Story By AmeFrostByte


Hey bosses! I\'m just an aspiring author with a passion for creating worlds that one wishes to get lost in! Please give some of my work a chance! And if you like it and want to keep up with installments or other series, and stories in general please join out group page, ALOVE4STORIEZ on FB! BTW OF FAE & DESTRUCTION WILL BE REMOVED SOON FROM MY STORY PROFILE!! THANKS!
The Disgraced Daughter & Her Sigma Mate
Updated at Jul 26, 2024, 16:39
When the great delta of Marsh Haven wolf pack was killed inaction, Alpha Calin Preston, his closest friend, did not hesitate to take young Royce in as his own. Royce's adopted mother and sister, however, had other motives. Persephone and the Luna, Cherry Preston, saw to it that little Royce never forgot that she wasn't a true daughter of the alpha family, and she never would be. For years, the jealous mother and daughter plot to get rid of Royce and finally succeed when they set her up to take the fall for a reckless endangerment that ended in death. With her name sullied, the alpha is forced to banish what came to be his favorite daughter. Living life as a lone wolf for two years, Royce changed. So when she is asked to return home in the middle of a territorial conflict, Royce realizes that she is not as excited to return as she once would have been. Coming back as a servant to the family that she grew up with only made that feeling of discomfort worse. Waiting on her adopted sister is not new to Royce. It was her fiancée the cold, and easily irritable Sigma Alpha, Apollo Blackwood, however, that turns her life upside down. Royce believes that things can't possibly get worse. It does. Apollo had a premonition that his true mate would come from a powerful family of the Marsh Haven wolfpack. Persephone Preston is a bit immature and bratty but he can surely break her out of that. It's half a year in with Persephone and while Apollo has her tamed, he still has a gut feeling that Persephone is not the one. Then the disgraced daughter of Alpha returns. How can this be?! How can the disgraced Disperser be his mate?
Frozen Memories: Heirs of Ethra
Updated at Feb 2, 2024, 06:00
The trip through the portal to Ethra is extremely draining for first-timers, usually, draining them unconscious. It\'s when Mina awakens alone in a dark Amthirion saturated cell, that she realizes the long-awaited trip to Ethra will not be as welcoming as originally assumed. My feet carried me as far away from the bar as could be managed. It was only when my heels scraped against the smooth stone behind me that I realized I had backed away as far as I could. Why...why was this fear taking hold of me? Why could I not fight it? There was something painfully familiar about the theme of this place that burned a hole through my will to push past my fright. When I closed my eyes to push out the anxiety, a flash of my past pulsed through my mind’s eye. There was a cell, dank and smelly-the floors saturated with water that had just been used on me with a power washing hose. “Alright, Frost,” I heard so clearly as if I was if this wasn’t a walking memory in the deep recesses of my mind forcing me to remember my torture-this voice not to be confused with the one that I had not a moment ago heard greeting me. “No!” I exclaimed frightfully, gripping my hair panic-stricken. The full details of my past life had never been completely delved into, but the scars of the past would still find their way to the forefront at times in small traumatic...and painful memory flashes. “I don’t-I don’t want to see this again!” “You are a troubled one,” The man said at the other side of the bar. I gathered my composure enough to return attention to the current situation at hand-to this male standing in the dark before me as opposed to what I knew to be a terrible reminder of a treacherous memory. “What...what do you want?” I managed to finally spit out. The man standing before the bars, his eyes aglow in teal blue stared at me in eerily long silence before a dry chuckle barely parted his lips. “I think I’d be more inclined to ask you this question, my pretty little femlin.” Femlin? I had never before heard such a term. I could only assume that this was a term from Ethra. Suddenly, I wished that I had further ventured into the memories that I had declined to explore when offered by Keyvah. Wait! Keyvah! Amorah! Max! Everyone! Where had they gone!?
Awakened: Reckoning of the Moon & Sun
Updated at Nov 1, 2022, 22:09
Book 4 In Children of the Sun&Moon Series Kazmiyah's and the gang are back! And with more twists and turns than before! With her mother being newly awakened, Kazmiyah and Falcon, as well as the others realize that it will not be too long before Christoph is out for his reckoning. Having just gotten through a harrowing loss and yet another battle against an enemy, things are finally trying to calm down but tension is bubbling below the surface; as everyone knows that this small space of peace is the calm before the storm. Can the Children of the Sun & Moon handle what will come next?
REVIVED: Vengeance of The Sun And Moon
Updated at Mar 29, 2021, 14:14
***Book 3 in Children of the Sun & Moon Series*** Kazmiyah, Aurora, and the other children of the sun and moon have gone through numerous trials throughout their young lives. And the fight has just begun. With Bellarossa, the bloodletter of inhumans and the Zodiac on the loose, Kazmiyah and Aurora find that they have more in common than they originally thought. Those commonalities are what bring them together in a way to put aside their differences to teach one another to adjust to the life that they were given while searching for the antagonists that made their lives hell. Can the children of the sun and moon place their feelings unbalanced mentalities aside to get to Bellarossa and the Zodiac?
Loving Maverick
Updated at Mar 16, 2021, 16:58
Though her passions lie in mechanics or the military, Stevie is pressured by an overprotective father to seek something safer and more stable. It's when she lands a job at the prestigious Maverick Industries, that Stevie decides reluctantly, and against her better judgment to go out and celebrate with her best friend, Kacey. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she'd run into her future boss...and get him locked up in the process without knowing who he is. Maverick fresh from an honorable discharge has returned home and now has to deliver on the deal that he and his father made when he was eighteen years old; Once done with his term, he'll come and work at his father's Billion-dollar architectural business. After a few very successful big-time client deals were sealed, Maverick's father realizes how truly promising his son's career in the industry will be. In training to eventually take over his father's business, Maverick is pressured to find an assistant to further help him along. Maverick prefers to do his work alone but since his father is insistent, he resigns to his wishes. It's the night before he meets this new assistant that he is coerced into going out with his best friend. He immediately regrets it when he finds himself being arrested because of one drunk bumbling girl. Needless to say, they're both in for a rude awakening the following day when they officially meet for the first time as boss and assistant.
The Siren & Her Demon King
Updated at Jan 13, 2021, 22:24
*WARNING* IMPLIED FORCED SEXUAL ACTS PRESENT IN CHPT29-32 Born second, to the late Kobra and Belleza Kinkayd, Kieran was born into a Dystopian world of war-a war that has been going on for decades. She was considered a special and rare piece of humanity as she was born with Albinism; and in the world lived in that day and age the Albinos were a rarely seen race of humanity, considered treasures even to the enemy. Now with both her father and her mother gone. There is only Kimora, her older sister, and 23 year old Kieran left with the overwhelming responsibility of everyone looking to to them for hope. Things take a turn for the worse however, when Kieran is f****d to turn herself in in exchange for the safety of her people, not knowing that it was only a trap. Now captured and in custody of the Demoi, Kieran is useless and has to figure out a way to grieve for what she has lost and survive the a***e and t*****e of being prisoner to the Demoi and their cold, mysterious and attractive King, Casimir. 'When I finally regrouped with everyone else, they were crying and grief-stricken over the man. I wanted to cry; I was very grief-stricken as well. Yet another of the few that we had left was gone under my watch. But there was no room for crying-there was no time to grieve. Not while we were still out in the open and not while we were being hunted. “We grieve when we get to safety.” I said. It may have sounded cruel; and I gathered as much when I looked into my sister’s eyes, but it was true. We just lost one of our own...I didn’t want to lose anyone else. “Keep moving.”
Disgraced: Twins of the Zodiac
Updated at Mar 15, 2020, 16:57
***Book 2 in the Children of the Sun & Moon series.**** In the wake of the tragedy that befell Crescent Falls, another story unfolds the life of twins, Jeriko and Aurora Valentine, whose path will inevitably lead to where it all began. An odd feeling of anxiety swept over her while she sat there under the large, old Ash tree; her odd colored eyes skimming through the words written across the pages of her novel robotically, while her mind was undoubtedly elsewhere. The unsettled feelings that she had weren’t particularly placed. They never really were; always considered more so a side-effect of whenever she decided to make the reckless decision to neglect her more primal needs. A sudden overbearing shadow, aside that of her favorite beautiful tree, hovered in the remaining light that the tree captured of the sun, averting her attention but not her gaze. Afterall, she already knew who the statuesque guy was that was standing before her. "Hello, brother." She greeted.
Frozen Memories
Updated at Oct 11, 2019, 17:16
*COMPLETE* “The cold does not bother me.” I assured. Sometimes, as odd as the thought happened to be, I feared that this strange chill was my doing in the first place. It wasn’t completely unbelievable when considering all of the abnormal things about me so far. The thought caused me further self-questioning when I found that my room was the only one brimming with this cold according to Dr. Byrne and Nurse Lisa Jones. It also granted me pause to find that this chill did not start until I made my appearance to this place.
Outcast: Daughter of The Moon
Updated at Aug 14, 2019, 19:30
***Book 1 in Children of the Sun & Moon Series*** What was made to be a safe haven... turned into her prison... Only a moment later, did Warren find something of a dark velvet-like hue, lying amidst a bushel of broken sticks and patchy grass, only slightly covered in the light snow. The alpha edged closer to the near violet fabric when he noticed it to be a blanket. Still, however, there was no movement, not even a cry. Warren cursed under his breath, as he came upon the blanket, thinking that something or someone had gotten to it before he had. It was only when he took a step closer, that he saw the small hand that reached out from the soft velvet violet blanket with a gold K embroidered upon each side of it. He bent down to get a closer look, relieved that the infant was alright, but still hesitant in making a decision of what he should do with the little human...... Kazmiyah always watched from afar, careful not to stand too close to the window as she didn't want to be spotted by any of the kid bystanders that left the school. Watching them leave brought a feeling that she could only describe as bittersweet, knowing that these kids are relieved to be away from their seven-hour day of school while she is forced to call this place her home. Then one fateful night when the town is under attack by ferals Kazmiyah is found by Falcon Alvaro, the last living Lycan Alpha and chosen mate of her guardian's daughter. At first, where she imagined that it'd be great to be officially part of the Crescent family, Kazmiyah soon realizes that the dream was just silly fantasy as things quickly spiral out of control.