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Star was indeed the star among her peers even though she was looked down on. She was poor, that was her crime. However, the Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas were her mates. That was a silver lining, right? But will it come easy? Will Star’s rivals allow her to enjoy her rich and handsome mates?

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Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Hannah Star

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Hannah Star

Star, as she was fondly called, is the lead character of Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Novel. Hannah was an orphan who lived with her granny. As an old woman who was never wealthy in the first place, Star’s granny made sure that Star accepted the scholarship that the Viper Moon Pack offered the less privileged members of the pack.

As a scholarship student, Star knew better than to frolic with the extremely wealthy members of the pack who happened to be her school mates. It was so bad that even her cousin, Angelique, looked down on her but all that would soon change.

Following a compulsory private get-together for Star’s best friend and her mate, Star became in close proximity with the billionaire quadruplets who were eye-candy to every girl in school. Turning eighteen while on such a vacation, Star would come to find out that all four of the quadruplets were her mates.

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Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Noah

Noah is one of the billionaire quadruplets and the first to have an encounter with Hannah Star in Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Novel. Noah had seen Star when she was trying to make her way up the mountain to her dormitory at the resumption of school and helped her to get to her dormitory.

Unlike what Star was used to, as far as being poor was concerned, Noah was kind and accommodating to her on their first encounter, but he soon started to act like everyone else when the rest of his brothers found out at a party that he was speaking to Star.

Noah quickly denied having anything to do with Star and went as far as trying to prevent her from joining them in the cabin where Star’s best friend and her boyfriend had invited the rest of them to over the weekend. Noah was protective of Star, though it appeared to be in a negative way.


Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Angelique

Angelique was Hannah Star’s rival in Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Novel. Angelique and Star were first cousins, but Angelique, just like the majority of Viper Moon Pack, looked down on Star and refused to let anyone know that they were directly related.

Angelique was close to the quadruplet billionaires, in fact, she had an affair with one of them called Jonah who was said to be the meanest. Angelique and the billionaire quadruplets had all turned eighteen, yet none of them had found their mates.

So, it was obvious that no matter how close Angelique was to the quadruplets, they would never have a serious relationship. With that being the case for Angelique, she was also sure that poor Star could never be mates with billionaires like the quadruplets but, oh, she was wrong.

Angelique became very jealous when she found out that Star and the quadruplets were mates.

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Part 2: Storyline Of Billionaire’s Quadruplet Alphas

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Full Book

An orphan had the privilege of schooling with the extremely elite members of the Viper Moon Pack in Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Book. Hannah Star had secured a scholarship in the school run by Viper Moon Pack, and as far as that was the best thing that could have ever happened to her, it turned out to come with its perks.

More often than not in the Viper Moon Pack, the wealthy looked down on the poor because the poor were, of course, poor, and they did not possess the potent venom in their fangs that the Viper Moon Pack’s elite were known for. With that being the case, it was safe to say that Hannah Start had it tough as she was out of place in her new school.

However, she had a friend called Jillian, who was not as poor as Hannah, and was accepted in the pack much more than Hannah. Jillian and Hannah, or Star, as she was fondly called, were roommates, and it is as a result of this friendship that Star became close to the elite billionaire quadruplets, enough for her to find her mates easily.

Although, Star had an encounter with Noah, one of the quadruplets on her first day at school, that was about as far as it would get until they came in close proximity at a party where Noah, who had been nice to Star in the first place, now denied knowing her. It was at the birthday party of Angelique, Star’s cousin, that such a thing happened.

At this same birthday party, Star’s friend, Jillian, found her mate called Chet. In a possible bid to celebrate, Chet suggested a getaway at a private cabin where he would have his friends over, and his mate, Jillian would have her friend over. Chet’s friends were the billionaire quadruplets as well as Angelique, while Jillian’s friend was Star.

It was a remarkable experience for Star because she got to see another side of the quadruplets even before she would realize that they were her mates. The quadruplets were known to be mean to Star, but at the cabin, they were oddly nice to her, especially one of them called Isaiah, who considered Star attractive enough for him to be turned on by her.

Coincidentally, Star turned eighteen years old while she was at this getaway, and she found her wolf, but guess what? Her wolf was not the only thing that Star found, as she also found her mates, and you guessed right. Star’s mates were the billionaire quadruplets, and upon finding out that they were her mates, it did not sit well with Angelique who was instantly jealous of Star and would treat her worse than she had ever done.

Part 3: Interesting Chapters Of Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 1

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 1

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 1 is one of the longest chapters and a lot of things happened in this chapter including Star arriving at Viper Academy on foot while others arrived in limousines and other luxury cars. It was on this occasion that Star met one of the quads called Noah for the first time, and he helped her to take her luggage to her dormitory.

While that made Star wonder how and why she found favor in the eyes of the billionaire quad, she was soon swept off her feet when she met him at her cousin’s party, and he denied knowing her.

“Let’s keep our business to ourselves. It’s no one else’s concern.”

The words above were said by Noah to Star after he started to face scrutiny following his familiarity with Star at Angeliques birthday party.

Star was heartbroken at the way she was quickly dumped by Noah but would later find out that he often tried to protect her.

Chapter 2

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 2

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 2 would be talked about because it highlighted just how Noah was supposedly keeping Star out of harm’s way. After Angeliques birthday party, a young man called Chet had brought Jillian, Star’s friend back to the hostel as Jillian was drunk and vomiting.

Star would later find out that Jilian had found her mate and that he was the person who dropped her at the dormitory. Jillian and her mate would later invite Star to a private get together at a cabin, where the billionaire quadruplets as well as Angelique would also be.

Noah would tell Star not to attend, and he would do so with a stern and dominant aura that would make Star wonder why he was so adamant about her not attending the fun time.

“I expect to not see you there. Don’t disobey me.”

Chapter 4

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 4

In Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Chapter 4, Star would find her wolf as well as her mates after she turned eighteen during the vacation at the cabin.

Star was overwhelmed when she found her wolf, and she took a run into the woods. Following a sweet scent of musk and other inviting things, she would meet the billionaire quadruplets one after the other and the mate bond will drive all of them crazy.

They would want to be close to Star who would just keep on running away from them because of how surprising and unexpected the situation turned out to be.

Part 4: Conclusion

Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas Read Online

The author of Billionaire Quadruplet Alpha’s deserves a round of applause for coining such an appealing novel. With a plot so rich, fast-paced and engaging, the fact that the book is a commercial success should not come as a surprise to anyone.

The characters are interesting and likeable, and they all carry an aura that would make sure that the readers never make a mistake or forget about them. Every character of the novel has an appeal that would make the readers look forward to hearing from them.

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