Read Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Complete Novel Online


Rachel Yates was the heiress to the Yates wealth and property, but as easy as it seemed for her, it was really not easy. Her younger sister, Shirley envied her deeply and plot against her. In the first chapter of Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel, Rachel was locked up in a storehouse, heavily pregnant and at the verge of giving birth when disaster struck.

Rachel, of course, being in that position was uncomfortable and needed help but no matter how she cried out for it, she was ignored. Eventually, her sister Shirley visited her just when Rachel went into forced labour and gave birth to two baby boys. Happy to see her sister, thinking that Shirley would help her as long as she was in labour, Rachel reached out, but the jealous Shirley took Rachel”s babies from her instead, threatening to bury them since they apparently were still born. But that was not the case, the kids were alive.

Shirley would later find out that the children that her sister, Rachel gave birth to were from the Yates family. Yes. In Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel, it was found that the man who had defiled Rachel Yates and put her in the predicament that she currently was in was the young master of the Yates family.

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Part 1: Main Plot Of Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love

Separated By Fate Reunited By Love Read Online

Rachel Yates was set up and defiled. The heiress to the Yates fortune, she instantly became a disappointment to her family, especially her father who locked her away in a storeroom when he heard what Rachel had supposedly done. Rachel was locked in that storeroom for eight months, and she never saw the outside world throughout the duration.

She was pregnant as a result of what she had done, or what had happened to her, and on this occasion, Rachel was in labour. She started off by bleeding profusely according to Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel, and when she called out for help, she was ignored. Eventually, as if she knew, Rachel”s younger sister came visiting.

Shirley Yates came right in time to see Rachel with the first set of the quadruplets that she gave birth to. Rachel went into forced labour and gave birth to two boys at first, who instantly grew pale because of the circumstances surrounding their birth. It was at that point that Rachel”s sister entered the storehouse and saw the babies.

Shirley was stunned, and basking in extreme wickedness, she took the babies from Rachel, claiming that they were dead and needed to be buried. It was also at that point that she confessed to Rachel that she was the one behind Rachel”s ordeal because she was jealous of Rachel being the heiress to the Yates family”s fortune.

Rachel cried her eyes out according to Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel. Shirley took her babies away while Rachel wept in disbelief. For crying out loud, that was her own sister. But jealousy had gotten the best of Shirley, so she was a real villain.

After Shirley took the babies away, she was actually going to bury them because she thought they were dead, but the maid that she was with soon told her that the babies had woken up. Shirley almost collapsed. She looked closely at them and identified them as Yates lineage because the resemblance was striking. The babies were heavily malnourished so as pale and bony as their faces were, she could see Yates in them.

Quickly, Shirley dismissed the man that guarded Rachel. She sent him on an errand so that she could carry out her evil plan. While that was happening, Rachel was giving birth again. Two more children this time and just after she gave birth to them, she felt intense heat oozing into the room.

Rachel soon saw that everything around her was burning. Shirley had set the place ablaze, so that there will be no trace of Rachel to claim the kids and belong to the Yates family. Petrified, Rachel started to look for a way out. The sad thing about it was that Rachel”s father did not care about what happened to her. When he was informed about the fire incident and that Rachel might be in there, he thought of it as good riddance.

Inside the burning building, the children that had just been born by Rachel were not phased. They suckled while their mother sought a way out. The good thing about this situation was that Rachel was determined not to die inside there, and saving her children gave her the driving force she needed to look for a way out. While Shirley was hoping that Rachel would get burnt to death, Rachel was trying to escape.

To Shirley”s dismay, Rachel escaped with her other two kids. According to Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel, Shirley did not know that Rachel have birth to two other children apart from the first set that Shirley seized. One thing led to another and after fleeing the country for five years, Rachel had to return. It was a maze of events upon Rachel”s return, one that Shirley was not happy to hear about.

Part 2: Hot Chapter Of Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love

Chapter 16

Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Chapter 16

Leisurely fishing with his friends, Rachel made an appearance that startled the men that were by the shore of the sea. She had been swimming for quite some time and had gone some length when she saw the men staring at her direction. Obviously, they were lusting after her according to Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel.

Jordan Ford was still not aware of the fact that Rachel was the mother of the kids he was with. Shirley had stolen Rachel”s first set of babies that she gave birth to and although she had met Jordan Ford the day before this, she was still in the oblivion of the fact that he was with those other children that she had lost, and that he was the father of them.

Rachel had an attitude towards Jordan because of his pride. Even when he went to meet her as she was contemplating coming out of the river while his lustful friends watched her body, she would rather he did not help her because of his overbearing attitude. Jordan informed Rachel that there was no need for her to reject his offer of putting on his jacket because the men that waited to see her body on shore were worse than any prejudice, she could have had against him.

“There are lustful eyes waiting for you on the shore, might as well go up naked if you aren”t afraid.”

Those were words said by Jordan to Rachel when she tried to reject his offer of help.

Seeing that Jordan was correct, Rachel suggested that she paid for the jacket that Jordan wanted her to put on. That way, she would not be indebted to him in any way.

“It is only natural to not owe anything to a stranger.”

A determined Rachel Yates said those words to Jordan Ford as she slapped some wet cash on his chest.

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Part 3: Characters Of Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love

Rachel Yates

Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love Rachel Yates

The female lead of the novel, Rachel Yates grew from weak to strong along the course of the book. Betrayed by her own sister, she almost lost her life, but her will power was able to see her through everything that she went through while she was locked up in a storehouse by her own father.

Separated By Fate, Reunite By Love lets us know that Rachel gave birth to quadruplets, but at first, she only ended up with two of them as her evil sister took the first set that Rachel gave birth to while locked up in the storehouse. She had been there for eight months.

Jordan Ford

Separated By Fate Reunited By Love Jordan Ford

Jordan Ford, the male lead of the novel was an easy-going son of the Ford family. He was the one who forced himself on Rachel for reason that are buttressed in the book with detail. He was the father of Rachel”s quadruplets, yet he only had access to two of them, and they were the ones that Shirley Yates had stolen from Rachel. Shirley also claimed to be the one that Jordan had slept with on that fateful day.

Part 4: ConclusionSeparated By Fate, Reunited By Love Novel

Decently written to taste, Separated By Fate, Reunited By Love is yet another novel with a weak to strong female leading the course of the novel. Rachel”s character was accurately depicted in the course of the novel as the author saw to it that the plot was duly detailed while narrating the book. I encourage readers to give the novel a go, guaranteeing a worthy read.

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