Read Hot Chapters of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Novel Online


In Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel, a young martyr housewife, Amanda Franklin of Taking Twins After Divorce free read online, gets involved in a big pile of mess when her three-year-long marriage ended in a dreadful divorce. Humiliated for being trashed by a wealthy family, Amanda escapes the country, pocketing only the two things she rightfully owned.

Her unborn twins and her shattered heart. Only these became the keys that opened the doors for Amanda to refresh and start anew. Years later, she’s back again. However, she’s no longer the selfless, spineless Amanda everyone laughed about. She has grown out of that old persona. If they think they could mess up with her again, they must think twice.

Get the chance to know Amanda’s tale in Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel!

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Part 1: Main Characters of Taking Twins After Divorce

Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce - Amanda and Miles

Amanda Dickerson

Brilliant, feisty and bold, Amanda Dickerson’s character in Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel summarizes up the whole purpose of the story. It’s to tell her accounts of how she persevered amidst chaos and life-sucking trials. She could have ended her marriage Miles the second she unmasked his true nature but she chose to stay, giving him a chance to correct his mistakes over and over again. Love and compassion compelled her to be that selfless and stupid. When Miles, for the last time, undermined her efforts to make the marriage work, she has had enough of the bullshit. Her mission was only to get under Miles’ skin but she didn’t expect it would bear twins, and a broken heart along the way.

Because she’s meant to hate Miles and everything about him, it crossed Amanda’s mind to abort the twins. Thankfully, she was able to knock herself out before committing another regrettable choice again.

When she returned seven years later, Amanda has evolved into an unrecognizable version of herself. She’s adapted new characteristics, kudos to the grievances that crucified her old self and introduced her to potentials hidden beneath her core that she couldn’t find before. Because of this, Miles’ callousness had lost its grappling effect on her.

But as she stays longer under Miles’ radar and attention, she comes to the conclusion that not everything truly changed. Some things remained to be as it was several years ago. And her love for Miles was on the top of that list.

Miles Franklin

Miles Franklin is the main hero of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel. He’s primarily introduced as one of the antagonists in the story, and to be honest, many believed he would stay in that lane until the end. Sure he’s cruel and outwardly vile towards Amanda but the gloomy seven years that passed without her humbled him pretty deep. He’s learned how to appreciate the good things in his life and how important time is.

When his path and Amanda’s crossed again, he wanted revenge. But willpower of love and strength of longing halted her from doing so.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of Taking Twins After Divorce

Of all the published Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce free chapters online, we exclusively picked three of them that will provide you hints of what you must anticipate in Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel. Just a fair warning, though, look out for scenes that needs censorship and guidance. The target audience of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel is new adult readers as it is rated 18+ and might be too much for young readers.

Chapter 1

Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce - Pregnant Amanda

In Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Chapter 1, Amanda finally settles the score between her ex-husband. For three years that she stayed silent of the abuse and torment, she at long last gathered up the courage to perform a tit for tat scheme. After spending a night with Miles, she signed up the divorce papers and left on the morning, having the last laugh as she was able to insult Miles for the last time.

Miles woke up feeling disgruntled. He was surprised to see Amanda has departed without saying goodbyes. He made efforts of contacting her but her line was dead. Little does he know, Amanda was already boarding the plane meant to carry her overseas. Carrying her ruined heart and unborn twins, Amanda looked forward of getting back the authority of her life.

At the end of the chapter, we cut through seven years later. Amanda was now a lab doctor, working on her major project that got unbelievable hacked by her sons, Alvin and Elliot.

Chapter 5

Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce - Miles and Amanda

In Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Chapter 5, Miles’ daughter was still missing. He went on different lengths to locate her but every attempt had been futile. His fiance, Samantha, was on the duty to make sure of her security but an occurrence of harmless incidents caused Samantha to miss of where Miles’ daughter had run off. As they figure her potential whereabouts, a call suddenly came in. When Miles answered it, he didn’t expect to hear Amanda’s voice.

Apparently it was Amanda who saw Miles’ daughter. She didn’t hesitate to help the little girl be reunited with her parents. Unbeknownst to her, it’s Miles’ child and they’re about to come face-to-face again.

Chapter 8

Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce - The Twins

In Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce Chapter 8, Amanda just found the link that connected Miles to Lina. He’s her daughter and there’s no way in any type of hell that she would let fate merged their paths again. As what every unprepared person would do in such situation, Amanda ran away, hiding behind the building where Lina was found and warning her children not to be near a man named Miles. Ever.

But hiding in plain sight didn’t terminate Miles’ inquisitiveness. At the end of the chapter, Miles reprimanded Lina for running off. He immediately ordered his assistant to recover the CCTV footage. He’ll never stop digging out the truth until his hunch had been confirmed.

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Part 3: Evaluation and a Similar Book from Dreame

When I examined the premise of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel, I thought I’ll be reading yet another predictable and cliche second chance love. Though it didn’t stray from the typical face of arranged marriage stories, there are certain aspects of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce PDF free online that makes it as a positive read.

Amanda’s outstanding dynamics and dialogue throughout the story was something that’s hard to miss. Her snarky commentaries, sarcastic responses and stone-hard heart colored up the already dull ambiance of Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel. Her revenge against her ex-husband and to those people who judged her years ago. Her character development suited the flow of the plot and the themes discussed in the story.

Apart from that, the lessons that Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce novel intends to show were apparent ever since the beginning. You’d read it empty-handed and you’d exit its pages filled with experience.

If you’re looking for books that can amuse you for temporary, Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce free PDF might help you on that. However, if you’re in need of an influential, engrossing novel, then it’s best not to recommend it.

The book that accurately fits into that criteria is Mate Undercovers by Molly Cambria. It’s a werewolf romance novel posted on Dreame and unlike Taking Twins Abroad After Divorce, it’s compacted with scenes you’ve probably never encountered before.

Read Mates Undercovers Now


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