Read His Second Wife Novel by Favor V April


Camilla was a newcomer to San Diego, and she needed a job. However, no matter how deeply and carefully she sought a job, she was always rejected because she was not an official resident of the city. She had to get married if she wanted to meet up with that requirement.

Desperate circumstances called for desperate actions, so Camilla planned to go to the Civil Bureau to wait for a groom who needed a flash-contract marriage. On the other hand, Christopher Grayston needed a wife so that he could prevent his grandfather from troubling him. It bothered Christopher so much that he also decided to go to the Civil Bureau to look out for a bride.

Whoever Christopher Grayston chose to get married to on this day would be His Second Wife. When Christopher got to the Civil Bureau office, he scanned the area, and his eyes fell on Camilla Mendoza. Christopher was immediately drawn to Camilla, especially for the fact that she looked vulnerable and submissive. Generally, she was a humble girl and she appealed to him instantly as the girl he would take home to his father.

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Part 1: All About His Second Wife

His Second Wife Novel

“Excuse me, will you please marry me?”

Those were the words that left Christopher’s lips when he grabbed the attention of Camilla at the Civil Bureau. Camilla had spotted Christopher approaching her and tried to flee, but he grabbed her wrist gently and beckoned on her indulgence to get married to him. Camilla was astonished. Well, why? Why was she there in the first place, was it not to get married to someone so that she could apply for a job in the city, San Diego?

Maybe Camilla was taken aback by the Greek God standing in front of her. She lost her breath and asked him to repeat what he told her. The man told her that he wanted to get married to her and that he was sure of what he was saying. Without any choice and because she needed a husband desperately, Camilla agreed. Everything happened so fast and before Camilla knew what was happening, she was learning her husband’s name from the marriage register in her hand. Christopher was also learning hers.

‘Camilla Mendoza,’ he called his newly wedded wife, and she replied by affirming his as well, and then they decided to go and pick a pair of rings for themselves. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Camilla, according to His Second Wife Novel, did not know whom she had gotten married to. Camilla did not know that Christopher Grayston was a multi-millionaire. When Christopher asked Camilla to pick a ring for them, for whatever reason there was in the world, she thought that it would mean her paying for hers.

Bear in mind that these two appeared happy to get married. They both had needs, and those needs would be met so they were happy. Christopher compelled Camilla to pick a ring for both of them which he would pay for and was happy to see that there were no price tags on the rings displayed. If Camilla had seen the price of the rings that she had picked, she would have returned them. They cost a whooping 14million USD. Of course, Camilla put up a fuss when she found out the price of the rings, but Christopher was equal to the task, and it showed.

And that was it. Camilla and Christopher got married, and Christopher disappeared into thin air. While Christopher could boast of having achieved his goal as a result of getting married, Camilla could not do the same. According to His Second Wife Novel, Camilla was seen as over-qualified for any job she applied for, and that was because she was married to a multi-billionaire. Camilla considered it a loss and a failure on her part even though Christopher had given her a limitless card to spend from.

While she was brooding about her new so-called blessing-in-disguise, Camilla was seating across a public shop when she witnessed what was going to be a heart-wrenching accident. A kid, a toddler was crossing the freeway unattended and was almost knocked down by a truck. Camilla hurried to the rescue and saved this young chap. She took him to the hospital where he would receive treatment for shock and other physical and mental wounds.

Now, this is the part where the story gets very interesting. Camilla needed to pay for the boy’s hospital bill, so she needed the owner of her credit card to put down their signature personally. According to that, she called her husband, Christopher, whom she had not seen or talked to in months. Camilla referred to Christopher as whore husband. It must have been that the man indulged numerous women. It must interest readers to know that Camilla and Christopher had a cordial relationship.

Christopher maintained a positive relationship with Camilla. And vice versa. This is why, when Camilla opted to save the boy, she literally ordered Christopher to the hospital. The tone with which Camilla spoke to Christopher carried a lot of guts and fondness with it, and as fortune would have it, Christopher had time to spare, and claimed to be around the same neighborhood that Camilla was calling him from. So, he showed up at the hospital and quickly put down his signature according to His Second Wife Novel. Also, Christopher was impressed that Camilla could offer to help a stranger in distress.

It was not until Christopher had finished penning down his signature that he went to visit the boy who had had an accident and discovered that it was his son, Liam. It became an even deeper connection between Christopher and Camilla. Camilla did something that Christopher had never come across in his life. She smacked him across his cheek twice, claiming that he was not a responsible parent for having allowed his son to wander away that far. How dare she slap him? And as if that was not enough, his son, Liam, called her mother. Well, since Camilla wanted to experience a full-blown marital affair, he was going to show it to her the hard way.

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Part 2: Hot Chapters Of His Second Wife

Chapter 1

His Second Wife Chapter 1

The chapter where it all begins. Two people in distress looking out to make amends in their lives to achieve their goals, met at the Civil Bureau Agency.

“I couldn’t help but notice that you were feeling uneasy earlier. Are you in haste to tie the knot?” Such daring words from Christopher Grayston when he saw Camilla and had the chance to talk to her. By the time Christopher made the above statement, Camilla had spotted him walking up to her and tried to run away after giving away how anxious she was by perspiring uncontrollably, and that was the reason for Christopher’s daring question.

The bottom line of this chapter of the novel is that Christopher and Camilla met at the Civil Bureau and got married at once. Crazy right? To think that they were both in positive spirits, smiling at their adventure after the marriage registration was mind-blowing.

Chapter 2

His Second Wife Chapter 2

The title of this chapter of the His Second Wife Novel is called “Two Slaps.”Yes, it was two slaps Camilla gave to her husband when she found out that the boy that they had just saved was his son. Really? According to Camilla’s reaction, that did not speak well of Christopher as far as being responsible was concerned. How could he have neglected his son so much to the extent that the boy wandered into the street?

The slap that Camilla gave to Christopher triggered him in all the wrong places, but he was able to control himself just because Camilla was a woman, and His Second Wife for that matter.

“Express gratitude to God. You are a woman. If not, I would have killed you right here today and never ever try that again. If you do, I will overlook the fact that you are a woman.”

Those were words said to Camilla by Christopher after she slapped him. Christopher, following Camilla’s call, had arrived to sign the document that would allow Camilla to use his card to pay for the boy’s hospital bill. When Christopher saw the boy, he immediately recognized him as his son. Camilla could not believe her ears. She least expected Christopher to be that careless about his own son. If he was that careless about his son, what could he be responsible for then? Camilla slapped her husband in opposition, and he warned her severely never to try it again.

Part 3: Conclusion Of His Second Wife

His Second Wife Read Online

His Second Wife Novel is a remarkable literature. The story-telling ability of the author is clear, concise and easy to grasp. The author does not use complex vocabularies and grammar structure in a bid to appear sophisticated, rather, the author narrates a well thought out plot to serenade readers and have them take a smooth ride in the author’s world.

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