Werewolf Books

Werewolves are romantic beings - at some points, they are more romantic (and heroic) than their vampire counterparts. Therefore, reading werewolf books can make our hearts tremble even more. Alpha male werewolves tend to be the most attractive species; even so, there are moments when the Beta, Delta, and Gamma werewolves take the spots.

Werewolves in these werewolf book series enjoy romances through different ways than humans, regardless of their genders. Even so, she-wolves tend to be more tolerant of their human partners, even though this case is a rare one to encounter. Still, who can deny the romance sparks from those attractive werewolf characters in various werewolf books series?


"werewolf books"Book Series:

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    My Miracle Luna (Complete)


    This book is now available for purchase on Ama*zon. Due to the length, it was split into three parts. All three parts are available on Ama*zon as of 07/06/2023. ------------------------------------------------------------ As of September 30, 2020, this book was placed on the pay-to-read program. Rylee Duquesne was orphaned at ten years old when her father, the Alpha of the Silver Lake pack, was challenged for his pack. He lost. The challenger, Alpha Eric Patterson of the Halfmoon pack took over and slaughtered everyone. Rylee was the only survivor. After she is discovered, Eric took her in and turned her into a slave. For eight years, Rylee was mistreated and abused. On her 18th birthday, Rylee meets her mate, and it's none other than Eric's son and the future Alpha of Halfmoon, Ash. He rejects her, and she accepts; unfortunately, she had to reveal her true identity, that she is an Alpha by blood; however, Rylee is not only an Alpha by her father's side but also her mother's, making Rylee a true Alpha. Ash realizes that he is in love with Rylee, but it's too late. On the night of his Alpha ceremony, Rylee is given her second chance mate, another Alpha. Wyatt Valencia, of Blue Lake. Unbeknownst to her, Wyatt has been in love with Rylee since she was ten years old. Will Rylee be able to let go of her past and find happiness with Wyatt, or has the damage to her soul put her in a place of no return? What will happen when Rylee's pedigree is fully discovered by the enemy? Read to find out. Copyright © 2020-2021 Eunie Lee All Rights Reserved If I find out anyone has plagiarized my work. I will report you, and depending on the severity, I will even take legal action. This story is signed and published on Dreame, and Dreame alone. Image credits go to Pixabay.com

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    Her Triplet Alphas

    Joanna Jread7.4MParanormal

    Chasity has spent years being picked on by the identical Triplets: Alpha Alex, Alpha Felix and Alpha Calix Thorn. They’re rich, handsome and popular werewolves and they make sure Chasity knows she is a poor, "fat" and unpopular she-wolf. The boys pull her golden curls and mock her every move, nicknaming her ChaRity because she was taken into the pack house when left behind by her gambling, drug-addict parents. She cooks and cleans for free to pay off the debts incurred by her parents to the wolf pack. She’s relieved to count down the days to her eighteenth birthday when she can leave her pack behind forever. The last thing on her mind is finding out who her mate is when she comes of age. On her birthday, she is horrified to discover that her former tormenters, the Alpha Triplets, are her fated mates, all three of them. She has seven more months of hell aka high school before she can flee. The Triplets who are filled with remorse and lust for their little mate are determined to spend the next seven months convincing her to stay. Is it too little too late or will their happily ever after be just right? Formerly Called: Goldilocks and the Triplet Alphas

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    The Luna Trials

    Marissa Gilbertread3.6MFantasy

    After Savannah’s mate turned out to be a traitor who tried to kill her family, she decided she did not want to love or feel anything anymore. So, when the Lycan King of the Northern Kingdom comes to her brother to demand her hand in marriage in return for his support, she decides to make the ultimate sacrifice and accept the proposal. However, when she arrives in the North, she has the shock of her life finding out that the King did not count on her agreeing to become his wife. Moreover, to avoid marrying her, he invited twelve other brides to compete for the title of The Luna of The North. Now just a contender in The Luna Trials, Savvy has to choose whether to take the insult and leave... or stay, making the North King regret the day he asked for her hand. She will have to become a rival of twelve gorgeous women who would stop at nothing to get the crown on their pretty heads. The North is a rough place, and some of the competitions are dangerous, to say the least. The northerners will only accept the Luna that is worthy. Everything gets even more complicated when Savannah starts falling for a stranger, who is the only person nice to her in this foreign place. Her mate suddenly appears back in her life, and the enemies of both kingdoms start to act, endangering everyone and everything. This is the second book in the Divine Wolves series, but it can be enjoyed as a standalone story. Book I: The Perfect Luna Book II: The Luna Trials Book III: The Alpha God's Luna

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    Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

    Joanna Jread2.5MParanormal

    The Viper Moon Pack, is known for two things: having venomous bites in their wolf forms and having tons of cold hard cash in their human forms. Hannah is one of the only scholarship students at Viper Moon Academy, an exclusive werewolf boarding school for the super rich. None of the elites at school know that she exists until she shifts on her eighteenth birthday at the beginning of senior year and finds her mates. Hannah is fated to the four richest, most popular and most arrogant boys in school, the Quadruplet Alphas: Jonah, Noah, Elijah and Isaiah. The Quads are beloved by all except Hannah whom they ignored completely until the mate-bond hit. Now the only girl they want is the one girl not interested in them! Will the Quads demolish everything in their path to get to Hannah including the walls she has built around her heart? Are the rumours of a curse on the Quad's family true? Is Hannah risking her life by being with the so-called cursed Quads? Can the curse be broken? Who put the curse on their family and more importantly, why? It all remains to be seen in Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas by Joanna J.

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    The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn


    "Find out what?" he asks. "That I'm getting married to a woman I don't want to marry?" I fight the ache in my heart at his question. I knew he didn't want to marry me. He wasn't the one in love. I was. And he didn't know how much I loved him. I've hidden it well. "She's right there." His mother snaps. "Have some respect for your future wife and the future daughter-in-law of this family." Atticus takes a step toward his mother; his eyes flash with anger as he says, "the only woman I will marry is Anya. No one else." . . . . . . . . . . . Atticus Fawn is petrified when he finds out he has to marry the best friend of his mate. He tries to escape the wedding but eventually realizes that it is useless to do so. He knows that he can never love another woman like he loves Anya. And definitely not Autumn Rivera. He's, however, unprepared for her gentleness and her caring nature. Before he knows it, she's forcing her way into his life, and if he's not careful—his heart.

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    jennifer francisread1.3MParanormal Urban

    Piper rejected her Mate at 21, as he could not scent her, did not know who she was. Unable to handle the pains of betrayal anymore, she moves away to live her life as a human, her wolf Harper no longer able to shift to her wolf form, to weakened by their life inside the pack. Piper knows she is unscentable to her own kind, no one has ever even noticed her, has been alone in her pack since she was 10 years old. Leaves her home pack for her own self-preservation and survival, Rejects her Mate while he sleeps in the hope it will break their bond to each other, runs away to live her life out in the human world. Mate-less with only the mind of her wolf left. Years later Piper is threatened by and Alpha to have her reported to the Wolfen council and be sent to prison if she didn't do as he wanted and make a dress for his daughter, then again threatened by that same alpha as he tried to make her a part of his pack. Piper manages to get away, leaves the country to feel safe from him. Unbeknownst to Piper, her Mate has found her due to her reaction to him in her store, comes to the conclusion she is his lost mate. Though Piper believes he has found another Mate, as Bradley Drake brought a she-wolf right into Piper's store himself to force Piper to make the woman a Luna Ceremony gown. Piper knows she is unscentable to him and cannot handle seeing him with another it is too much pain for her and her wolf. After fleeing the country to escape the other Alpha after her, she is rendered unconscious after a fight for her life and wakes up Marked by her Mate, inside of his Pack, a place she and her wolf swore they would never return to. Can she learn to trust in him, will she believe that he has scented her? Can Piper and her wolf Harper, find out why they are unscentable? Will Piper and Harper trust in the Mate Bond and want to claim their Mate in return. Can Bradley Drake win over his Mate Piper Harper and bring her back into the Pack she was born into? will Piper accept him and become the Luna to the Pack she once felt abandoned by? so abandoned it in return herself, with no intention of every returning.

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    His Abused Mate

    Cassy Leporatiread4.5MParanormal

    I shook my head frantically, keeping my head down. He walked towards me and tried to change my mind. “Oh come on, you can't be that bad looking.” He reached his hand out toward my hood and I jumped away, falling to the ground while shaking with fear. “Alexis? Oh my god, Alexis I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” I felt like sobbing, screaming even, but I knew nothing was gonna come out. I waited until I calmed down a little before I stood up and dusted myself off. “I'm sorry Alexis.” Was the last thing I heard before my hood was pulled off my head, revealing my face. ************** Alexis Cradle, she's mute and abused. She's been abused for 8 years but she doesn't know why. One day she goes to school and faces the new kids, the super hot new kids. She was shocked to find them trying to talk and hang out with her but she tried to avoid them because she knew her father would kill her if he found out... Hunter Nile, he's the future Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. His father isn't giving Hunter the position until he turns 18, he ends up spending his last year of having no responsibilities at school where he finds his mate, Alexis. He tries to talk to her but she strays away from him every time, he doesn't know why she's like this but he promises himself to figure her out... •••••••••••••• What will happen when Alexis' father finds out she's been hanging with three guys? Will Hunter save her before it's too late? Read to find out. {This Book Is Edited} {Completed} {I WAS 13 WHEN I WROTE THIS!! IF IT IS BAD I UNDERSTAND!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED}

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    The Silent Alpha

    Stephanie Lightread6.2MParanormal

    ***COMPLETED*** Natalia is the beloved human Luna of the Silver Crest Pack, that is... until she finds her Alpha mate sleeping with her sister on the same day she finds out she's pregnant. Zane was born with a debilitating stutter. Alone, abused, and neglected, Zane grows silent and is cast out as a rogue by his father, the brutal Alpha of the Scarlet Haven Pack. Two broken souls, a former Luna and a silent Alpha cross paths by chance. Will they be able to heal each other or will their pasts come back to haunt them? Book 4 of the Ivory Twin Series but can be read as standalone. Order of the series: 1. The Gold Queen 2. The Ivory Queen 3. The Earth Witch 4. The Silent Alpha

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    The Perfect Luna

    Marissa Gilbertread4.0MFantasy

    COMPLETED Riannon stood there watching how her husband of six years brought his true mate Roxy to their packhouse. Although he insisted that his mate was only there to appease his wolf and promised not to touch her, Ria knew the sad truth. This little shy omega would destroy everything Ria loved and treasured in less than a year. Being the perfect Luna was simply not enough for her beloved husband when his mate bond kicked in. But also … their divorce wasn’t enough for the evil omega. Right before her own Luna crowning ceremony, she ordered to brutally kill Riannon and everyone who was still loyal to her. However, the Moon Goddess had other plans. Ria was returned to the exact moment when her life turned upside down with a chance to change everything. The chance she was not going to waste. Everything was going so well, but Ria did not expect the changes she made to create a chain reaction. Thanks to that, she soon discovers her own true mate – the Lycan King. And that’s when the story truly begins. The Perfect Luna is an award-winning book written by Marissa Gilbert and is the first book in The Divine Wolves series. Book 1: The Perfect Luna Book 2: The Luna Trials Book 3: The Alpha God's Luna The overall winner of Stary Writing Academy III competition and Dreame ACE Book contest.

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    Abused and Broken


    How do you know what love is when the only love you have ever know comes with bruises cuts and being told you are nothing? Short answer is you can't know what it truly is. It is a risk. That is not a risk I can take. Ember is a wolf. Her dad is abusive and leaves the pack with her in order to avoid anyone learning about the things he does to her. Her first day she finds her mate. However, she doesn't want a mate not after what she saw her father do to her mother. She must hide herself. But how long can she hide from the future Alpha who is looking everywhere for his mate? In the process of edits all chapters! Please hang in there!