed through clenched teeth as I felt the wet warmth of her mouth. It took all of my control to not lose myself. She let me go with a plop, only to lick a path from my base to my head and then she took me inside her mouth again. This time when she released me, she asked, “What do I do next?” I softly caressed her head, touched my thumb to her wet lips and said, “Suck me..” She tilted her head to the side and for a beat contemplated my words as she looked down at my côck. Then with a nod, she leaned down and sucked me to the back of her throat. A second later she sputtered and looked up at me with a tearful gaze. It took me a moment to focus after the bone deep pleasure she just gave me for a second that I forgot myself. I said, “Slowly, love. I’m too big for your pretty mouth.” Werewolves with special powers. Fated Mates with a twist. Witches. Black Magic. And hidden villains. Lost, stubborn Princess. Angry Alpha King with a kind heart. A Royal gathering. And heat that wouldn't go down. Give this book a try. Dressed as a man Frostine has sneaked into the kingdom. She had heard that the king who ruled here was kind and passionate to the plights of his subjects. And also filled with wrath for the people who hurt the lesser ones. And she wanted nothing but the protection by staying in the kingdom. So she ran from Aunt Sedha who was making a witch do a spell on her. Frostine didn't understand what was happening but the old witch had said if the gifts of fate were taken from Frostine then she'd die.And Frostine didn't want to die. So with the help of her wolf friend, she came into the kingdom of the most powerful king of the land, seeking refuge from her hateful aunt. Kenneth has ruled his kingdom and the lost princess's for the last century and half. Both kingdoms were flourishing under his reign. He had turned one hundred and fifty years old and all these years he hasn't stopped searching for his best friend and the lost princess of Fire kingdom.The day his father had died, the former king has left him a letter asking him to find the princess and bring her home, to give her the rightful place of the Queen. But no matter how far he sent his men, there was no sign of the princess. Tired of waiting he announced to his people and neighboring kingdoms that he'd soon take a mate. And make her his Queen. He thought at least he could fulfil one wish of his dead father and marry so his soul rests in peace. But the king was unaware of the deciet that was going in his own kingdom. The princess he was searching for was inside his castle and there were evil forces that were doing everything possible to keep the King apart from his destined mate. Because once upon a time a witch had predicted that once the king met his mate, he'd be undefeated and his reign would be lasting forever. Will the lost princess get her kingdom back? Will the King find her before he lost her forever? Or, will the evil villains once again win and separate them like they did in the past?
Married To A Duke
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:10
“W-what is happening?” I asked, twisting my hands. “Remember you asked if I was angry?” He questioned. “Yes. And... and you s-said you weren’t.” I stammered. The premonition. Now was back with vengeance. As if I hadn’t said a word, he continued, “It seemed I am very angry. Furious, even.” His voice was too soft, and now I saw it— the anger. I didn’t know how I didn’t see it before. The whole time we were eating dinner he didn’t once called me his duchess, he didn’t talk only let me babble about my day, and neither his blue eyes shined bright. May be I was fooling myself thinking he had forgiven the whole thing. “And, I tried. I tried to let it go. But I can’t.” He stood up and came to stand near the bed. “So, what’s this? A punishment?” I asked, my body trembling with unknown and the darkness that surrounded him. “No. Not a punishment.” He said, but before I could’ve relaxed, he added, “A lesson, Amelie.” Amelie An arrange marriage. To a pretend King. To a Duke. To a Wolfe. I never thought I’d happily enter into one. But I did. It was supposed to save me from the monsters in the outside world. But what I wasn’t prepared for was to feel something when I look at my husband. There's darkness in him, beneath that gentleman aura he cloaks himself in. I haven't felt anything for so long and now it’s taking everything to stop feeling. Especially when he calls me His Duchess. But for reasons unknown to me I'm attracted to his darkness. I shouldn’t feel all this, especially when there are the secrets of his past and an insane ex, about which he hadn't shared to me anything. This was supposed to be an arrange marriage with agreements decided on but its slowly becoming something else. The darkness I'm attracted to also makes me afraid and wary of him. Because sometimes it's overwhelming and it makes me rethink the fact if he'd saved me or caged me. Raphael I am not what she wanted. But I was what she got. There was a time when I believed in love and happily ever after. But betrayal teaches you a few things. And I have learned. But when a desperate, damsel in distress comes knocking at my door, asking for help. I do what any man would do. I reached out a hand to help. Turns out, for the second time, I was wrong because it wasn’t just an arrangement. It wasn't just a transaction, like it was meant to be. It was something more, something deep. So much, that I couldn't see it until it started to fall away from my tightly clutched fists and I couldn't reach it anymore. I got her where I wanted her through cold calculations and slow manipulations but now I realise it isn't enough. Two broken hearts. Light tinted with darkness. Hope you like it. For the people who like their heroes dark and tortured. And heroine who didn't instantly fall her over heels. Character development. And HEA.
INDEBTED To A Tyrant King
Updated at Feb 5, 2022, 11:08
Sneak peak “Then what the hell do you want?” I snapped, standing up, unable to sit. “Everything. I want everything. Your every desire. Every thought. Every want. I want to own you, every inch of you. Inside and out.” By the time he finished, his blue eyes were like dark storms, and they seemed to look deep inside me as if he could just snatch out my thoughts from my mind just by his will. “You can have it.” The words were out before I could give them another thought. He sat still, almost frozen as he looked up at me. And I smiled, inwardly, knowing I had made him speechless, momentarily if not more. “Except my heart.” I added at last. The fervor in his eyes dimmed. They flashed silver. Calculating, plotting his next move, he regarded me for a long moment and it doesn’t matter that he was sitting and I was standing, he still managed to intimidate me with the way he eyed me. Then finally he said, “Alright. I’ll give you your freedom, but with certain conditions. And in exchange, you’ll obey me, no questions asked. For the entire world, you’ll play my dutiful wife.” “And in bedroom.” I added. He flashed a wolfish grin as he agreed, “And in bedroom.” Then he held out his hand for me, “A deal, it is then?” I placed my hand in his my whole body coming alive as if it knew what I was agreeing to. “Deal.” The next second I was on his lap as he tugged me down sideways with his arm around my waist. “Now, why don’t you make me believe that you’ll truly stand by your words.” Summer First time I met him,I befriended him.Second time,I wanted him to kiss me.Third time,I imagined marrying him.But when next time I saw him,I realised how wrong I was.He wasn't a prince but the Tyrant King.He wasn't a hero,more like a villain in everyone's story.He wasn't meant to be a loving husband.He was more like a predator who lures virgins to be sacrificed at his altar. Instead of letting him trap me in his alluring web,I decided to run away. But now I'm in need of a favor.A huge one.And there's only one man who can help me.The man from whom I'd ran away in the first place.Bcoz he wanted something that I wasn't ready to give him then.Me. Standing on his turf, I'm waiting for the infamous mafia king of New Orleans to grant me an audience.I've a deal to make. But the rules have changed.He just doesn't want me.He wants my submission.Mind.Body.My thoughts.My heart.My soul.As he said Every-fucking-thing. Gabriel Since I saw her,I wanted her.My obsession made her run away.She thought I wouldn't find her.She thought I'd forget about her.She thought that she could be safe away from me.But she thought wrong. I'm a predator,a dangerous one.The one who could keep her safe from all the other animals in the wild. I am Gabriel Wolfe.The most powerful,feared man in the city.I own New Orleans.There's nothing that happens without a nod from me.I'm as ruthless and cruel as they say.I won't stop until I get what I want.And I want her. I’d waited for her to come to me.I've a plan.To give her what she want and have her in my debt.She shouldn't have run away.And if she did,she shouldn’t have come back.Bcoz now,just having her isn't enough.Now, I’m going to make her mine.In all ways that matter.
Hating My Baby's Father
Updated at Jan 28, 2022, 11:30
Kiara The second he stepped in my bedroom on that faithful night, I knew I was going to change.I knew he was going to change everything inside my life. One look at him and I saw the darkness behind his teasing smiles and open laughs, but despite that he was the only source of light in my dark and lonely nights. He made me feel whole in the house filled with nothing but emptiness... Even though, I knew he was going to end up hurting me,I still clung to him like a downing man to a wooden plank. The only problem was he was broken. And,the splinters cut deep, slicing me open, leaving my heart a bloody mess. To escape the pain and to save whatever was left of my heart, I left. I left with something of his, knowing he'd find me and make me pay. But, my broken heart didn't care. Dominic The first time I saw her, every cell in my body had told me to turn around and run. Because, I knew she was the missing part that would make me whole and that she too had it in her to break me into tiniest pieces. But, knowing that didn't stop me from going to her. I tried everything there was to keep her away, but her pieces fit me too perfectly. Her sassy attitude and her dirty mouth that hid her innocent and lonely heart had me bowing down to the need to have her for myself. She made me whole,the only problem was... I realised a little too late that being with me and the demons of my past was breaking her more. So, going against everything in me, I sent her away. And she disappeared, without telling me that she was taking something of mine with her. I will find her. And, I'll punish her for stealing from me. © A. Gupta 2019. All rights reserved. “Remove it,” He said it for the second time as I sat there looking at him. “Dominic—” “Don't pretend that you don't want it. And, don't think for a second that I’m giving you any choice, I am going to fuck you either way." “Are you really going to force me?” I asked, looking into his handsome face and blue eyes, that I had missed every day. He put his knee beside me as he leaned over me, tilting my face up, he asked, “Is it really forcing you when I could smell your arousal all the way over here?” The look in his eyes had my pussy walls squeezing, and I could feel myself getting wetter. I took a deep breath as I said, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t want you.” His eyes roamed over me as if conflicted, and then stopped as he came to a decision. But, I didn’t wait for him, I turned around, snatching the blanket to cover myself as I laid back down on the bed. I didn’t even settle comfortably when I was flipped on my stomach and he was sitting on the back of my calves. “What the fuck are you doing, Dominic?!!” I yelled. “Isn’t it, clear?” He asked back as I felt his hand creeping under the t-shirt and caressing my hips.