Read Now: Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System


Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System is a story that starts out by making us feel sympathy for Kana, a girl who lost her mother at the age of seven. Kicked out of her house and forced into the streets, she was sold numerous times and had to go through the worst of conditions.

She had no set source of food except dumpsters and items that she had to steal. However, there were territories for claiming dumpsters even on the streets and she was abused just for trying to make ends meet.

Kana considered public washrooms close to something that resembled a sanctuary. This poor little girl lacked nutrients to the extent that she came off as someone who was no more than ten years of age, though she was sixteen! She kept the reality hidden since the people who abused her would do even more terrible things to her if they found out her real age.

I could not help but feel bad for this purely fictional character. The breaking point for me was when Kana told a story about how she had to hide from human traffickers in black and white suits with sunglasses, terrifying!

Kana, in another attempt to make ends meet, found a restaurant by dumping a trash bag into the dumpster which could only mean… food. She hurriedly and excitedly rushed to the dumpster, which broke my heart, and started feasting on a hot, half-eaten hamburger. However, this too was a luxury unacceptable for the cruel people that abused her. The person who claimed the territory of that dumpster arrives, beating and flinging Kana across and slamming her. He then kicks her leg, verbally abuses her with the worst kind of language and then strolls off. My heart genuinely broke here.

These were situations that had been nothing new for Kana, though her body took its toll for far too long. She lay in the snow, cold, with purple hands, and passed away then and there.

She was then reborn as a red lizard, though inevitably she found out that she was no lizard. She was reborn as a baby dragon destined to rekindle the lost flames of the dragons! She finds this out when another dragon (who looks very human), Lysairth, merges with her and guides her in her mind.

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Part 1: Main Theme of Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System

Invayne Kana

Main Theme of Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System

Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System is a story that perfectly combines elements of Action, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, and dragons! The story adapts to the tone of its chapters, the first chapter takes a very dark, broody, and sorrowful tone while the chapters following undertake comedic scenes accompanied by a sense of discovery as Kana finds more about the world, she has been reborn in.

The comedy is amazing, mostly because Kana is pretty much a child, and we all know that teens are comedic masterminds. For example, a few chapters in, a rock gets stuck in her butt, and she genuinely starts complaining and pondering whether losing her virginity in this fashion would affect her marriage.

As is every classic Isekai fashion, the system’ that Kana has as a dragon is one that is not too complex and interesting. There is a simple level system and regular dragons choose an attribute, like fire and water, then evolve into a suitable species. Kana’s specialty is that she can gain special attributes that let her evolve into several kinds of rare and powerful dragon species. As a cost for such good evolution lines, it does take relatively longer for Kana to train. There are also skills that Kana can use, very much like any RPG videogame, and they vary in strength and how cool they are as Kana levels up.

Aside from the comedy and fantasy, the action is pretty good as Kana starts progressively getting stronger and gaining more skills alongside upgraded physical features. There is an inexplicable level of intensity in every fight and every encounter which is added on to by how much you patiently wait for these fights to come up.

The romance element is also very cleverly done, while it may be saying too much by getting into it, let’s just say there is a factor of recurring love.’ Kana has known her lover for… a lifetime even before getting reincarnated. That is the beauty of this series romance.

Part 2: The Complex of Kana’s Character’on Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System

Kana Red Lizard With Rock

The Complex of Kana’s Character

Kana is an odd piece of writing which somehow makes sense beyond my understanding. She was abused in her past life (if you can even call it one) yet she acts so humorously right after getting reincarnated, especially with the rock in her butt. However, she was still a kid and the optimism she shows despite her hellish past life, is something picturesque.

‘Though I do question at times if a person with such a background would be so silly and cute.

Kana also grew a hatred for humans after experiencing the events of her past life. While this may be understandable given a few factors, Kana puts an emphasis on it that may be a little overexaggerated for my tastes. Her hate for humans, to me, is diluted by the fact that she has a childish and humorous personality.

Kana does get serious when she needs to in the later chapters as she gets older and starts getting stronger. I like that. Her dedication to helping her companions is also respectable though it is a little questionable as to why she would go out to such extent.

Kana is the type of character that is lovable because of how unrealistic she is. Her character does not make sense and that is a good thing. The series is about dragons with stat points, it ought to be the slightest bit bizarre. As I started reading with a different, more laid-back perspective, I started to appreciate how Kana was written as a character. Her relationship with Lysairth is also very interesting.

Part 3: Closing Remarks

Invayne Kana Reborn

Closing Remarks

Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System is a series that was truly worth spending my time on. The element of development and growth in this story is something that I find enjoyable, and you will too.

‘The comedy is hilarious, the action scenes are amazing, the chemistry of the side and main characters are well-written and there is something so bizarre and weird about this novel which makes me like it more, weirdly enough.

The series is fun. That is an accurate summary of my experience with the novel. The storytelling is nothing exceptional, and the plot points are nothing worthy of exaggerated praise, yet I still find myself having my fair share of fun with these novels and I think a lot of people can agree with that.

‘Reborn as a Dragon Girl with a System is an unforgettable experience that really speaks to you with its personality, I recommend it.

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