[Werewolf Heat] She’s The Luna I Want Read Online


Amara and Alpha Jace were friends while growing up, but along the line they grew apart with Jace tilting towards male friends of his age group, while Amara became closer to his sister, Catherine in She’s The Luna I Want Novel. Even though Alpha Jace and Amara supposedly grew apart, the Alpha still looked out for her from a distance as he had a fondness for her that he could not quite wrap his fingers around.

However, the attraction between them could not linger on without them being close to themselves after a while. The older they became, the closer they started to get to each other. Amara was an Alpha she-wolf by the way, and maybe that was part of the reason Alpha Jace could not resist her in any way.

Alpha bloods collided indeed in this thrilling and sensational novel, She’s The Luna I Want. Fighting temptations became the order of the day for Alpha Jace who struggled to keep his groin to himself and not devour Amara with love and excitement anytime she came teasing him which she nearly always did day and night especially after she found her wolf.

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Part 1: Main Plot Of She’s The Luna I Want

She's The Luna I Want Novel

Alpha Jace and Amara had been connected for as long as they could remember. Jace had always been Amara’s closest friend until they started to grow older and Jace tended to tilt towards the direction of his male friends and age group, while Amara became closer to Jace’s sister, Catherine in She’s The Luna I Want Novel. In a nutshell, nature was just taking place in their lives.

Even though that was the case, nearly everyone knew the connection Alpha Jace and Amara had even though they were from different packs. Moreover, Amara had not found her mate yet. She was barely even seventeen. However, something rather extraordinary happened to Amara. Being a wolf from Alpha lineage, and being an Alpha wolf herself, she found her wolf before the usual age of eighteen.

One day, a wolf from Alpha Jace’s pack quickly mind-linked him, telling him that he saw Amara running towards the Shadow Academy all alone, and she seemed stressed about something. Alpha Jace, according to She’s The Luna I Want, promptly went after Amara. Alpha Jace ran after Amara until he caught up with her at a clearing where he asked what was going on and realized that she was about to transform to her wolf, hence the discomfort and anxiety that made her start running away from her shadow.

Transforming to her wolf was not an easy one for Amara. She was in full-fledged pain, and because her transformation took her unawares, she did not expect to be met with the sudden nerve wrenching pain that she felt. You know, if she was mundanely waiting for her eighteenth birthday before she found her wolf, she would have been mentally prepared for the occasion, but in this case, Amara was taken unawares, and so, she became a nervous wreck.

Alpha Jace’s presence with Amara when she was transforming into her wolf was a breath of fresh air for her even though he could not do anything to stop the pain. Alpha Jace was there to encourage her and help her through the process even though there were several awkward moments between them.

One should not forget that while they were going through such a serious process as transforming to her wolf, they were attracted to each other and the fact that Amara had to get naked in front of Alpha Jace for a seamless process, sent shivers down his spine. Jace had to see Amara through getting rid of any piece of clothing that would hinder her transformation, and so she was literally naked in front of him.

Well, the good thing was that Alpha Jace gratefully gave Amara his shirt which was big enough to cover her and make sure he did not fall victim to temptation of his hard cock. Amara transformed to her wolf called Ice, and Alpha Jace’s wolf could not be more upset for the fact that he could not communicate with Amara’s wolf. Amara’s wolf, Ice, was a pure black wolf that graced her so well, Alpha Jae’s wolf could only wish he would talk to her.

Amara, according to She’s The Luna I Want, had Alpha blood, and Jace was so attracted to her, he literally fought against his own pleasures to stay away from her. This could be seen in various scenarios where Amara would deliberately tempt the Alpha, get his cock rock hard, and dare him not to touch her sexually. Alpha Jace was literally having such a hard time with the young lady, as staying away from Amara was becoming more and more impossible every day.

Alpha Jace had not found his mate, and every day that passed had him wish upon the moon goddess that Amara was the mate for him. She’s The Luna I Want title is enough to let us know how stoic he that Amara was his mate. Alpha Jace could stop the world for Amara, and Amara was quite aware of that. Did the moon goddess grant Alpha Jace his wishes?

If love and affection could make the moon goddess alter the fate of Alpha Jace and Amara, one would only know after reading She’s The Luna I Want Novel. Read the love story of these Alpha’s and come to terms with how Alpha blood collided in this thrilling novel, She’s The Luna I Want.

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Part 2: Hot Chapters Of She’s The Luna I Want

Chapter 1

She's The Luna I Want Chapter 1

“Alpha, I bumped into Lady Amara. She was running towards the forest line and asked me not to follow her. I think something happened to her. She looked bad.”

Alpha Jace had been mind-linked by one of his warriors at this point, and he frantically started racing towards Amara at top speed. Amara was also a warrior, bear in mind, so her running towards the forest line could mean anything, including the fact that there might be trouble around. For so many reasons, according to She’s The Luna I Want Novel, Alpha Jace ran to meet the she-wolf that he had his eyes on for a very long time.

This was the chapter that started the course of the novel. Chapter 1 indeed. A frantic Amara was running from her own shadow. She was about to transform to her wolf, and lucky enough, Alpha Jace was there to watch it happen. This chapter of the novel lets readers understand the depth of fear that was in Amara’s mond while she was running along the forest line.

“What’s going on? Does it hurt somewhere?”

“Everywhere hurts.”

“Did someone… Did assault you?”

The above dialogue went on between Alpha Jace and Amara when he eventually caught up with her after she had run miles away from the common wolf territory.

“Amara, I think you are shifting.”

Alpha Jace, due to experience, was able to reveal the fact to Amara, who was beyond shocked to hear that. How on earth could she be shifting at such a time? She had just turned sixteen, and it was not even a full moon yet so how on earth could it be that Amara was shifting to her wolf? Well, according to She’s The Luna I Want Novel, that was the power of being an Alpha.

Part 3: Conclusion Of She’s The Luna I Want

She's The Luna I Want Read Online

She’s The Luna I Want is sizzling hot. A werewolf romance novel with a lot of tease and so much to leave to the imagination of the readers, the author of the novel could not be wrong in any way as the delivery of the novel carries every single facet of genuine spec of a worthy web novel.

The characters of the novel are brought to life severely, and accurately, and the author’s way of teasing the readers with sizzling hot romantic scenes between Amara and Alpha Jace are worthy of being taken note of. Critically speaking, the pace of the novel is a little bit slow for my liking if you ask me as the same message was being passed across only via different ways to the readers. Nonetheless, one cannot fault the author for a spectacular deliver of She’s The Luna I Want Novel.

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