2023 Must Read: CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel by Piper Dunlap


Paige grew up believing that Tyrell Tate was her father until disaster struck. Tyrell Tate fell ill and needed a blood donor it was at this juncture that the Tate family realized that Paige did not belong to them.

After searching for, and finding his own daughter, Abigail Tate, Tyrell Tate advertised news online, asking for Paige’s relatives to come forward and claim her. Soon after, in CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel, a woman called, claiming to be Paige’s mother and that she would pick up Paige the next day.

This new development struck Paige, as well as her longtime foster father, Tyrell Tate, but Abbigail, the lost but found Tate’s daughter made a mockery of Paige as a result of the new development.

It was narrated in CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel that Paige’s parents were poor. Tyrell Tate must have heard wrong because he told Paige that her parents lived in a certain area of the city that was known to be the poorest place ever.

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Part 1: Storyline of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee

CEO'S Mysterious Fiancee By Piper Dunlap

The drama in CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee started after Abbigail Tate arrived. She always taunted Paige because it was believed that Paige would be met with an obvious and intense decline in her life. Judging from where it was rumored that Paige’s parents lived, it was believed that they were poor and needy.

Besides, Tyrell Tate heard that Paige’s parents had five other children, and they were all single young men, as well as a sick grandmother of Paige whom they could not cater for. So, Paige joining that sort of family was going to be hell for her.

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Everyone in the Tate family according to CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel, was of this opinion which would have been true, except that Tyrell Tate had not heard correctly. The place that he believed Paige’s real parents lived, was not actually where they lived, but where they were from originally.

They didn’t live there anymore. Meanwhile, Abbigail’s taunting of Paige had taken another level, and Abbigail even went as far as planting a supposedly pricey accessory on Paige and had Abbigail’s original mother claim that Paige stole the accessory.

Abbigail pretended not to bother about the said accessory, claiming that she can as well allow Paige to have it, after all, Paige would need to pawn the accessory in a bid to help her poor family. All Abbigail wanted was to be seen as a better person than Paige as far as morals were concerned. Abbigail got what she wanted as a result of her scheming. Moments later, the person that was sent to pick Paige up arrived in a battered Rolls Royce. On his way to pick Paige up, he had an accident involving a truck, and he looked very shabby.

In CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel, this was even more of a reason for the Tate family to believe that Paige’s original family was so poor and needy.

They went as far as refusing to accept the gift that Paige’s parents had sent to them, saying that they did not need gifts from them as they had taken Paige in, thinking that she was their daughter and that they were not just merely doing a favor to an abandoned child. Eventually, Paige left the Tate home and saw that the direction the driver drove towards was not where she had expected him to be.

Instead of driving towards the poor town that Paige’s parents were believed to have been living in, they drove towards the uptown part of the city. Who were Paige’s original parents and how did she end up being the CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee? You wouldn’t know unless you read the suspense-filled and thrilling book.

Abbigail Tate spotted the plate number of the battered Rolls Royce that Paige was driven away in, and she started to think that something was wrong. That plate number did not belong to anyone from the poor town that Paige was supposedly headed towards.

Part 2: Hot Chapter of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee

Chapter 1

CEO'S Mysterious Fiancee Chapter 1

“This may be the last meal we will ever have as father and daughter…I didn’t expect your birth parents will take you back so soon…” These were the words of Tyrell Tate to Paige after a woman had called in claiming to be Paige’s mother, and that she would be picking Paige up the next day.

In this chapter of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel, Tyrell Tate discovered that Paige was not his daughter after he fell ill and needed a blood donor. This warranted him to search for his own daughter, and he eventually found her, as well as Paige’s original parents.

A lot happened in this chapter of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Novel. Lindsey, Paige’s foster mother suddenly detested Paige, as if she was not the same woman that had cared for, and taken care of Paige for all these years that they thought she was their daughter.

Suddenly, she could no longer stand Paige, especially after her original daughter returned, and she also got to find out that Paige was from a poor background. This was not true actually, Paige’s parents were a million times wealthier than the Tates, but I will leave that to your imagination and when you read the book.

Part 3: Main Character of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee


CEO'S Mysterious Fiancee Paige

The lead female of the book, Paige lived an average life with the Tates as her parents until it was discovered that they were not her parents. A determined and solid young girl, she was not even the least deterred when she heard that she might be leaving the Tates, and going to start life with a poor family. Paige was also skilled in the medical field.

The first instance that this was proven in CEO’s Mysterious Wife Novel, was when she was leaving the Tates. Chapter two of the book was narrated clearly by the author.

Paige stopped by the hospital where the Tate grandmother was admitted in and receiving treatment, to see her before she left. The old woman, having heard that Paige was not a Tate, collapsed, and was diagnosed with heart disease, which Paige always knew how to treat and informed the doctor on what to do every time she visited the hospital.

Part 4: Conclusion of CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee

CEO'S Mysterious Fiancee Novel

The plot twists in CEO’s Mysterious Fiancee Book are challenging. Nothing will prepare readers for most of the reveals that the author made in this book. A decent pace and outstanding grammar make the book a worthy read. The book is guaranteed to be worth every penny and time spent on it.

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