Hot Chapters of The Alpha’s Rejected Heir by Icon_Brat101


The Alpha’s Rejected Heir” by Icon_Brat101 is a thrilling werewolf romance novel that captivates readers from beginning to end. This book takes place in a world where werewolves live among humans, and it centers around the story of Rosalyn, an independent and strong-willed she-wolf who was rejected by her mate, Ke’shaun, the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack.

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Part 1: Read The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Series Hot Chapters

The Alphas Rejected Heir

The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Chapter 7

Ke’shaun, the alpha of the Blood Moon pack in this hot chapter 7 of The Alpha’s Rejected Heir, was lying in bed thinking about the previous day’s events. Rosalyn, the love of his life, has returned to the pack after so many years, and he can’t help but feel drawn to her beauty.

However, the revelation that he has a son with Rosalyn complicates things. The boy, Alessandro, hates him for rejecting his mother and doesn’t want anything to do with the pack.

He was initially git angry with Rosalyn when he learned that, resulting in Alessandro’s rage toward him. Alessandro pushed him to the wall and threw him daggers.

Ke’shaun can’t blame him for his feelings, as he knows he hurt Rosalyn in the past and lost control of his wolf during the rejection.

Alessandro, her seventeen-year-old son, boldly threatened him that he would take down other packs if he hurt Rosalyn again.

Ha! Served him right for rejecting Rosalyn as his mate!

The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Chapter 15

As they sat silently in The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Chapter 15, Genevieve could feel the tension radiating between Rosalyn and Ke’shaun. She knew there was nothing she could say to make her feel better, but she had to try. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rosalyn spoke.

Gen, I’m really worried about losing him.

Alessandro, her son, was in danger. She suspected that someone from Ke’shaun’s enemy injected wolfsbane into him. The worst part was that the enemy was from their own pack.

Ke’shaun, on the other hand, was beside her. Rosalyn felt anger towards him for letting Alessandro do his thing on his pack. She knew that Alessandro and Ke’shaun were getting closer, but that didn’t mean he should involve Alessandro in the pack’s doing.

Rosalyn, I’m sorry…

“You are always sorry, Ke’shaun. I told you that we were not staying here! Why on earth did you involve him?! Your peace of a selfish wolf! You will never change, Ke’shaun. Never.

The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Chapter 18

In The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Chapter 18, Ke’shaun couldn’t believe what Jermaine, his brother, had done to him. He had messed up with Rosalyn, but their bond wasn’t completely gone, and he had a chance to fix it. He was willing to take years to strengthen their bond, and once Rosalyn felt it, he could start winning over Alessandro.

However, it all came crashing down because of his brother. Jermaine endangers his son! His chance blew away when Jermaine involved Alessandro in the pack wars.

Ke’shaun was told by his father not to approach Rosalyn because Jermaine could use his family to attack him, but Ke’shaun felt he had the right to do as he pleased because he was the alpha.

For as long as he could remember, Jermaine resented their father for prioritizing him as the alpha. But he wants his family back, and Jermaine is not the one who can stop him from being happy.

Ke’shaun felt frustrated and angry. He knew his actions could have consequences, but he didn’t care. He had to fix things with Rosalyn and Alessandro, and he would do whatever it took. He decided to take matters into his own hands and ignore his father’s warnings. First, he needs to find Alessandro and deal with Jermaine next.

Part 2: The Alpha’s Rejected Heir Novel Full Storyline

The Alpha's Rejected Heir by Icon_Brat101

Werewolf romances have always been a favorite among readers, and The Alpha’s Rejected Heir by Icon_Brat101 is no exception. This book is a thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and the power of family.

The story follows Rosalyn Parker, a werewolf who was rejected by her mate, Ke’shaun, the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack.

Years later, she returns to the pack with a secret: she has a son, the rightful heir to the alpha position.

But Ke’shaun is unwilling to give up his power easily, and tensions rise as Rosalyn and her son fight for what is rightfully theirs.

Alternative Novel of The Alpha’s Rejected Mate. Read Now!

Part 3: The Main Characters of The Alpha’s Rejected Heir


The Alpha's Rejected Heir Rosalyn

Rosalyn is a woman who possesses great strength and independence, having encountered numerous challenges throughout her life. Despite being rejected by her mate and shunned by her pack, she persevered and did not lose hope. Her unwavering resolve is to safeguard her son and guarantee that his existence surpasses hers.


The Alpha's Rejected Heir Alessandro

Alessandro, the son of Ke’shaun and Rosalyn, is a strong and intelligent man who has acquired the same level of resoluteness as his mother. He has the courage to uphold his principles, even if it entails opposing his father.


The Alpha's Rejected Heir Ke'Shaun

Ke’shaun is a complex character torn between his duty as an alpha and his love for Rosalyn.

He rejected her years ago because he believed it was the best thing for the pack, but now he regrets that decision. He is also conflicted about his son, who he never knew existed.

Ke’shaun wants to protect his pack, but he also wants to be an excellent father to Alessandro. You will witness how Ke’shaun tries hard to win back Rosalyn, but Alessandro is another story. The intelligent man was ready to oppose him if he hurts Rosalyn again.

The tale will revolve around familial ties, faithfulness, and the power of love. The protagonist, Ke’shaun, will face challenges that will test his priorities and eventually lead him to discover the true meaning of love and the importance of family. The story will be an emotional journey highlighting the strength of familial bonds and the transformative power of love.

Part 4: The Alpha’s Rejected Heir – Werewolf Romance Book Recommendations

The Alpha’s Rejected Heir and The Rejected Luna’s Prince-Dreame share similar characteristics, both being werewolf romance novels that explore the intricacies of werewolf society.

The Alpha’s Rejected Heir focuses on the relationship between a mother and son as they navigate a world of rejection and betrayal.

Meanwhile, The Rejected Luna’s Prince-Dreame follows the story of a rejected werewolf prince who must fight for his throne and his love against his own family.

Both novels have thrilling action scenes and intense romantic moments that will leave you wanting more.

If you’re a fan of The Alpha’s Rejected Heir, you’ll enjoy reading The Rejected Luna’s Prince-Dreame.

Alternative Novel of The Alpha’s Rejected Mate


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