Read The Epic Blind Date With My Boss Online (Dexter and Josie)


Josie is willing to go to extremes to get away from her unloving mother and brother. She chooses to marry a complete stranger, even though that stranger was her own boss, truth be told, a handsome one.

The Epic Blind Date With My Boss tells the story of two people with different social statuses who come to realize that they are perfect for each other. One is bold, smart and caring, while the other is protective and in need of love.

Check out Blind Date With Annoying Billionaire

Part 1: The Epic Blind Date With My Boss (Josie And Dexter) Storyline

Josie was enjoying her cup of tea for half an hour now when her blind date finally showed up. Her mother had arranged it for her, as the woman was desperate to marry her daughter.

The man wearing a gray suit looked a bit older than her mother had told her and the opposite of handsome as well. He introduced himself as Jack and immediately started laying out the ground rules for his future wife.

The woman had to be a housewife, responsible for all living costs and take good care of his two children from his previous marriage as well as his parents. Before Jack had the chance to finish his speech, Josie stopped him, boldly telling him that they weren’t suited for each other.

The Epic Blind Date With My Boss Novel

Jack was enraged, he walked away, but not before telling the girl that she would regret her decision. Now alone, Josie rubbed her temples while watching the couple sitting at the next table. The man wore an elegant black suit, while the girl sitting across looked beautiful, but arrogant.

The woman was telling the man about her dream wedding venue, certain that the two of them would get married. His eyes narrowed and told his companion that he was not satisfied with her and to leave. He didn’t like women with fillers, he preferred them natural.

Josie couldn’t help spitting her tea when she heard that. Sho got up and decided to head for work when the gorgeous man stopped her. He was her boss and he knew exactly who the girl was.

Dexter Russel ordered Josie to sit down and made her a bold proposal. She needed a husband to get away from her mother and he needed a wife to please his grandfather, thus the two of them should get married for six months. In return, Dexter would help Josie’s father with his medical bills.

She agreed, eager to get away from her mother. The woman only wanted to marry her daughter off so she could use the dowry to help her son get married and pay for his wedding.

Josie moved into Dexter’s mansion and started visiting the man’s grandfather who immediately liked the girl.

Upon seeing her for the first time, the old man realized though that she looked a lot like Dexter’s old flame, Lily and he couldn’t stop himself from wondering whether his grandson married Josie just for the uncanny resemblance.

Slowly, Dexter started feeling protective over Josie, watching her every move and punishing those who tried to bring her down. He always took care of things discreetly in order to not reveal his marriage status and his connection with Josie.

When Matt, the doctor attending Josie’s father and her friend altogether began expressing his true feelings towards the girl, Dexter started feeling jealous. Although they didn’t have any understanding regarding seeing other people, he forbade Josie from seeing the doctor again.

Fortunately, Josie was bold enough to stand her ground and didn’t obey her husband. This stirred Dexter’s interest even more. No woman had dared to defy him in the past, not even Lily.

Will Josie reciprocate the man’s feelings? Will their marriage really end after the six months they agreed upon?

Part 2: A Small Glimpse Of The Story The Epic Blind Date With My Boss

The Epic Blind Date With My Boss Josie

When it comes to Josie and Dexter’s love story, you need to know that there are plenty of moments when the two of them go through all kinds of emotions.

As both of them have strong characters, the dynamic of their relationship is simply entertaining. They either get along or bicker, or even put each other in awkward situations just to get an innocent sweet revenge.

The Epic Blind Date With My Boss Chapter 7

Go Ahead And Complain To Him Then

Dexter froze when hearing his grandfather’s question. He eventually admitted to marrying Josie due to her resemblance to Lily but told the old man that he came to love his wife for who she was.

Smiling, Henry wasted no time in asking for a great-grandchild. Afterwards, him, Josie and Dexter went to a restaurant for lunch. The man let his wife choose a few dishes from the menu, hoping she had studied well his preferences the night before when he gave her a list with what he liked and disliked.

Dexter pretended to be a doting husband and helped his wife with her meal. Still a bit mad at the man, Josie put some fried eggplants in his plate, urging him to taste his favorite food.

Henry was startled as he knew how much his grandson actually despised eggplants. Sensing her husband’s cold gaze, the girl lied that Dexter started eating the vegetable when he learned that it was also her favorite.

The old man seemed to believe her, as he was aware of the fact that couples usually changed in terms of behavior and preferences when living together. Dexter had no other choice than to angrily chew the eggplant and swallow.

As soon as the meal was finished, Dexter grabbed his wife and excused themselves to head home. He needed to vent his anger toward her.

The Epic Blind Date With My Husband Chapter 19

Just In Time

Seeing Dexter scared Patrick to death. He immediately started arguing on his behalf, saying that he merely wanted to help a colleague as Josie was so drunk she couldn’t go home on her own.

In her husband’s arms now, the girl fell asleep. Meanwhile Patrick was still trying to seal the deal with his clients. Watching his frantic employee, Dexter had to ask Patrick how many times he had to use such awful method to secure a deal.

Josie was visibly drunk and weak, and the men planned to take her to a room upstairs. Patrick tried to justify his actions blaming his client and his infatuation with the girl, but Dexter didn’t want to hear such petty excuse. He asked the man to hand in his resignation the next day.

Part 3: A Book Similar To The Epic Blind Date With My Boss

The Epic Blind Date With My Boss Story

Ready for more romance? You can find a steamy book on Dreame, called Blind Date With Annoying Billionaire.

Stephenie, a beautiful heiress, is pressured by her father to get married. He arranges a blind date for her with a billionaire coming from a prestigious family named Alfredo.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Alfredo used to be the girl’s nerd classmate in college and she rejected him back then. Stephenie is also thinking about her college flame, a boy she never had the chance to confess her feelings to.

Will the two of them agree to an arranged marriage or seek true love?

Read Now: Blind Date With Annoying Billionaire


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