Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel Read Online


”Valeria, I’ve put the strongest Philter in your tea just now. As your friend, I found you the best pimp here who is young and pretty. Enjoy yourself! I believe that when Mason sees the photo of you playing with other men, he will soon break up with you. Then perfectly, I will become his new girlfriend.”

These were the words of Ashley, Valeria’s supposed best friend before Valeria fell unconscious. Ashley had spiked Valeria’s tea with a heavy drug and she lost consciousness. In Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel, a nasty pimp was waiting for Valeria to be as unconscious as possible before devouring her sexually. Thankfully, even though Valeria had passed out, the pimp did not succeed as there had been an onlooker witnessing the entire scene. As soon as the pimp was set to clad Valeria naked, the onlooker came to the rescue and chased the pimp away.

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Part 1: Intense Chapter of Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 1

Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Chapter 1

”Who…who are you? Why are you here?”

”Your savior.”

Valeria had just woken up to physical pain all over her body on the night after her friend had drugged her and left her to the mercy of a nasty pimp. Luckily, someone saved Valeria. On this occasion, she had woken up in pain only for her to see a strange man sleeping beside her.

Petrified, she asked the first question above, and the man replied that he was her savior. Valeria had no idea what he meant just yet until she thought deeply enough and remembered what her best friend, Ashley had told her just before she passed out. Heck! Could it be that this was the pimp that Ashley had sold her cheaply off to? Read Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband to find out.

Part 2: Main Characters of Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband

Valeria Brown

Valeria Brown is the female lead of the novel and is the person declaring – Infatuated With My Mysterious CEO.

A young and fun-loving girl born into a wealthy family Valeria is caught up in a chain of betrayal as she finds her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend who sells her off to a pimp after drugging her. Not much was narrated about Valeria’s looks in the novel, but it is easy to know that she was a pretty and curvy young girl that was eye candy to any man that desired her.

William Howard

Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband William Howard

William Howard, the mysterious husband of Valeria Brown. A charming and scarcely-spoken man, he saved Valeria from being sexually abused by the pimp that her friend, Ashley had tried to make her fall prey to.

He had sex with Valeria that night according to the Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel because she was throwing herself at him. He considered himself Valeria’s savior as he rightfully introduced himself as such when Valeria woke up to find him, a stranger beside her in bed.

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Part 3: Main Plot of Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband

Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Valeria Brown And William Howard Novel

Valeria Brown was the daughter of a wealthy man, and she had a friend called Ashley. Valeria, according to Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel, was a pretty decent and gentle girl with love for her friend unknown to her that her best friend and her best friend’s mother were coming up with intense plans to take what Valeria owned from her.

Her father, and eventually everything that he had worked for should belong to Valeria after he must have stepped down from being the leader of his businesses. Valeria must have thought that she had a friend, unknown to her that she was on her own by all means.

She had caught her boyfriend whom she had been dating for four years, cheating on her with this best friend of hers called Ashley. What I have been trying to figure out in Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband is if Ashley was caught cheating with Mason before or after she tried to sell Valeria out to a pimp. Yes, Ashley was a very nasty girl.

For her to go the length that she did in a bid to hurt Valeria said a lot. Ashley drugged Valeria. Valeria must have been a very naive and unassuming girl for her not to have seen through Ashley because I am sure Ashley must have done enough for Valeria to be suspicious of her.

It must have been the extreme naivety in Valeria that made her hang around Ashley long enough to have her spike her drink. Valeria fell unconscious, and immediately her body was limp, a pimp appeared to have her. It would have been a pretty sad experience for Valeria if not for the fact that a stranger saw what had happened and came to her rescue, chasing the pimp for Valeria. According to Valeria, she woke up the following day to see herself leaning against the broad chest of a stranger. A handsome man stared at Valeria as soon as she was about to touch him in shock.

The mysterious man gave Valeria his complimentary card just before he left after Valeria yelled at him to do so, but Valeria tore it to shreds. She thought he was the pimp who had supposedly defiled her, unknown to her that this man was a wealthy billionaire.

After the mysterious man stepped out of the room, there were a ton of bodyguards outside waiting for him, and he demanded that they did a profile check on Valeria according to Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel.

As if that was not enough, Valeria went to search for Ashley in a bid to confront her about what she had done, but nothing prepared Valeria for what she saw. First of all, Ashley’s mother lied to Valeria that Ashley was not at home, and pretended not to want to allow Valeria into the house even though she knew that she was luring Valeria in.

She wanted Valeria to witness something by herself. Valeria forced herself into the house according to Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel, and when she got into one of the bedroom she found her father naked and supposedly hiding in the room.

Part 4: Conclusion of Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband

Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband Novel

Betrayal, jealousy, and ill-intentions are intensely portrayed in this drama-filled contemporary romance novel called Infatuated With My Mysterious Husband. The author does a great job of relating the plot of the book to what readers are likely to have faced in one way or the other according to their everyday lives. The novel is fast-paced and I like that as the novel is not easily seen as a bore to readers. Decently portrayed characters are also evident in the book. The author did a great job in narrating the plot of the book and delivering it with concise grammar and style.

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