Hot Chapters of When Beauty Meets Beasts


In When Beauty Meets Beasts Book, Lin Huanhuan wakes up naked in another world while she was taking a bath. I have read so many books about transmigration, but I have hardly come across anyone that had a person transmigrate while doing something as basic as taking a bath.

Well, she woke up in a world filled with beasts. Immediately Lin Huanhuan appeared in the world of beasts, she was claimed by a tiger. The tiger doubled as a young, handsome man who put on nothing but hides to cover his waist region. When he met Lin Huanhuan for the first time, he showed up as his human self. Definitely, Lin Huanhuan was afraid, more so, of the fact that she was naked, and the beast was naked as well.

He held on to Lin Huanhuan, claiming not to have seen such a pretty female in his life before. The thing was that in the new world where Lin Huanhuan transmigrated to, there were hardly any females, and if there were any, all the men wanted that female to be their mate. There was even the case of one female being mates with more than one man. This was due to the scarcity of females in the place.

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Part 1: All About When Beauty Meets Beasts

When Beauty Meets Beasts Comic

When Beauty Meets Beasts, as expected, would make the beauty tremble, and so Lin Huanhuan tried to run away from the “beast who was at the moment, a handsome young man standing in front of her and promising not to hurt her for any reason. Ashamed of being naked, Lin sought something to cover herself up with, but she could not find any in the “jungle that she was in.

“Little female, where is your male beast? that was the next thing that came out of the handsome young man’s lips after he had caught up with Lin from trying to run away from him. Lin Huanhuan was confused. What on earth did he mean by a male beast? And why did he call her a “little female while looking at her as if he would eat her up in ways unknown? Lin Huanhuan was afraid of her bone marrow.

If only she knew where she was, she would have known that she had just started being afraid and that she was only seeing the tip of the iceberg as far as where she was, was concerned. There were women-hungry male beasts all over the place she was in, and she had only seen one of them. Luckily enough, she saw a gentle one.

Anyway, she had no idea about any male beast that belonged to her, so she looked lost. As soon as this beast got to know that Lin didn’t even have the slightest idea about any male beast, not to talk of having one as her partner, the beast offered to be Lins’s partner immediately.

Immediately, the beast introduced himself as Bai Di, and then he transformed into a tiger, to Lins’s surprise. Again, Lin Huanhuan became afraid and tried to run away.

She leaped into the river where she had surfaced from and wished on stars that she was dreaming and that she would return to her home in the blink of an eye, but nothing like that happened. It was at this point that she was first introduced to the system that had been in her mind the entire time. Lin Huanhuans system activated.

After a while, Lin Huanhuan didn’t know that she had been removed from the river, and was kept safely by Bai Di to get some rest, and when she tossed and turned during her sleep, she felt something like fur in her arms.

She thought it was a blanket, after all, she was cold, but to her dismay and shock, it was Bai Di in his tiger form. Lin complained of cold, and Bai Di immediately killed a boa for her, and covered her with the skin and hide of the boa. He started to contemplate taking her to the Wolf tribe.

It is important to know that, as soon as Bai Di covered Lin Huanhuan with the skin of the boa, it registered in her system as an achievement. The system asked Lin Huanhuan to collect more skin and hide in others to unlock her newbie gift pack which she did as the story continues. Read the comic to find out what happened in this sizzling-hot fantasy drama between Lin Huanhuan, and Bai Di.

Part 2: Hot Chapters of When Beauty Meets Beast

Chapter 1

When Beauty Meets Beasts Lin Huanhuan

In the first chapter of When Beauty Meets Beast Book, sees Lin Huanhuan is tired and immersing herself in a tub. She let herself soak in the soothing bathing water and then she drifts off into a pleasurable sleep. By the time she wakes up, she finds herself in a strange place, in the arms of a strange man who later identifies as Bai Di, a tiger beast.

In this same chapter, Lin Huanhuan discovers that she has a system for the first time after Bai Di gave her a coat made from the skin of a boa that he had killed specifically to make a covering for her from the cold.

In the first chapter of When Beauty Meets Beast Book sees Lin Huanhuan tired and immersing herself in a tub. She let herself soak in the soothing bathing water and then she drifts off into a pleasurable sleep. By the time she wakes up, she finds herself in a strange place, in the arms of a strange man who later identifies as Bai Di, a tiger beast. In this same chapter, Lin Huanhuan discovers that she has a system for the first time after Bai Di gave her a coat made from the skin of a boa that he had killed specifically to make a covering for her from the cold.

Chapter 2

In this chapter of the book, Bai Di takes Lin Huanhuan to the wolf tribe. Everyone was surprised to see Bai Di with a female.

He was known to be a lonely person, but all of a sudden, he was seen with a beautiful woman in his arms which he guarded with all his senses. Bai Di took Lin Huanhuan to the tribe’s healer to check on her. For some reason, he was of the opinion that she might be ill. Read the book to find out details concerning that part.

When Beauty Meets Beasts Bai Di

In this chapter of the book, Bai Di takes Lin Huanhuan to the wolf tribe. Everyone was surprised to see Bai Di with a female. He was known to be a lonely person, but all of a sudden, he was seen with a beautiful woman in his arms which he guarded with all his senses.

Bai Di took Lin Huanhuan to the tribe’s healer to check on her. For some reason, he was of the opinion that she might be ill. Read the book to find out details concerning that part, and what happened afterward with Lin Huanhuan and Bai Di.

Part 3: Evaluate When Beauty Meets Beast

When Beauty Meets Beasts Full Book

I like this book because it is simple and easy to read. Well, comics have to be easy to read anyway. If there is a complex comic book out there, then I suggest that the author stops punishing people’s brains and goes back to his or her drawing board.

I like the sassiness of the book as well, I like the spice of sexual feeling that the author embellishes the book with. Hundred percent, the book is guaranteed to make readers long for more of it each time he or she is away from it for even a split second. When Beauty Meets Beasts, a lot of things really do happen.

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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