Hot Chapters of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Novel


Azura Rayne Westwood was known for her devilish ways and wild personality from her days at the Academy, word of her antics spread far and fast, yet there was far more to the young nineteen-year-old woman. Spending a night of intense passion unknowingly with the infamous stone-hearted Leo Rossi, changing her life forever in alpha leo and the Heart of fire novel.

She was the youngest child of the renowned Westwood couple. The skeletons of the past are never left buried, and life isn’t all as carefree as Azura portrays it to be. When demons from her past begin to make life difficult, she ends up making an even bigger mistake.

When Leo finds out that the woman he bedded was from none other than one of the packs he resents the most, he turns away from her, but he forgot one very vital detail; Azura was no angel, and when you mess with the Westwood Devil, you’re tied for life.

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Part 1: Main Story of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Not Funny

The laughter rang in Azure`s ears but there is nothing merry about it, it was filled with malice and jeers. Standing between her boyfriend and his men, they are torturing someone who she doesn’t even recognize in his wolf form, but what else is new, this is the usual for them in alpha leo and the heart of fire novel.

She always tried to ignore his ways and stayed out of his business. Tries to focus on the good in him instead, but often, they expect her to join in with their sick games. She doesn’t want to do this, staring at the bloody mass on the ground, her stomach churns. This was not meant to happen.

All she could hear is just pull the trigger from a voice devoid of emotions, his cold murky eyes meet her as he holds the gun out to her. She wasn’t sure about this, this wasn’t what he told her, and she stared at the gun, trying to think how she got there. She doesn’t know when she fell into this toxic relationship. She wasn’t someone who needs sympathy, she was never one who couldn’t sleep at night because of my demons.

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Lets Play

She was always carefree, unbothered, and wild. She loved to have fun, crush on the good-looking boys in her class, or whatever hot Alpha crossed her path. Now she had found herself tossing and turning, trying to push the nightmares her so-called boyfriend has pulled her into in alpha leo and the heart of fire novel.

Azura Rayne Westwood was a child born in a way that played with the very laws of nature, but she doesn’t see herself as a freak. She believed she should be dead, but she is not.

She remembered when she was a child, she didn’t understand why she was disliked. Occasionally there were kids in the Pack whispering behind her back, but they didn’t dare to do anything to her because she was the daughter of their Alpha. Though she wasn’t someone to mess with, she always made anyone who tried to hurt her or those she loved, suffer.

However, there was one name that never left her and that was when she is called Freak. She look at her boyfriend, he knows she hate that term, but he still used it. She saw it to be her fault, she was the one blind enough to tell him her darkest secrets.

Check out Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Now!

Part 2: Free Chapters of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 2 of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Her New World

Everyone else seemed to fade away as she stared at the man in the middle of chapter 2 of alpha leo and the heart of fire. He wore a fitted black shirt, his sleeves rolled up with black pants and boots. From what she could tell his entire neck, his arms, and his hands were covered in tattoos.

And then her heart lurched when the most intoxicating, orgasm-inducing scent hit her; woody and dangerously seductive, with the hint of blood mandarin, warm cinnamon, and patchouli. The scent was coming from none other than the Alpha male in the center.

He paused, tensing as he turned his head slightly. He had smelt her. The restlessness of her wolf and the pounding of her heart were no longer in her control. Every cell in her body was going haywire as she stared at none other than the god before her. It was her mate.

Kingdom of Sin was a human strip club in the heart of one of the busiest cities in the country, a place quite far away from my home, and the chance of running into someone she knew was unlikely. Not to mention she had used an X2 scent disguiser.

Chapter 3 of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire No Way

She had no option than to move back, in chapter 3 of alpha leo and the heart of fire novel, her heart thumped. He must have heard her, he must have smelt her. What the hell was she supposed to do now? Judah was dangerous, but the man standing a few meters from me screamed of power and danger of a far higher caliber, she needed to get out of there before he saw her, but she had to figure out how to do that without him noticing.

She didn’t dare move as she heard the rest recede, but her mate remained. The doors shut and she closed her eyes in defeat. The next voice she heard was his asking why she don’t step out from her hiding spot. She closed her eyes, any dream she had that she would be able to escape from him was gone.

She stood up and turned, staring at the man before her. If she had thought he was the epitome of sexiness and dominance before, he was a thousand times hotter when she saw him properly. His scent intoxicated her.

Part 3: Conclusion of Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Dare To Live

What happens when you find out you were born in a way that was different from your breed, that was who Azura Rayne Westwood was. She had a wild personality but a night of intense passion unknowingly with the infamous stone-hearted Leo Rossi, changing her life forever in alpha leo and the Heart of fire novel.

You will fall in love with this story at the scene when Leo finds out that the woman he bedded was from none other than one of the packs he resents the most, he turns away from her.

Check out Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Now!

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