All About Welcome To The Dark Side


It is easy for one to think that this book talks about anything else other than romance, but that is not the case. I for one actually thought that Welcome To The Dark Side was about witchcraft or vampires etc. You need to have seen the look on my face when I realized that the book was about romance. Strange romance at that.

Age gap romance, yes, but even more, two people from extreme worlds met at an unlikely place, during one of the worst situations anyone can ever come across. Zeus and Louise met during a shootout at her church.

Funny, very funny to think of. Louise was seven years old when she met Zeus for the first time. Her parents were uptight, church-goers whom Louise considered hypocrites because they never practiced what they preached.

They were not just church-goers in fact, they were deeply involved in the activities at church, as Louise’s grandfather was a priest or something of that nature. The story started on one fateful church day at the parking lot. There was a shoot-out.

Zeus and a rival gang chose the parking lot of a church of all places to have a shootout in. Ridiculous. In this shootout, Lou was abandoned by the adults around her as everyone was taking shelter and running for their lives.

It must have been such a scare. Everyone around Louise ran away, including her father. She had to take succor as well, and of all people, for Louise to run toward for help, it was the very man that was involved in the shooting, Zeus Garro, the president of the Fallen MC.

A drug peddler, an ex-convict, a single father, and much more. Louise was going to be shot at and likely killed if not Zeus stepped in front of her and shielded her from the bullet. The bullet pierced Zeus’ body and hit Louise’s shoulder.

A seven-year-old girl. There was no way Louise would have survived such a blow if not that Zeus doused the impact on her.

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Part 1: Storyline of Welcome To The Dark Side

Welcome To The Dark Side Book

This was the beginning of Louise’ Welcome To The Dark Side. She woke up the next day at the hospital only for her to see her father ranting at the top of his voice, cursing and promising to send Zeus Garro to jail for being involved in such a hideous offense.

Actually, come to think of it, who starts a gunfight in the parking lot of a church? Apparently, Zeus had been involved in so many other crimes, and he was notorious in the community, so Mr. Lafayette, Louise’s father was bent on sending him back to where he belonged. Jail!

Louise considered Zeus as her monster savior. She hated the fact that her father was going to arrest the person that saved her life. But the self-absorbed Mr. Lafayette was bent on justice being served to someone whom he considered to belong in jail in the first place.

Mr. Lafayette was so bent on sending Zeus to jail to the extent that, when he found out that his daughter, Louise was sick and they had only found out as a result of the shooting, it was not enough to make him have a change of mind. He was interested in seeing Zeus behind bars and that was what he pursued until it finally happened. While Zeus Garro was in jail, Louise used to send him letters.

Witty letters made Zeus laugh in his jail cell. It was funny how Louise didn’t let go of Zeus after her first encounter with him. They started off as friends, and then the fact that Zeus went to jail gave Louise time to grow up apart from him, and she made sure she found him after he was out of jail.

Welcome To The Dark Side indeed. There was no going back for Louise after she met Zeus. Zeus however, admired Louise for the tenacity and strength that she portrayed. She was sick of cancer for crying out loud, but she went against all odds to be with him.

It was remarkable, to say the least, and no matter what measures Zeus used to make Louise leave him alone and follow through with her own part, it fell on deaf ears as Louise was bent on staying with Zeus in the dark side.

Part 2: Main Characters of Welcome To The Dark Side

Louise Lafayette

Welcome To The Dark Louise Lafayette

Louise’s transformation from a prim and properly brought-up girl to an adrenaline-filled girl seeking adventure was not one that anybody would have ever imagined for her. It was an unlikely thing to happen.

Growing up, she spent most of her time in the church, being prepared to live a mundane and straight-forward life until she met her ”monster protector” as she called him. Louise was shot and only narrowly escaped death when she was saved by one of the men that was involved in the gun-battle that almost took her life.

She was hospitalized as a result, and it was found that Louise was sick with cancer. Pathetic, right? Well, not really because Louise did not let it hold her down as she still exhumed strength during the course of the book.

Forming a friendship bond that would grow into something more serious later on in life, she kept in touch with the ma that had saved her life and grew attached to him even though they had a nineteen years age difference between them.

Zeus Garro

Welcome To The Dark Side Zeus Garro

Zeus Garro was the one saying Welcome To The Dark Side to Louise because he was interested. She would follow him into the dark side if that was what it meant for their relationship to continue. The relationship is wicked from friendship to real love and romance.

Zeus Garro saved Louise Lafayette’s life, and that was how she became attached to it, forming an unlikely bond with him. Zeus Garro was an ex-convict and was older than Louise at nineteen years, yet he still managed to stay interested in her even though he often asked her to leave him alone and tow her own path.

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Part 3: About The Author of Welcome To The Dark Side

Giana Darling

Welcome To The Dark Side Giana Darling

According to Giana Darling’s information on her own curated website, ”Giana Darling is a USA Today and Top 40 Amazon best-selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance.

She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat, Persephone, and Golden Retriever puppy, Romeo.

She’s a lifetime athlete, playing and coaching basketball, soccer, field hockey, and softball, so she comes from her competitive spirit naturally. A born reader and self-proclaimed geek, she is enamored with mythology, history, and all kinds of literature. Before becoming a romance novelist, she was a food journalist, a food blogger, a coach, a French tutor, and the owner of a pie company.

For the last few years she has been living all over Europe, mostly in her second home France, but she’s finally settled with the Love of Her Life in her hometown on an island off of Vancouver.”

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