
My Two Bosses

sex club

Book 1 and 2 are complete!!! Go to authoraquari. com to grab your own downloadable copy of book 2 today!

"...I...I don't know what I did wrong. I apologize if I di..."

"You're my mate! But you're f*****g him?!"He interjected with a menacing low...growl.

I tried to talk and say something...hell anything to him to try and calm him down but his grip on my arms were becoming unbearable.


I jumped at his tone! Why was he so angry? Did he really just growl at me? And for f***s sake...what is a mate and why does it matter who I'm f*****g? This is my business, not his!

"I can smell him all over you." He snarled as he looked at me with pure disgust. He shook his head and released my arms. "I would get a hoe for a mate."

Hold on a second, did he just call me a hoe? Before I knew what was happening, I reached up and slapped the s**t out of him. At least, that's what my hand felt like I did from the throbbing pain that is now radiating in my hand.

The look he gave me, made my heart stop. I could feel the anger boiling inside of him. All of sudden, the sexy ass man who was starring daggers into me, began to growl viciously and...fur was growing out of him in every direction. Within seconds, he was gone and a huge, wild ass beast, bear, panther, dog creature was starring me down and growling at me.

All I felt was warm liquid flowing down my legs as he raised his paw to attack me.

I screamed and closed my eyes. Preparing myself for the impact...but it never came. I opened my eyes and damn near fainted from the view in front of me.

There wasn't just one of them, there's now two of them. And they're fighting!

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Part 1: New graduate
My family taught me that the goals to living a happy life were simple. You simply have to follow the formula that was established for us over the last century or so. That means that you must do well in school, graduate from high school, save yourself until marriage, go to college and then start your career, get married, have kids and then after you have done nothing to actually live you can finally f*****g die. “Tsk, that’s a really shitty way to live”. I thought to myself as I scrolled the indeed ads on my phone.                 It’s been six weeks since I graduated from college and I was beginning to feel quite pissed off that no one was calling me for an interview. I worked my ass off to get that damn bachelor’s degree and now…nothing. Granted it took me five years to get a four-year degree…but who’s counting. I’ve sent in 212 applications in the past few weeks and I am exhausted. Nobody said it would be this dang on hard. Geesh.                 Just after I sent in my quick resume to Langston & Norris Inc. for a management position, my phone began to change screens and vibrated in my hand right before it shut itself off.                 “Just great.” I mumbled before I groaned and rolled my eyes as I threw my phone to the other side of the bed.                 I rubbed my right hand over my eye and took a deep breath.                 Knock, knock, knock.                 I glanced at the door right as my roommate and best friend barged in my room.                 I glared at her. “You do know that the saying is ‘knock and the door will be opened unto you,’ right?” I grumbled.                  She ignored my comment and sat her ass down at the bottom of my bed. “You, my love, haven’t really been out of your room in days. I am starting to get worried about you. You ok?” I blew out a frustrated breath and looked her in her eyes. “Serenity. I’m fine. I’ve just been searching for a damn job all day.” “I know that Hazel, and that is what’s worrying me.” She calmly said as she put her hand on my knee. “You lock yourself up in this room and sit on that damn phone and scroll for jobs all day.” She then raised her eyebrows and pointed her perfectly manicured fingernail at me. “And don’t let me get started on hygiene. When’s the last time you took a bath? Hell, do you plan on getting laid anytime soon? No man wants to smell that, babe.” She said as she crinkled her nose and covered it with her hand; acting like a strong, horrible stench had just made contact with her nose. “You can get out Serenity! Clearly my door is not locked, being that you could casually stroll in, sit on my bed and tell me how you really feel about me!” I said before I grabbed the small purple throw pillow off my bed and threw it at her. “And I don’t stink! Do I?” She nodded as she spoke. “YES, honey! You smell like a f*****g farm animal.”  She got off my bed and I thought she was going to leave but no such luck! She walked over to my plugin that was in the wall by the door and turned the knob on the top of it. I looked at her like she had lost her mind. “What are you doing?” “I had to put it on the highest setting. You really do stink.” She walked back to the bed, sat down and looked me in my eyes as she spoke. “Hay, I can’t let you be all depressed in this room by yourself. I think it will make you feel a lot better if we go out tonight and let loose for a while.” She smiled and began moving her hips as if she could suddenly hear music in her head. “You know you want to dance with me! Getting a drink or two might pull you out of the funk you’re in.” I rolled my eyes at her. Partying was her kind of thing. Not mine. I’m more of a stay at home, eat pasta and binge watch Netflix kind of girl. “I don’t feel like going out tonight.” I said honestly. “Then let’s celebrate graduating! We have yet to do that and that, my dear, is still a major accomplishment!” She stood up without taking her eyes off of me and grabbed my hand so that I could stand with her. Clearly, she was not taking no for an answer today. “I don’t have anything to wear.” I said, hoping she would take the hint but again, no such luck! “Oh please, I have just the outfit for you!” She said as she eyed the hidden silhouette of my body in my flowery, pink and purple sleeping gown. “You’re going to be sexy as hell in it too! Just trust me.” 

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