Story By Mary E Thompson

Mary E Thompson

His Curvy Stranger
Updated at Nov 29, 2023, 19:00
KnoxHer proposition was easy. One night. No names. No connection. Just a night to forget the outside world. I couldn’t say no to her. I didn’t want to. In the morning, she was gone. Just like she promised. I knew I wouldn’t see her again. Until she sat across from me the next night for our first date. HaleyIf anyone can screw up a relationship, it’s gonna be me. I moved to a new town for the guy I’d been dating for almost a year, only to find out he was married with two teenagers. Then I had a one-night stand with the hot guy from the hardware store, and got paired with him on a dating app for a date the next night. After I told him I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I wasn’t, not really, but if I was going to stick around for a while, I might as well get to know the locals. Especially the ones who made me feel like there might be a place for me in this small town. 
Updated at Nov 29, 2023, 19:00
Enjoy the 6th book in the steamy BBW romantic suspense series from USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mary E Thompson. She survived a fate worse than death. She wants revenge.  Not remembering the months she spent held captive didn’t erase that they happened. Edie lost more than her memories. She lost her dignity, her job, her cousin, and all faith in humanity. And the man who held her was still out there. Doing the same to others. Being a cop wasn’t always Pryce’s dream, but when his childhood best friend fingered him as an accomplice, he fought like hell to hold on to it. He kept his job, but the other cops didn’t trust him. Most refused to work with him. Pryce knew there was value in the streets, and he focused on gaining the trust of the people in his district instead of his coworkers. Edie knows there’s only so much the police can do to stop the man who kidnapped her, but she isn’t bound by the same laws. When Pryce gets word of a new vigilante taking down criminals in his district, he has to stop her before she gets hurt. But Edie is no fragile flower. She has vengeance and knowledge on her side. Two things Pryce knows can tip any scale. Night-by-night, they get closer to the truth, and day-by-day, they get closer to each other. Falling in love shouldn’t be possible going through hell, but for two people with nothing to lose, holding on to each other feels as easy as decimating the organization that tried to destroy her. But the man they’re after isn’t going down without a fight. 
His Curvy Infatuation
Updated at Nov 29, 2023, 19:00
BrantleyDo. Not. Fall for Valentina again. Do. Not. I can’t take it a second time. Oh, who am I kidding. I never stopped loving Valentina. I messed up when we were young. I never imagined introducing her to my college roommate would mean watching her fall for him, marry him, build a life with him, and have it all blow up in her face. I really wasn’t happy about that last one. I wasn’t heartbroken by it either, but I hated seeing her hurt. She deserved better. She deserved the world. She was perfect. She was everything I’d ever wanted in a woman. I tried to get over her. For years. I told myself it was too late for us. But I didn’t think she’d be single again more than twenty years after I fell in love with her. Falling for her again might kill me, but watching her fall for someone else will destroy me. Maybe there’s a chance for us. ValentinaMy divorce is final. I’m single again. Everyone says I should date. Get back on the horse and all that. I’m too raw. Too scared. Not because I’m still in love with my ex but because dating opens me up to being a fool again. Brantley is safe, though. He can be my shield. He has been for as long as I can remember. Coaxing me out of my shell and helping me step into myself. He’s there now, like he’s always been. Bringing me dinner, taking me out for drinks, being the favorite uncle for my daughters now that their father is gone. The more time I spend with Brantley, the more I see the man I never noticed. Kind, smart, affectionate. He’s all the things I’d want in a man if I was willing to date again. Hell, he’s all the things I want in a man no matter what. But falling for him is a bad idea. Isn’t it? 
Updated at Jul 19, 2023, 01:20
Enjoy the 5th book in the steamy BBW romantic suspense series from USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mary E Thompson. He'll stop at nothing to keep her safe. Even if it means crossing a line he swore he'd never cross.Raina London thought she’d be safe. She thought her abusive ex would be caught, he’d pay for his laundry list of crimes, and she could move on with her life. But her ex is free. He’s walking the streets, and after he tried to kill her, again, Raina’s not sure she’ll ever close her eyes again without seeing his vicious, evil face. FBI Agent Adam Johnson is damn good at his job. He’s been recognized for his achievements and his record is impeccable. Taking down one lowlife should have been simple, but Adam’s confidence is shaken and he’s not sure he’s the right person for the job. Not when Raina was hurt because he failed to keep her safe. And especially not when he’s falling for her. With her ex getting closer every day, Adam and Raina vanish. If no one knows where they are, no one else is in danger. Pretending to be an ordinary couple is easier than they expected. Sharing secrets, sharing a bed, and sharing themselves has them both letting down their guard. But it only takes one slip for the evil they’re running from to catch up to them. 
Updated at Apr 5, 2023, 19:30
Enjoy the 4th book in the steamy BBW romantic suspense series from USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mary E Thompson. Justice is coming… because she’s bringing it. Mackenzie never wanted anyone else to go through the same hell she went through. Being wrongly accused of murder nearly broke her, but letting someone get away with murder would be worse. She was convinced she knew the truth, until she discovered the woman who was supposed to be dead was very much alive. Holden has been in love with Mackenzie since the day they met. She’s smart and stunning and completely oblivious of his feelings for her. He’s finally ready to ask her out, but she has her other plans. Bringing justice to the city’s most dangerous criminal. And she refuses to let Holden help. Trust doesn’t come easily for Mackenzie, but facing evil alone is not something she can do. Holden has always been kind, and she quickly learns he’s also funny and smart and a damn good kisser. But none of that will help her get justice for the woman on the other end of the phone as she gasps for her last breath. A breath Mackenzie will make sure was not a waste.
His Curvy Boss
Updated at Feb 1, 2023, 22:02
PatrickI wasn’t sure what was sexier… the way my boss’s suits clung to her curves or the way she controlled a room full of men who thought they didn’t need to listen to the woman in charge.Goldie was a force to be reckoned with, and working for her was fun. She was smart and clever and beautiful. Damn, was she beautiful. But she didn’t see any of that in herself. I had no problem telling her, even though she was convinced I was just flirting. Yeah, I was, but one day she’d realize I was flirting because I saw her as so much more than just my boss. She was the kind of woman I wanted in my life for good.GoldieI’d worked hard to get to where I was. To become the boss and run things the way I wanted to run them. It wasn’t easy, especially going through a divorce and raising my son. But I finally got to where I wanted to be.I could not, would not, risk my reputation and career for a fling with my assistant. It didn’t matter how cute he was. Yes, cute, because he was also fourteen years younger than me. I had my son when I was his age. I was married. I was planning a future… that never happened. I wouldn’t steal the same from him, no matter how many times he told me all he wanted in his future was me.
Updated at Dec 11, 2022, 19:20
Enjoy the 3rd book in the steamy BBW romantic suspense series from USA TODAY Bestselling Author Mary E Thompson. No one knows she’s alive. No one except him. Being dead was not as easy as Karli thought it would be. She couldn’t call anyone, use her cards, or go anywhere with a camera. Her face had been on every channel, trying to gather support for finding her killer. A man who killed the wrong woman. A man who would hunt her down and get it right if he knew Karli was still alive. Cade knew the woman in the morgue was not who everyone said she was. He knew her face, every inch of it, and they were wrong. He just had to find her, the other her, and convince her to trust him. When a stranger calls her by name, Karli’s instincts tell her to run. But there’s something about him that pulls her in. Something that gets her to let her guard down. Something that could cost her her life. Forever this time.
Updated at Sep 14, 2022, 23:30
She only had one night with him. Then she had to disappear. Jessica had always been the good girl. She did what she was supposed to do, was kind to others, and always put her job ahead of her personal life. Which was why she was still single at thirty-three, even though she’d been lusting over her boss’s baby brother for years. She finally got a date with him, two to be exact. And then she found her best friend. Dead. Braden thought his firefighter friends were joking when they said his date was on the TV, but they weren’t. Jessica, his Jessica, was wanted for murder? She wouldn’t hurt a soul, especially not her best friend. But she was missing. His calls went straight to voicemail. She hadn’t shown up to work. Innocent people didn’t run. The only way to clear Jessica’s name is to expose whoever set her up. Without resources and with the entire city looking for her. Jessica doesn’t know where to start, but she’s willing to fight to find the truth…and justice. 
His Curvy Fantasy
Updated at Sep 14, 2022, 23:30
Hudson From the moment Anna Charlotte stormed into my bar and demanded answers from me, I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. She was infuriating, and she had no right to question the way I ran my business. Who did she think she was? Just because her son was one of my employees, she didn’t get to stick her nose in. She could sit her curvy, cute butt on a stool and stew, but she couldn’t say a peep. Who was I kidding? Anna didn’t know how to sit still and not talk. Or complain. Or instruct me to fix all the things I was doing wrong. Which seemed to be everything. There was only one way to shut her up. And it was damn effective. Anna Trust was a four-letter word in my life. Whenever I thought I could trust someone, they taught me real quick that I was wrong. So, why would I trust Hudson Grant? He owns a bar, for crying out loud. He wasn’t looking out for my son’s best interest. It didn’t matter that his grades had improved since starting to work for Hudson. Or that he was focused on his future. Or that he helped out at home without being asked and did his homework and helped his brother. None of that had to do with Hudson. Right? It couldn’t. That wasn’t who he was. I knew men like him. Men who were only interested in one thing. Men who didn’t care if they broke your heart. Men who…were nothing like Hudson Grant.
His Curvy Genius
Updated at May 13, 2022, 02:11
XavierThe day I walked away from Karissa was the hardest day of my life. Until the mother of my newborn daughter walked out of the hospital and left both of us behind. My daughter and I built a life, just the two of us. We were happy, and we were together. But when she started getting into trouble at high school, a change had to be made. Nothing mattered to me more than her. So, I did what I couldn’t do for Karissa. I embraced small town life. I never expected we’d end up in Karissa’s small town. With her best friend and my best friend starting a family, and trying to make us a part of it. Keeping my distance from her was the smart thing, but I was never the smart one out of the two of us.KarissaI thought of myself as smart. Someone who could use her brains to figure things out. When I designed a dating app, I thought it was good. For everyone except me, apparently. The app matched me with my ex. My ex who decided all the things he wanted in his life were the opposite of what I wanted. Small town? Nope, moving to the city. Regular job? Nope, something big and flashy. Quiet life together? Ha! That was the biggest joke of all. He had all those things. He got the big job in the big city and lived his big life. But now he’s in my small town. He’s eating at my favorite places and making space for himself within my group of friends. He’s infiltrating my world. But he’s not getting back inside my heart.
His Curvy Ex
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:16
SebastianMy life would have been so much better if Zoey had never walked back into it. She was the first girl I ever loved, and the one I should have spent my life with. Instead, she took her empty promises and vows of love and married someone else. But it’s been years, and she’s back. Without the husband. She’s single once again, and has two kids and even more of those curves that always made me crazy. I just have to stay away from her for two months. She stayed away for years. I can handle a few months. I hope. ZoeyI thought walking away from my marriage was going to be tough, but it was nothing compared to walking back into my past. To seeing the man I fell in love with before I knew what love meant. Before I knew who I was or what I wanted from life. The last time Sebastian and I lived in the same town, I vowed to return to him. I thought he would move on when I didn’t, but he never got married. He never found anyone else. He was still single, but my life was too complicated to get involved with him. Or anyone. But life doesn’t always listen. Sometimes things happen that force us to discover just how much we can handle. And to find who will be there when we’re at our worst. I never thought it would be Sebastian coming to my rescue. I should have known better. That’s the kind of man he is. Too bad he’s not interested in sticking around. Karma’s a b@tch.
His Curvy Frustration
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:16
JamesTrinity had a way of getting under my skin. From the moment we met, she pushed me. With each push, I wanted her more, but she hated me. I saw it in the sneers and the eye rolls and the looks of disgust when I took another woman home. She didn’t need to know I was only doing it to piss her off. She never asked for anything or even acknowledged me most of the time. Until one night. She needed me. And there was nowhere else I’d rather be than holding her in my arms. Except maybe holding her in my arms when she wasn’t crying. TrinityThe very last person I wanted anything from was Officer James Rucker. If there was any option at all, I wouldn’t call him, but I had no choice. I needed a cop. To my surprise, he came. He helped. He was the guy everyone else knew instead of the @$$ he always was to me. I didn’t know what to do with that. It was easy to keep him in the box I put him in. To tell myself it didn’t matter how sexy his smile was or how hard my insides clenched when he left with another woman. No. No. No. I wasn’t going to think of James like that. I couldn’t. I wanted fun in my life, and he was the polar opposite of that. We weren’t right. We weren’t an option. It didn’t matter if he was starring in my dreams. Or knocking on my door…
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:15
She thought their marriage would last forever. That she could count on him to be her partner. She was wrong. Six months ago, Stacey kicked her lying husband out of their bed. They made promises to each other. Promises that didn’t include lonely nights and lonelier days missing the man who slept on the couch. Something had to give. She knew that as sure as she knew her former client’s death was murder. Wray’s nights under the same roof as his wife and sons were numbered. Every time he left, he wondered if she’d change the locks while he was at the fire station. He couldn’t change the past, but he hoped they still had a shot at a future. Until she tells him it’s over. Making a rash decision when she’s emotional is a bad idea, but Stacey never expects it will put her family at risk. Keeping Wray home is the best way to protect their sons, even though he threatens her heart. As for the man who threatens her life, he’ll get exactly what he deserves.
His Curvy Nurse
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:14
NicoResisting Laura was getting harder and harder every day. Seeing her talking and laughing with patients and watching the shutters close when she looked at me was painful. I deserved it, but it was not easy. Not when I wanted to know everything there was to know about her. If only I wasn’t her boss. Crossing that line wasn’t a good idea. We had important work to do. Work that saved lives and helped people. I couldn’t risk it. I wouldn’t. But hearing about her dates was driving me crazy. If I could meet someone, maybe I could forget about her. There had to be someone on the online dating app who would take my mind off of her. LauraLife’s too short for regrets. I learned that day after day working with patients living and dying with cancer. They all told me the same thing. Stop being afraid of living my life and grab it by the balls.So, I listened. I stopped wondering when my boss was going to notice me. I stopped wishing he would see me as more than just his nurse. I stopped declining dates with other men in hopes Nico would one day ask me out.I am not so evolved that I actually stopped hoping something would happen, but I had to move on. People were dying with regrets, and I couldn’t live with mine.I never thought dating other men would make Nico notice me. I never expected him to be pissed off. And I sure as hell never thought he’d be jealous.But I definitely liked that side of him. The side that said he wanted me. It wasn’t going to be that easy, though. He needed to work for it. One kiss, one touch, one panty-melting word at a time.
His Curvy Outcast
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:14
RowanHiding in plain sight was never easy. Sure, no one in town knew my history, but I still didn’t like feeling so exposed. Knowing that it wouldn’t take much for them to figure out that I was there for a reason, and not staying forever. But after a few months, the small town was winning me over. The night life could use a little more excitement, and the dating options were minimal at best, but she caught my eye the first time I saw her. The angry look on her face hid the pain in her eyes. Maybe I was crazy for wanting to know why she was hurt, or maybe I just recognized someone I could relate to. Someone who might not judge me the way I’d been judging myself. I just needed a way to get her to talk to me. WillowThe last thing I needed was a cop on a power trip trying to make a name for himself. I knew I was an easy target. No one in town liked me. But did he have to give me a ticket? And worse, did he have to buy me a drink? Yeah, because that was going to make it all better. I shouldn’t have had the drink. I shouldn’t have talked to him. Or let him kiss me. Or let him walk me home. I knew I was playing with fire because he was gorgeous and snarky and the first person in far too long who acted like I mattered. It was a mistake to let him in, to open myself up to him. But by the time I learned just how big of a mistake, it was far too late to keep myself from wanting something I’d never get from him. From wanting more. 
His Curvy Craving
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:12
TrentI loved my hometown in the fall. The summer guests were drifting home and the sleepy town I ran fast and far from decades ago became the home I remembered. The home I loved. I let it get to me. I let myself get sucked in. I wasn’t the town’s son anymore. I was nobody. Or so I thought. That random woman I met online? I didn’t think she knew who I was. She pretended she didn’t. But after one night, she was trying to trap me into a lifetime together. Ha! She couldn’t trick me. I wasn’t falling for it. Or her. FinleyFinally. I finally got things settled at work. I was good for nine months. Time to hang on and make a new plan. I deserved a night out. A quick fling with a rare stranger in my small town. One night. One time. Not one line. Shit. I was supposed to spend those nine months growing my business, not growing a person. Now I need to tell that stranger about the baby. If I can find him. 
His Curvy Gift
Updated at Mar 20, 2022, 20:12
GavinSpending the holidays with my aunt in her small town would have made me insanely happy as a kid. As an adult, I’d outgrown the idea of settling down in a small town and enjoyed my city life. The month I was staying would go fast and I’d be back to normal before I knew it. I hoped. Then I met the curvy server. The one who handled the overly friendly customers with ease and ignored me just as seamlessly. Walking her home at the end of the night felt normal, almost like I could belong there. First, I had to get over everyone knowing everything. But there were perks. Like running in to Piper again. And getting matched with her on an online dating app. PiperOnline dating worked for me. I was not looking for more than one night. Relationships and me didn’t mix. I was good with that. But there were always times when I didn’t want to be quite so alone. Like during the holidays. Gavin was different than most of the men I knew. He said we could be friends. He didn’t try for anything more. He said he’s leaving after the holidays and not looking to get involved. He has a life, and it’s not in my small town. So when he asks me to spend the holidays pretending to be dating him, I go along with it. But every fake relationship has to include kisses, and gentle touches, and nights spent between the sheets. I let myself trust him. I let myself believe he was different. I almost let myself fall for him. Never mind. I fell. I just hope he can catch me. 
His Curvy Treat
Updated at Feb 14, 2022, 02:07
ColinSmall town living was not what I was used to. I liked my quiet and solitude, but there didn’t seem to be much of that in a town so small everyone knew I was a newcomer. They knew more about my family history than I did. They were all nice, and friendly, and wanted to know me, but it all just made me want to hide from them. Except for Elise. She was the one woman I wanted to get to know. She was a mystery, a mystery that intrigued me. She talked and laughed and enjoyed life, but when I was around she closed up. And when we our dating profiles were matched and we met out for a drink, she bolted. Flat out refused to stick around. And refused to give me another chance. She didn’t know I wouldn’t give up that easily. EliseI knew online dating was a risk. Sometimes he was a freak. Sometimes he was just wrong. And sometimes he was the guy I was trying to convince myself I wasn’t interested in. Getting involved with a man wasn’t an option for me. Not since my ex almost destroyed me. He was sweet and kind at first, like Colin, but it hid an evil that shattered my faith in men and my ability to ever trust one again. Colin didn’t back off like most men did. One rejection usually sent them running for the next bed to jump into, but Colin kept trying. He made me feel special. Like I was important. Resisting him was harder with each kiss and each touch. He wanted all of me, the good and the bad, and he wasn’t stopping until he got it. 
His Curvy Wife
Updated at Feb 14, 2022, 02:06
RamseyWalking out was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I promised her I’d never do it, but I also promised I’d keep her safe. That was the promise I couldn’t keep if I stayed. I wouldn’t risk her life or her health, so I risked my own heart and walked away. But she was ready to move on. To meet someone else. To find a new man who’d be willing to put what she wanted above keeping her safe. A new man who’d put his hands on my wife. Love her. Touch her. Hell. No. She was still mine. MelodyI’ve only ever loved one man. One gorgeous, maddening, wonderful man. I even managed to marry him. I thought we’d be together forever, but everything changed when I lost our baby. Instead of being his wife and lover, I was his new project. Something to fix. I didn’t need to be fixed, though. I couldn’t be. I needed my husband, but he wasn’t there. Some other man was there. A man who stopped seeing me and only saw a fragile, wounded woman he had to shelter. But it was all over. My husband left me. He couldn’t fix me, so he stopped trying. He told me he wanted a divorce, and I had no reason to make him stay. We weren’t the people we used to be. I still loved him, but, as much as I wanted it to be, sometimes love wasn’t enough.And sometimes life threw you a curve. Like being paired with my husband on an online dating site. Could it be as easy as starting over? 
His Curvy Friend
Updated at Jan 12, 2022, 23:03
Ian Being stuck in the friend-zone sucked. I was done. Blake had been single long enough, and if I didn’t make a move, she’d get together with the wrong man again. Because the right one was me. Luck was definitely on my side. An online dating site paired us up. It was an opportunity to show her the side of me she didn’t know. The side who wasn’t interested in a fling with half the women in town. The side who wanted something serious and lasting. With her. I thought about confessing. Telling her that I was the guy she was sharing her secrets with. But keeping my online identity a secret meant she talked to me. Really talked to me. It was worth the risk. Blake was worth any risk. Blake Getting dumped sucked. Getting dumped because he thought I was in love with my best friend’s older brother was ludicrous. I did not have a thing for Ian. Yeah, we shared a hotel room when we went to Hawaii, but nothing happened. I mean, I walked in on him right after he got out of the shower. Water running down his chest. Hair slicked back from his face. That stormy look in his eyes. And the rock, hard… Ahem, anyway. No, I did not have a thing for him. We were friends. That was it. No one needed to know I still dreamed about what would have happened if I’d closed that door with me on the inside instead of the outside. It was never going to happen. Ever.
Round & Ravishing
Updated at Jan 10, 2022, 18:03
I thought I had everything. I was living my dream life, but it all fell apart, and I had to crawl home with my tail between my legs. Working with my mom in her flower shop was not ideal, but with no job, no boyfriend, and no future in Hollywood, it was my best, ahem only, option.Until a reporter shows up asking about the nude pictures of me online. Um, excuse me? Cue freak out.I’d love to pretend they weren’t me, but those are definitely my curvy thighs. And all my other curvy parts. I remember the day they were taken. And who took them. Funny how his career took off and mine didn’t.Before I can figure out what to do, another guy shows up. Noah’s sweet and funny and doesn’t seem to know anything about the pictures. Is it possible? He really seems too good to be true. As everything starts to feel like it’s crumbling, he’s there, supporting me. Loving me. Letting me forget.But I can’t forget. And I can’t let go. I wasn’t the only one in those pictures. But I was the only one exposed online. Maybe it’s time someone else gets some extra exposure.
Husky & Hot
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
First impressions were never my strong suit. Between my curves and my mouth, I had a tendency to turn people off. But him? Oh, he was definitely not turned off. It was supposed to be an anonymous fling with a stranger. Yeah, I knew sneaking away with him at a party a friend was throwing was risky, but he was impossible to resist. Too bad he was also my new boss. Working side-by-side with Drew was definitely not a harship. We clicked, and the close quarters and long hours made resisting him impossible. We thought we were being sneaky, until his mother caught us getting a little too close. She wanted him with his ex, and I didn’t measure up. I didn’t care. Not really. Not until his perfect ex walked in, and he forgot I existed. 
Fat & Fine
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
I’m going to make him eat his words.So what if my ex thinks I’m fat? He doesn’t know what he’s missing. But I joined a gym and I’m going to show him.First step, ignore the sexy and intense owner of my new gym. He intrigues and intimidates me at the same time. The way he watches me makes me wonder if he’s trying to find a way to kick me out. I can’t handle another guy rejecting me because of my curves. Then he throws out other clients for making me feel like crap.And kisses me.He’s not like any guy I’ve ever met. He’s strong and silent and a whole lot of alpha. Maybe a little too much for me. He gives me confidence and defends me and makes me believe I can do anything.I’ve never felt this way. That’s good though, right?
Lush & Lovely
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
We were friends. Just friends. Him asking me out all the time? That was innocent flirting. He wasn’t serious.But he was serious about turning down a date with someone else because we had plans. He picked me up, talked to my friends, and checked in on me all night. Like a date. And that good night kiss?There was nothing friendly about that.He kissed like a man who knew exactly what he wanted. And me? I couldn’t deny I wanted the same thing. I just hoped I wasn’t going to get hurt letting him in.
Plump & Pretty
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
I’m not perfect. I know that. My curves have curves, and I’d rather bury my nose in a book than have a conversation with a real live person. Especially one who really might be perfect.Connor was the guy in high school. The one everyone wanted to be friends with. The guy every girl fantasized about. The guy who didn’t even know I existed. It didn’t really matter, though. High school was forever ago, and I was okay with who I was. Even if I could stand a few less curves.So, why is Connor asking me to dance? And why is he showing up at my work? And why am I having such a hard time saying no to his sweet words and even sweeter kisses?It can’t be real. Girls like me don’t end up with guys like him. Do they?
Stocky & Sumptuous
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
Things men are good for:1. Sex2. Refer to #1I knew love existed. I wasn’t a complete idiot. But I hadn’t experienced it and was over coming in second place to a man’s job. No more workaholics. No more jerks. No more men. Because obviously my taste in men is pitiful.If it weren’t for my desire to have a kid, I would give up men for good. Even with how badly I want to be a mom, I’m not sure I can handle getting involved with someone else. It’s not worth it to wonder if he’ll remember I exist.Hunter is just like the rest of them. He works crazy hours, he’s chasing his dreams, and he has workaholic written all over his three piece suit. He is all wrong for me. I don’t want him. No, really, I don’t. I promise.Okay, fine, I do. I have fantasies of him walking in and messing up more than just my desk. But I know it’ll end the same way. He’s good for some fun, but I can’t risk getting attached to him. I’ll only end up regretting it.
Ample & Alluring
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:13
I hate Christmas.I know that’s harsh, but all the fake, happy families and people letting the pressure of a perfect holiday get to them really got to me. The one thing making it easier is Mayor Wyatt Ramsey.We’re friends, and he decided to make it his mission to change my mind about his favorite holiday. I am less than confident in his skills, but his excitement is more than a little contagious.Just like his kisses. And his touches. And the sexy looks that make me hot. Falling for Christmas is easy. Falling for Wyatt is, too. But not everything is so easy.Like finding out I’m pregnant…
Shapely & Stunning
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:12
We had the perfect arrangement. Friends with benefits. We didn’t get attached. Neither of us wanted more. Everything was perfect.Until Mike became my boss. I couldn’t sleep with my boss. I had no choice but to end things with him.He didn’t agree with me. Not only that, but he doubled down and said he didn’t just want to keep seeing each other but he wanted to take things to the next level.Friends with benefits was perfect.Friends with benefits was easy.Friends with benefits was not enough. Not anymore.
Curvaceous & Captivating
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:12
Laundry, kids, work, friends, dishes, trash… My to-do list was longer than any one person should ever have, but that’s life as a single mom.The last thing I needed was an stubborn, irritating, alpha male who thought hitting on his assistant in front of me would impress me. Ethan Norwood was not my kind of guy. He had bad news written all over him from the dangerous glint in his eyes to the tattoos that cover his body to the power he holds as the biggest sponsor for the town Easter egg hunt.Staying away from him should be easy. I didn’t have time, and I definitely didn’t need the jerk in my life. Too bad I can’t seem to be able to say no to him. If working together wasn’t bad enough, him showing up at my house sealed the deal. But I was the one who let him in, and let him meet my kids, and let him kiss me and touch me and make me forget all about everything else I was supposed to be doing. Because he was much more fun.
Puffy & Precious
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:12
Life is good. I’m finally watching my dreams come true. My divorce was painful, but staying married to a cheater wasn’t an option. I’m happier now. Ready to be my own person. But no more men.Graham doesn’t count. He’s my carpenter, and yeah, he knows how to wear a toolbelt, but I’m not ready to get involved with someone. But the way he talks, and the way he makes me feel has me questioning why.Just when I think I know the answer, my ex shows up. He needs my help. He can’t do it without me. And old habits die hard.My ex needs me, but Graham wants me. The biggest question of all is what do I want? Because I’m done living my life for other people.
Fluffy & Fabulous
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:12
30 days. That was all I had left to find a new shop and a new place to live. Thankfully, the perfect place was available, and I was going to get it.Or not.Not only did I not get the store I wanted, a new bakery was moving in. Right across the street from me. I had nowhere to go, and this new place was primed to steal my hard-earned customers. And there was nothing I could do about it.Frustrated didn’t even begin to describe it. The only thing going right for me was meeting Max. He was sweet and sexy and made me forget all about my problems for a little while. Until I find out who he really is, and where he goes when he disappears on me.
Bulky & Beauteous
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:11
Putting myself first has never been an option. Someone always needs me. My students, my friends, my sister. And I’m kind of sick of it.Just once I want to be wild.The sexy ski instructor with the endless patience and the looks that could melt all the snow on the mountain is the perfect person to be wild with. Joey lets me forget about everyone else and everything else. It’s fun. It’s freeing. It’s…All going to come crashing down.
Chubby & Charming
Updated at Dec 9, 2021, 00:11
Life was good. I didn’t need anything. Especially not a sexy, funny, sweet stranger who wanted to go on a date.My friends told me to give him a chance, but I knew he’d take one look at my curvy body and come up with a reason not to go out again. So, I gave him an out.He didn’t take it.The man was relentless. He liked my curves, and he wanted more than just phone calls. He wanted me.How could I say no to that?
Mainland vs. Island
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 22:13
Who knew moving on could be so hard? It’s been years since I lost my wife, and I’m ready. To move on, to start over, to see my dreams come true. Our dreams. The brewery we always planned to start is finally up and running, and I’m ready for someone to share it with. Scarlett caught my eye the day we met, but the timing was off. We were both working too many hours, and even though we had chemistry, it wasn’t enough to pull us away from survival mode we were both in. Now, things are different. We have time, and the Hawaiian nights aren’t the only things making me sweat. The curvy, sexy, redhead who tears me up day and night is making it hard to imagine a life without her in it. As long as I don’t screw it up.
Better vs. Worse
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 22:13
Commitment is a four letter word…My little sister’s best friend has always been off-limits.It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve imagined what it would be like to be with her, she doesn’t want me. She wants a clean-cut guy with a boring job who’ll sit at home and answer her every beck and call.I know who I am, and I’m not going to change.Sure, I’d do anything she asked, but I can’t change me. Not that she’s ever asked. She knows I’m a lost cause. Life as a surf instructor might not be stable, but it’s fun and I’m good at it.These days I think it’s the only thing I’m good at. Because I sure as hell suck at saying no to her lately.
Boy vs. Girl
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 22:13
Losing control is not an option…It’s been a long time since I had the space to dream.Seeing my dreams come true again is a pretty great deal. Not that I have big dreams, but being out from under the crushing debt that ripped my first marriage apart means I’m ready to start living again.Not everyone sees the Big Island as their dream.Ginny wants to be anywhere but here. It makes no sense to me why anyone would want to run from paradise, but she has something else in mind. Something that doesn’t include a job that has her landlocked on her father’s coffee plantation.We aren’t friends, but we aren’t enemies. There are so many stops in between. Which one we’re at definitely depends on the day.
Order vs. Chaos
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 22:13
Paradise is not like I remembered…My curvy, sexy new boss has a chip on her shoulder the size of The Big Island.And it’s all because of me. Although I have no idea why. She couldn’t be pissed because I checked her out the first time we met. She’s hot, and I like to look. But I won’t touch. She is my boss.I spend my days trying to convince her she won’t regret hiring me, and my nights trying to forget my past.And I’m failing at both. Kiana threatens to fire me before our first wedding. But I’m not leaving Hawaii. I lived through hell, and have the flashbacks to prove it. I’m staying put. No matter what she throws at me.Even if it’s my worst nightmare come to life.
Devil vs. Angel
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 22:13
I knew better, but I still did it. I wasn’t the same man she used to know. Briella called me out. Womanizer, allergic to commitment, and happily single. She didn’t realize the teenager she knew had changed. She still saw me as the guy who ditched her sister at a school dance more than a decade earlier. I wasn’t that guy anymore, but I didn’t need her to see me as more. No one else did, so why should she. She was a sweet, curvy, sexy single mom that deserved better than me. She gave so much of herself to everyone else, I wondered how she had any left at the end of the day. Mother, business owner, volunteer…but all I saw was the woman she was beneath all the masks she wore. Kind, strong, passionate, and the most amazing woman I’d ever known. She thought I was the devil. Maybe I was. But she was definitely an angel. One I didn’t deserve. One I couldn’t resist.
Fight For It
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:51
Jenny Owens feels like she’s looking for something. She wants more from her life, but she’s not greedy. She just wants her boyfriend to like in the same zip code, or even the same area code, her job to match her skills and desires, and her home to be something of her own instead of her parents’.It’s not much, is it?Jenny is floundering. She is a happy person by nature, but she feels like her four years of college were a waste every time she goes into work as a waitress, the same job she held before going off to college. Add to that her boyfriend is always so busy with school, and his friends, that she rarely sees him.And she’s not even sure she cares anymore.When Jenny gets a flat tire at 3 am one night, her entire world changes.Logan Campbell liked his life. He had a thriving business that made him happy, friends he could count on, and the occasional woman to keep his bed warm if he was in the mood.But when he stops to help the car stranded, he realizes his life isn’t all he thought is was.Logan and Jenny share an incredible night filled with passion, compatibility, and the best sex of their lives. Logan walks away from the experience knowing he can’t let her go. Until she admits she has a boyfriend.Logan broods and snaps at everyone in sight while Jenny tries desperately to forget about him. But Jenny can’t stop thinking about Logan, and the way he seemed to know her body better than anyone else ever had.When they keep getting thrown together, either by their own inability to avoid each other or outside forces, they have to decide if what they have is worth the fight. Or if they should cut their losses and go.
Wait For It
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:50
Undeniable passion and a spark that lights up the pages draws twenty seven year old virgin, Cat Thomas, and hot single dad, Ryder Hawkins, together in this sweet and sexy novel.Cat Thomas is the only virgin left in River Pointe, New York. Or at least she feels that way. A moment of self doubt as a teenager made her commit to waiting until marriage before she had sex, but now she wonders if it was the worst decision she’s ever made. All these years later, being a virgin is a much bigger deal, and finding ‘The One’ is even harder.Ryder Hawkins is ready to escape his former life and looking for a quiet place to raise his seven year old daughter. He moves to River Pointe hoping to give his daughter the life he always wanted for her, stability, and a loving parent.He only hopes he is enough for her.When Cat meets Ryder, she thinks he’s just like every other man out there and doesn’t give him the time of day. But Ryder can see Cat is different, and maybe she’s the missing piece of his life that could make him feel whole again. But can he capture her attention? And will Cat give up her commitment, or will she make Ryder wait for it?
Wish For It
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:50
Allison always had her head in the clouds. Literally. As a flight attendant, she lived for travel, adventure, and the occasional (or frequent) one night stand to add excitement to her already fun life. But a drunk passenger is a first, even for her, to take home after a flight. Allison blames it on her loneliness, but she knows it was his eyes that made her want to take care of the stranger when he couldn’t take care of himself.Cole wakes up in a strange bedroom wondering how he could have been so stupid. He couldn’t remember anything about how he’d gotten there or who the woman he’d clearly spent the night with was. He was supposed to be there on business. He’d had enough pleasure to make him want to kill himself. Especially since the last woman he’d spent the night with claimed she hadn’t invited him, and that he’d crossed the line.Panicked, Cole calls his agent and immediately offers the beautiful woman more money than she clearly made in a year. Instead of jumping at the chance, she acts insulted and throws them out.Which makes Cole wonder who she really is.Allison hopes she never sees him again, but when he turns up at her door later the same day, with flowers and an apology, she’s tempted to let him off easy. Tempted, but not stupid.As the two dance around how much they want each other, and how insane their instant attraction was, Cole is fighting for everything he ever wanted, on and off the field.
Sealed With A Slap
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:46
He had his one love… The love of Sean Young’s life died when he was twenty. Ever since, the only woman in his life has been his daughter. He likes it that way, especially as she breathes down the neck of her teenage years, giving him new gray hairs every day. She always keeps her distance…Erin Carter hasn’t had a family since she was sixteen, but she’s spent her career as a psychologist helping other families have everything she missed out on. Trust, togetherness, and above all, love. They are not friends…It’s hate at first sight for Erin and Sean. He thinks she’s haughty and sticks her nose in where it doesn’t belong, namely his relationship with his daughter. She thinks he’s a stuck-up jerk, to say the least. There’s definitely no love lost between them. When Erin becomes friends with Sean’s sister, they have no choice but to spend time together. There are more than a few fireworks between them as enemies, and not all of them are outside the bedroom.
Fake It Till You Break It
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:46
No more men…Kristen Bennett had her heart shattered. Broken was too small of a word for getting dumped by the guy she thought she’d spend her life with. What really pissed her off was she couldn’t get past the hurt and lose herself in other men like she usually did.Too much trouble…Zane Hughes didn’t let anyone close. Close meant he could get hurt, and he’d had enough of that to last a few lifetimes. The only woman allowed in his life for longer than one night was his business partner and best friend, and she knew when to back off.It’s all for fun…When Kristen and Zane meet, it’s all business. Until too many hours together and too much wine give them both the courage to get as close as two people can get.Neither of them wants more than a casual relationship, so what’s the harm in having one together. With Kristen’s re-shattered heart, and Zane’s complete lack of one, they’re the perfect couple.As long as no one wants more than some fun between the sheets, or against the wall, or on the table.
Everything She Never Wanted
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:45
When tragedy strikes…Henry Wilson has been a strong and steady force for his family for years. When death steals one of them, Henry’s ability to keep himself together is tested. Even surrounded by people, he’s never had anyone to lean on. Not since he made the biggest mistake of his life and told his best friend he was in love with her.Right before she disappeared from his life for good.And the chips are down…Cynthia Hill is inching closer and closer to the life she always feared. Still single, and now jobless, she’s living back at home with her mom. It isn’t as bad as she thought it would be, which scares her more than the way she thinks about her former best friend.All they have is each other…Henry knows getting involved with Cynthia won’t lead to anything but pain. She’ll go back to her life, and he’ll be left to deal with one more heartbreak. One he isn’t sure he’ll survive.
Love At First Fight
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:45
She has a secret…Andie Young has always been good at hiding who she really is. Her emotions and truths have stayed buried beneath the sexy clothes, makeup, and endless amber waves that are her signature look. She had to do something to get attention. Between her three brothers and five cousins, she grew up feeling like the invisible one. So she changed that.He’s loved her forever…Cody Powell has been attracted to Andie since the summer she turned seventeen. Off limits back then, and involved with one guy or another since, Cody has kept his adoration secret from her. He spent fifteen years avoiding Andie, and stammering like a fool when he was face to face with her.Cody spends weeks fixing up her house and falling harder for her with each passing day. He knows she’d never be interested in a country boy like him, but seeing her dating other guys has finally taken its toll. Cody doesn’t think he can handle it any longer.They both want someone to share their lives with…Is she strong enough to take a chance with Cody? Or will he finish her house and leave before she gets the chance to tell him how she feels?
Love Is Thicker Than Water
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:45
He's all alone in the world...Nothing has felt right for Ryan Wilson since his father died unexpectedly. He’s gone through the motions, but ever since that day, something has been missing from his life. And until he figures out what it is, he knows better than to make any drastic changes. She doesn't fit anywhere...Bella Perry never knew her father. A man her mother spoke poorly of her entire life, she didn’t want to know him. But when fate brings them together, she sees a side of him that her mother never told her about. Kind, loving, and smart. Together might be where they belong...The last person Ryan should get involved with is the daughter of his father’s enemy. The problem is she’s the only one who makes him feel like that missing piece is back.
Love The Wine You're With
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:45
He could be just what she needs…Alyssa Wright has one goal before she leaves for college. She refuses to go carrying her v-card. She just has to find someone to give it to in the next six weeks.When she runs into Jake Monroe, almost literally, she knows he’s different. She thinks about him constantly, and not in the way she’s thought about any other guy.She might be what he’s looking for…Between his new job and helping his best friend’s widow, Jake doesn’t have time for romance. But there’s something about Alyssa he can’t resist. He’s torn between the light Alyssa brings to his world and the promise he made to his best friend.Is it enough to keep them together… forever? What they want doesn’t matter. There’s a ticking clock, counting down the days until Alyssa leaves. Maybe for good.
Too True To Be Good
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:45
His life was good…Zach Bennett was content to go to work, hang out with his family and friends, and entertain a woman once in a while. As his family found love all around him, he was content to stay single. Unattached. Happy.Besides, he had enough to worry about with a new chef breathing down his neck for his job.She faced the truth every day…Gianna Brooks always wanted to work with people. She saw enough growing up to know kids need all the help they can get. They deserved to be safe. Loved. Happy.Which is why she’s determined to get her new client into a forever home.But the truth isn’t always good…The last thing Zach needs is a little girl showing up on his doorstep claiming she’s his. Her social worker hot on her heels, and demanding a place to stay, definitely doesn’t make it any better. Especially with Gianna’s curvy body and bedroom eyes, and his daughter’s sad sweetness, making him consider keeping both of them.Gianna knows she should run. Zach knows he should send them away. But neither of them can resist the pull toward the other.
Never A Bridesmaid, Always A Bride
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:44
She never thought she’d go back…Fifteen years was a long time to be away, but not nearly long enough when Alyssa Morgan had nothing to show for her time. Unless you’d count three failed marriages, two parents she barely spoke to, one disastrous attempt at a college degree, and zero friends to count on.He found himself at Amavita…Jake Monroe thought about leaving Amavita Estates many times after Alyssa left him. Over the years, her family became his family. They accepted him. Loved him. Healed him. Her family was the family he never had, and without her around to remind him otherwise, he could pretend he was one of them.Until she walked back into his world looking nothing like the girl he used to know.Can their differences bring them together again?Alyssa knows she needs to stay away from Jake. Jake wants nothing to do with her. But the chemistry that drew them together fifteen years ago is stronger than they are.
Walk Of Fame
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:44
One night with a stranger…Kicking herself for letting her guard down and actually connecting with the sexy man whose name she doesn’t even know, Katherine misses the news that her toxic ex is back, and looking for her. She can’t let him find her, so she doesn’t think, she just runs.He never thought he’d see her again…Dillon doesn’t know what to think when his one night stand shows up on his doorstep. He starts to turn her away, but the terrified look in her eyes triggers all his protective instincts, and he knows he can’t let her leave.Time is against them…Dillon and Katherine grow closer every day. As her real life calls, they both know what’s happening won’t last, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting it to.
All's Fair In Love And Wine
Updated at Dec 1, 2021, 18:44
He knows who he is…Leo Young is the baby of the family, and has always been treated like it. When his oldest brother tries to push him into a job he doesn’t want, Leo is forced to push back. Something he rarely did with his family, or his friends. She can’t resist a smart man…Sara Donovan keeps herself a little held back from everyone she knows. It’s not them, it’s her. She’s never felt a deep connection with anyone, until him. But they’re not alone…When his best friend meets the woman of his dreams, Leo is happy for him. Until he realizes that woman is Sara. Sara is stuck between two amazing men, but only one can have her heart.
Play For It
Updated at Nov 23, 2021, 23:51
Erika is sure Jared will never give her the time of day. After their one night stand on New Year’s Eve, Jared avoided her, a miraculous feat since they worked together. But Erika is sick of feeling like she isn’t good enough. So when Edward decides he wants to make Erika his, Erika figures she has nothing to lose.Jared never thought Erika would actually go for the Player In Shining Cufflinks she always joked about. He was certain Erika wasn’t the type of woman who would want a man who would take care of her, unless she loved him, of course. Edward asks too many questions about Erika and when he flirts with her and then takes her out, Jared knows she’s trying to make him jealous. Because she wouldn’t seriously consider being with a guy like that. Right?Edward asks Erika to go back to England with him, ready to sweep her off her feet and give her everything she always said she wanted. But when Jared throws out the ultimate challenge, Erika isn’t sure about anything anymore. She’s stuck between the man who can only offer his love and the man who can give her everything except love. The worst part is, Erika has no idea who she wants to win when they Play For It.
Updated at Nov 23, 2021, 23:50
Liam Johnson has always been the quiet one of the group. He hides behind a screen and watches as life unfolds for people all around the world. He served his country and now serves his team, but he’s never been the one people run to for help, especially not women. Caitlyn Powers was born with the world at her beck and call. As a child model, she had everything she could have ever wanted. She never understood the word no, and she never cared to. But everything changed when her entire world came crashing down around her and the one person she always counted on disappeared. Liam expects his trip home for his parents’ 40th anniversary party to be quick and uneventful. The curvy waitress who serves him dinner looks just like his high school crush. When she gives him her phone number and asks him to meet her after the party, Liam knows there’s no way it’s Caitlyn. Except he’s wrong. And meeting her might be the most dangerous thing he’s ever done.
Work For It
Updated at Nov 23, 2021, 23:50
Lizzy Greenwood is lonely. She’s married with two kids, a wonderful best friend, and the best sister in the world, but she’s lonely. After confessing she thinks her husband might be cheating on her, she’s challenged by her sister and best friend to go through an experiment to save her marriage.As the experiment begins, Lizzy discovers how her marriage has changed since she got pregnant, and had to get married. She’s not the same person she was all those years ago, and she’s struggling with who she really is. But she isn’t completely sure she’ll like what she finds.As Aaron, Lizzy’s husband, works to save their marriage, Lizzy works to figure out what she’s looking for. Can they work together to save their family? Or is it over before they even began?
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:54
Mason O’Connor knows his place in the world. Save a few good guys, eliminate a few bad guys, and keep to himself. He wasn’t always on the right side of that equation, and he paid for his sins. At least, that’s what most people said. Most, but not all. Megan O’Keefe needs a break from the mundane life she created for herself. Every day was the same, and a change of scenery and a month with her brother and his elite team sounded like a perfect escape. A little action, a new place, and the scenery wasn’t so bad. And she’s not talking about Niagara Falls. After a chance encounter with someone from his past, Mason lets down his guard and lets Megan get a little too close. She wakes up in his bed and declares she’s going to stay with him for the rest of her trip. There’s only one problem. Someone in Mason’s past isn’t willing to let another woman into his life. And she’s not the only one unhappy about the two of them being together.
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:54
The last words Adrian ‘Rocky’ Malone expected to hear when he went to donate a kidney to a stranger were “he’s your son.” A first-names-only weekend fling years ago left Rocky with a lifetime of memories. He wondered what happened to the woman he only knew as Nikki. He didn’t think he’d see her again, and he sure as hell never thought she’d be the mother of his son. Nicole Parker would do anything for her child. As a single mom, her son always came first. She never thought twice about giving up dates or jobs or friends to take care of him. When all hope was lost, she dove deep into a dark world she never knew existed and made a deal with a man she was sure would just as soon kill her as help her. Rocky showing up was the answer to Nikki’s prayers, until he said he wanted to know his son. Too many people let Nikki down for her to trust again, but her son is the most loving person she’s ever known and welcomes the tough, strong, sexy former SEAL into their lives with wide open arms. The happy reunion doesn’t last long. Threatening phone calls and late night visitors make it clear the man Nikki went to for help is ready for his payment, and he is more than willing to take his fee from her. By any means necessary.
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:54
Pilar Luna knows better than to trust a man, especially one with a sexy smile and a self-deprecating sense of humor. The last time she did that, she almost ended up dead. She would have been if not for her brother. Not that he was perfect. Lying men were all Pilar knew. Former SEAL, Jack Farrell has no interest in getting close to anyone. He has his team and doesn’t need anyone else. Definitely not a stunning, curvy woman with aa feisty side and strength for days. Jack’s team has been working on taking down the dangerous men Pilar’s ex works for, but they aren’t willing to let it happen without a few casualties. They send her ex to deal with it, but taking her brother isn’t enough. He won’t return home unless Pilar is with him. The search for Pilar’s brother forces Jack and Pilar closer together when Jack is tasked with keeping her safe. But finding her brother means putting Pilar in danger. It means showing their hand to the man who could take everything away from him. And it means the one thing Pilar needs from Jack is something he can’t give her. The truth. 
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:54
Former SEAL Daniel Dunn always relied on his instincts. They never led him wrong, until he was deceived by two people he trusted with his life. Now, Dunn doubts himself at every turn. As the leader, he needs to be in control, but he’s a mess. He wants revenge, and answers, but all he gets is a woman he never thought he’d see again begging for his help. Ashleigh Edwards never forgot her first love. Once upon a time, she thought Daniel would be hers forever, but he had other plans. Plans that didn’t include her. She moved on and built a life without Daniel, but when she discovers her husband’s secrets, the only person who can keep her safe is the one man who chose his duty over her the last time they saw each other. Dunn can’t turn Ashleigh away, but he can’t trust her either. When someone else from his past returns, he doesn’t know how to keep Ashleigh safe and take down the man who betrayed him.
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:54
Ryker Hamilton doesn’t have grand plans. He’s always been second best. Second thought, second in command, second place in everything. He’s comfortable there. He’s gotten used to his role. He doesn’t need anything to change. He doesn’t want anything to change. Taylor Wright is used to being in charge. As the oldest in her family, she was the one responsible when her father left them alone, and as the CEO of the company she created from the ground up, she’s responsible for everything. Which is why whoever is after her company is after her. Taylor resists her brother’s suggestion to hire independent security, but when someone breaks into her house, she accepts that she needs help. Accepting help from Ryker might mean surrendering more than just her schedule to someone else’s control. It might mean surrendering her heart, too. But that’s one piece of her that is not up for negotiation.
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:53
It should have been a quick trip to the bank. Cash a check so she could pay her rent and get to the interview on time. Instead, Kyra found herself lying on the floor, unable to move as three men robbed the bank and killed the guard who tried to stop them. The moment Slade realized he’d been drugged, he fought it. He tried to take in everything, but the drugs were strong, and he went down, staring into the eyes of the curvy woman who collapsed first. He wanted to tell her everything would be okay, but even if he could speak, he couldn’t get the words out. He knew there was no guarantee of that. When the woman from the bank shows up for an interview, Slade pushes the team to hire her. Kyra is smart and beautiful and perfect for the job. She’s also off-limits.But when another bank is hit, the lines between Slade and Kyra are blurred. They lean on each other, and everything they thought they knew gets flipped upside down.
Updated at Oct 20, 2021, 00:53
Jaymes Ford has never measured up to his brother. He was always second best as kids, he crashed and burned in SEAL training, and when Jaymes was kidnapped, the woman he loved fell for his brother. Kelsea Arnold wants to believe she’s losing her mind, but she can’t shake the feeling of being watched. She’s never seen him, but she can feel him. Watching her. Following her. Wanting her. Jaymes has nothing to offer the gorgeous, curvy woman who shows up on his mother’s doorstep trembling. He has no idea if she’s telling the truth or if it’s all in her head. But he knows how it feels to be in her shoes and chooses to protect her, even if it’s only from herself. When it’s clear Kelsea is in grave danger, Jaymes vows to keep her safe. He’s finally found someone who makes him feel like he’s the better brother, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her.
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 05:41
Badass. Kickass. Sometimes just ass. All words that define former SEAL, Archer Ford. Former because an error he made sent his friend and teammate home to his pregnant wife in a body bag.  Lily Scott doesn’t know her best friend’s estranged brother. He’s always been a mystery to her. But when her best friend disappears, she has no choice but to call Archer for help.  Archer can barely trust his instincts let alone his desire for the beautiful, curvy woman he finds in his brother’s bed. She assures him they’re just friends, but he doesn’t know how anyone could resist her. Archer definitely isn’t strong enough.  The rest of his team shows up to help search for Archer’s brother and everyone becomes a suspect, including Lily. Trust is questioned and broken. And freedom is guaranteed to no one.