Modern Romance: Let Me Go, Mr. Hill Book by Shallow South


Let Me Go, Mr. Hill is a compelling and well-written modern novel. A story of Catherine Jones, who comes home from a business meeting abroad to see her sister and fiance being intimate with each other while both their parents are chirping in the living room.

The characters of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill, are so intriguing you will have to remind yourself they are not real people. This book will make you cry, laugh, and feel all the main character’s emotions. The Let Me Go, Mr. Hill novel is a rollercoaster ride of modern marriage romance with fun, relatable characters!

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Part 1: The Characters of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill Novel

Catherine Jones

LetMe Go Mr Hill

Let Me Go, Mr. Hill’s main character, 22-year-old Catherine Jones, has been in a relationship with her childhood sweetheart since high school, Ethan Lowe. But Catherine had to study abroad, and Ethan was busy with work; they hardly had time with each other.

Catherine Jones is a graduate of the University of New South Wales with a pretty face and brilliant mind in the Let Me Go, Mr. Hill book. But she’s in utter disbelief that her boyfriend would choose her sister, Rebecca Jones, over her and their relationship. Although with a fresh face and a nice bob of black hair, Rebecca Jones is a two-faced lying daughter and sister in front of their parents. Her goal is to make Catherine a villain in everyone’s eyes, and it frustrates the hell out of Catherine Jones.

Another character in Let Me Go, Mr. Hill, is Ethan Lowe, a selfish ex-fiance who chooses Rebecca over Catherine because of power and inheritance. He doesn’t even come close to the looks and wealth of Shaun Hill, according to Catherine Jones.

Mr. Shaun Hill

Read LetMe Go Mr Hill Novel

Lastly is the most enigmatic main character of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill. Six feet two inches, an attractive, wealthy man straight out of a comic book with a brilliant aura around him but also indifferent, Mr. Shaun Hill, at 30 years old, definitely has everyone under his mercy. He resembles nothing about Zachary Lowe, Ethan’s father, simply because they are not related at all. Catherine and Freya had their biggest mistaken identity, and it benefited Shaun Hill and his problems. No way he is letting her go the moment she realizes he is not her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

I don’t think there’s anyone who can read Let Me Go, Mr. Hill novel without falling in love with Mr. Hill, as everyone did.

LetMe Go Mr Hill Romance Novel

Part 2: What Does Let Me Go, Mr. Hill Tell Us

LetMe Go Mr Hill Book

The story of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill begins with Catherine Jones coming home from a business trip to see her boyfriend and childhood sweetheart, Ethan Jones, being intimate with her sister, Rebecca James, in the Jones’ living room. Their parents and Ethan’s parents are with them, discussing the two’s engagement.

Enraged at the scene, Catherine confronted her sister but their mother, Sally Lennon, slapped her across the face as she sided with her sister. She thought it was ridiculous because everyone in Sydney expected Catherine to tie the knot with Ethan, not Rebecca, her sister. Yet their mother continues to take Rebecca’s side and mentions the little sister has had hardships for 20 years.

They argued for some time, but Rebecca did her best to play the victim card. Catherine left the house and drove with Maserati to meet her friend, Freya Lynch, at the S1897 pub.

Chinese Romance Novel: LetMe Go Mr Hill

After getting drunk, they met a man sitting alone with his head leaned back on the wall. Freya said she recognized the man as Ethan’s uncle. Suddenly, Catherine Jones decided she would be Ethan’s and Rebecca’s aunt to get back at the two for cheating on her.

Let Me Go, Mr. Hill story continues. Catherine Jones flirted with the man, starting by asking him about the time. The man is indifferent to her and keeps waving her off, but Catherine is persistent. She is relentless in being Ethan’s uncle and does her best to get the man to say yes. And surprisingly or maybe not at all because Catherine is such a beauty no man should resist her offer of marriage no matter how sudden. The man told her to meet her at 10 AM the following day in front of the registry office with her birth certificate before driving away with a Bentley Mulsanne, Hadley Young, the valet’s attempt to be discreet.

A Bentley Mulsanne is the most discreet car he could get from the Hill’s Mansion. Imagine just how wealthy Shaun Hill is!

LetMe Go Mr Hill Novel Read Online

Ethan came to meet her the next day in Freya’s place and told her that this was happening to them because Catherine’s parents would give 80% of Jones Corporation to Rebecca. Ethan has an illegitimate brother and worries that he may inherit nothing from his parents if he does not cooperate.

And the unbelievable ex-boyfriend had the nerve to tell her to wait for 3 years. But Catherine, being a lovely, fantastic character in Let Me Go, Mr. Hill refused.

She met with Shaun Hill at the registry and proceeded with the wedding. She hasn’t realized that Shaun Hill is not Ethan’s uncle. She did wonder why the man’s surname is Hill when it should be Lyon. Shaun Hill casually said he adopted his mom’s surname without so much thought about her odd question.

LetMe Go Mr Hill: Chinese Novel

Catherine Jones feared for a moment that it was a mistaken identity but it was indeed a matter of mistaken identity. She is yet to find that out as she moved in with Shaun’s place in Jadeite Bay.

Shaun Hill is not an easy man to get along with. He has his own reason for entering this agreement. He clearly discussed his terms with Catherine in front of the registry office that the deal shall only last for 3 years. No children. No meeting with her family. And that he will give her enough money by the end of their agreement in Let Me Go, Mr. Hill book.

Luckily, she has Fudge Shaun’s big adorable white cat with yellow eyes. She first thought Fudge was his son, and she bought various toys for the boy while being dead worried about being a stepmother, only to meet the cat, acting arrogant and very much like its owner at first. Let Me Go, Mr. Hill’s character is a cat person!

LetMe Go Mr Hill by Shallow South

I liked how the story progressed. Although Let Me Go, Mr. Hill does have a typical urban trope story vibe in it. With the female protagonist being cheated on sister and fiance, her parents believing her sister’s story, marrying her ex’s uncle; and a wealthy, powerful man as a male lead, I didn’t think it was a predictable plot in any way. There is definitely more in the story that makes it different from the rest.

Readers are definitely loving Let Me Go, Mr. Hill; it now has 13 book parts on Amazon Kindle. But I suggest you search google for Let Me Go, Mr. Hill novel pdf download.

Let Me Go, Mr. Hill shows that no one is perfect; even someone who seems like a likable character can be hiding darker secrets. In this novel, you’ll be thrilled to know more about Shaun Hill and discover what Catherine will do once she realizes her mistake.

Maybe as the title suggested, Let Me Go, Mr. Hill. But will Shaun Hill ever let his wife go?

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Part 3: Charm Of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill Novel

LetMe Go Mr Hill: Chinese Book

An indelible portrayal of two people with contrasting personalities tied together with an agreement caused by a mistaken identity from the amazing author of Let Me Go, Mr. Hill, Shallow South.

I found Let Me Go, Mr. Hill a very moving story with charming characters of two people forced by circumstances to make terrible choices that jeopardize their good standing in society. But it’s a fun, light read. And meeting each other should not be a terrible choice at all.

Catherine’s character is one thing you will love in this story, and I’m sure other readers can relate to her. I love how she was quick to think of something to get back at her sister and fiance instead of sulking with her heartbreaks. Or try to talk it out with Ethan when he comes to meet her. Most characters out there in the same situation are going crazy to get back at their fiance and letting their evil sister insult her. Catherine is not among those ordinary characters, and the readers root for her to succeed.

Let Me Go, Mr. Hill book format is suitable as it introduces readers to different viewpoints of the main characters.

Part 4: Books Similar To Let Me Go, Mr. Hill

Mr. Hill: LetMe Go Mr Hill

You’ll fall in love with Catherine and Shaun’s complex yet sweet marriage relationship; you will probably do an all-nighter to finish Let Me Go, Mr. Hill but don’t do that! Take your time because this story is now over 2785 chapters on Good Novel and is yet to reveal more thrilling scenes! There is no Let Me Go, Mr. Hill complete novel in the market yet. But you can search Let Me Go Mr. Hill pdf online for easy access and downloads of the available chapters.

Let Me Go, Mr. Hill novel is beautifully written; you’ll definitely want to read one chapter another and break the fastest reading record. So while waiting for the latest chapter release, I have prepared a list of other English-translated Chinese novels with similar roles as the Let Me Go, Mr. Hill characters!

4.1. Full Marks Hidden Marriage by Jiong Jiong You Yao

LetMe Go Mr Hill Novel Pdf

Like Catherine Jones, Ning Xi, the protagonist in this story, has an evil sister who turns everyone against her, including Ning Xi’s childhood sweetheart, like Ethan Lowe in Let Me Go, Mr. Hill.

But Ning Xi has a strong-willed character like Catherine Jones, and she’s determined to rise to the top now that she has fulfilled her dream to be an actress.

Read it on Web Novel.

4.2. Trial Marriage Husband by Passion Honey


Once again, the heroine’s fiance chose his mistress and ran off with her. So the main character makes an offer to the first man she sees at the Civil Affairs Office and asks for marriage. But this man is none other than President Mo, the mistress’ bride. Pretty much like Let Me Go, Mr. Hill, don’t you think? But different in their own perfect ways!

Read the Trial Marriage on Amazon Kindle.

4.3. Accidental Love by Qiao Yao


Here we go again with a cheating boyfriend. Similar to Let Me Go, Mr. Hill, the main character, will marry the mistress’ uncle and be the cheating couple’s aunt. The main character, Zheng Shuyi, has no regrets because the uncle is definitely more handsome and wealthy than her lying, cheating ex-boyfriend.

Just like Let Me Go, Mr. Hill novel, read online with these book recommendations that will surely stay with you and be a part of you once you finish them!

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