Hot Chapters of My Three Tyrant Brothers


Following the cruelty that the Askanier family was known for, there was a curse placed on them. The curse stated that they would die at the hands of the person that they loved. This curse didn’t start with the current royalty that was the Askanier Imperial family, but it had been so since the sin committed by the first emperor of the Velloc Empire.

So, as much as the Askanier family was cruel enough for a curse to be placed on them, it was not the case. The story states that the Princes of the Askanier family were so cruel to the extent that they would severe the head of their enemies, and send it back to their enemy’s place of abode. It was even once recorded that they stabbed their father, the emperor.

So, if it was ever said that the curse on the Velloc empire was a result of the cruelty of the Princes of Askanier, it would not be surprising. But that was not the case, as I said earlier.

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Part 1: Story Line of My Three Tyrant Brothers

My Three Tyrant Brothers Manga

In My Three Tyrant Brothers Manga, the only way the curse could be reverted was if the Askanier family were able to get a female child. The Three Tyrant Askanier Princes needed a sister if they were going to put a stop to the curse that was being placed on the Imperial family, and this is where the book gets exciting.

In the Velloc empire, there was a secret business of slavery and child trafficking going on, and as a result, a girl called “‘Wednesday” came to play.

Wednesday was a slave girl that worked so hard in the home of her slave master. She was called Wednesday because that was the day of the week she was imported into slavery, and she worked the most on that day of the week.

Wednesday could be seen working as hard as she could, yet it didn’t seem to be hard enough for her “‘superiors,” especially a fellow slave mate called Miriam. Miriam was a slave as well, but she had a name, so she was considered to be better and superior to a girl like Wednesday, who was a thorough slave at this point in time until further notice.

Wednesday’s superior slave colleague and her overall slave master persecuted her day in and day out. Of course, as a slave, what did she expect? It was bound to happen as such, and her case was not any different.

The only friend that Wednesday happened to have in her slave home, and one that she could trust, was a boy called Sunday. Just like Wednesday, Sunday was brought in on a Sunday, and his intense tasks were usually on Sundays. He was the only one that Wednesday could trust and he always protected her and helped her work in the slave house.

One fateful day, royalty appeared in the slave house while Wednesday was being scolded and tossed around by her slave master. Lest I forget, there is vital information about Wednesday that one should be aware of. It was her eyes. Her eyes irritated the hell out of her slave master and her superior slave colleague, Miriam.

Now, this feature about Wednesday’s eyes was what revealed her as the Askanier Princess that the Askanier family had been searching for all along in order to refute the curse on them. Shocked beyond words, nobody could believe that Wednesday was a Princess, let alone the Askanier Princess that would save her tyrant brothers from the curse that worried them.

It was said that Wednesday’s mother, the emperor’s lady had died shortly after giving birth to “‘Wednesday,” as being the emperor’s lady put her in a sensitive position politically, and she became a target for political rivals and allies of the emperor.

People who were interested in taking power from the emperor after he was done serving, didn’t want any successor for the emperor, so this sort of sudden death was surely going to happen to her.

As a result, “‘Wednesday” was sold to slave owners immediately after she was born, and that was how she became a slave. Read the book to find out how Wednesday got transferred to the palace and met her family, and what she had to tell us about her new family whom she addressed as My Three Tyrant Brothers.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of My Three Tyrant Brothers

Chapter 0

My Three Tyrant Brothers Comic

Chapter 0 of My Three Tyrants Book could also be taken as the prologue of the book. It describes how the Princes of Askanier ended up with the curse. It also tells us the summary of how they were perceived as Princes in the Velloc Empire, cruel and well heartless.

They must have been so bad indeed. There are a couple of stories about how they behaved in the empire that buttressed how terribly behaved they were. So, chapter, 0 of the book is a rundown of the characters that lead the book and the territory they lived in.

They were faced with pretty challenging realities that they inherited. Maybe that was why they were cruel, after all, they were cursed. They must have thought since they were already cursed, they had nothing to lose.

Chapter 1

My Three Tyrant Brothers Wednesday

My Three Tyrant Brothers starts to narrate the story of “‘Wednesday” from the official first chapter of the book. Wednesday was the Askanier Princess that was sought after to refute a lingering curse in the empire. She was taken away from her mother at birth.

Her mother died actually, the lady was a victim of circumstances and she died as a result of it, having her daughter taken away from her and sold into slavery. Poor girl. I’m happy that help came for her and at the start of the book for that matter. I wouldn’t have loved to watch her suffer, knowing fully that she is the Princess that was even desperately needed in the empire.

Wednesday, a slave girl who worked hard day and night while skipping several meals were described, and we the readers got to have a taste of how she suffered as a lonely slave. She was not even given a name, she was called Wednesday, the day of the week that she was brought in to serve.

Chapter 2

My Three Tyrant Brothers Chester Askanier

Rescue finally came on Wednesday. One of her tyrant brothers showed up after looking for her for a long time. Definitely for years. Chester Askanier entered the slave home right on time to see Jon Kayle, the slave owner, bullying and maltreating Wednesday.

As soon as Chester saw Wednesday, he knew that she was his sister. The color of her hair gave her out, as well as the tint in her eyes which changed color with every emotion that she felt. These features were akin to royalty in the Velloc Empire.

Part 3: Evaluate My Three Tyrant Brothers

My Three Tyrant Brothers Askanier Princes

I love the book and I think that it is a great read. I like how direct the author was. Lol. If you have read most reviews from where this one is coming from, you will know that the author of the book likes fast-paced books, and to be honest, that is how books should be.

Even if the author is going to derail for a bit, and pretty much for how long, readers should be able to stay glued, and not get bored of the book, or else that book will be dumped. This book is direct and gives out information generously. A ten out of ten from me. Kudos to the author.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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