Read Hot Chapters of The Consortium’s Heir


Darius was a regular kid in boarding school. He had the privilege of dating one of the top ten most beautiful girls on campus, just because he was handsome. Darius also had a toned body because he did all sorts of jobs, menial, odd and the likes, in a bid to make up for what he lacked in school, so he was still pretty much attractive enough for a girl in Sarah’s class to consider dating him.

It came as a shocker to Darius in The Consortium’s Heir Novel when he witnessed the ceremonious way Sarah Ginn, his girlfriend, accepted the proposal of the richest boy in school, David Lesley. Darius was shocked, ashamed, betrayed, just to mention a few of the feelings that swallowed him whole. Unable to withstand all these feelings of lowliness and what have you, Darius decided to face his fears and stand up to the challenge before him, only for him to land himself in the police net, with threats of being expelled from school.

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Part 1: Main Plot Of The Consortium’s Heir

The Consortium's Heir By TimNinja2002

Darius was in the dormitory with his friends when there was a sudden uproar of an event going on in his school’s social media network called Groove. Darius and four of his friends were together when his friends suddenly got excited and started to focus on the event. They left Darius by himself and gushed about what was going on in Groove.

It was a live event of David Lesley, the richest boy on campus, asking Sarah Ginn to be his girlfriend. Recall that Sarah Ginn was already Darius’ girlfriend, even though they decided to keep it on the low. Apparently, according to The Consortium’s Heir Novel, Darius had asked Sarah Ginn to be his girlfriend, but for six months, she turned him down until she eventually agreed on the condition that they would keep their relationship a secret.

It was just because Darius was poor, and even though the girls in school could consider dating him because he was handsome and toned, a leading pretty girl like Sarah would be expected to be with someone better. Now, Darius heard his friends squealing in excitement as Sarah Ginn accepted to be the girlfriend of David Lesley. Darius could not take it. He might have been a poor young man, but he had pride in him.

He confirmed the event happening on Groove, looked out for the venue where it was happening, and then proceeded to approach Sarah. He needed answers, and he was going to get them. Darius’ friends did not even know when Darius left the dormitory. He was headed to the Sky Gold Hotel to demand an explanation from Sarah. It is good to see that Darius still had his pride and masculinity intact, even though he had no money.

Darius got to the hotel and met Sarah, who was beyond shocked to see him. Besides, the footage was still being displayed live on Groove, so everyone could see the drama that was going to happen between Darius and Sarah, including Darius’ friends. They watched everything on Groove. According to The Consortium’s Heir, Sarah was instantly ashamed to see Darius walk up to her with so much confidence and ask her to explain what she was doing with David Lesley.

An altercation soon started between David and Darius. David did not even know who Darius was, even though they were in the same school. That was how far apart they were in terms of class and status. There was no way a rich boy like David could notice a pauper like Darius.

The heated argument between David and Darius got so intense to the extent that they broke into a fight that Darius won because he was used to exhuming so much strength daily to work hard for himself. An angry David according to The Consortium’s Heir Novel, called the police on Darius, and he was whisked away without Sarah even putting forth any sort of plea on his behalf. It was such a heart-breaking situation for Darius. He felt humiliated, to say the least.

When Darius landed in the police station, he was threatened to either serve time or pay a sum of five thousand dollars to stay away from having a criminal record. If he had a criminal record, there was no way his school would not expel him. Darius was in a state of jeopardy and confusion, because he had no idea about how he was going to get his hands on five thousand dollars.

While Darius was thinking about his life, help came. Luckily, his friends had seen what happened to him via Groove, and they quickly rushed to the station where they heard that he had to pay five thousand dollars to set himself free. Thank stars for good friends that Darius had because his schooling would have ended within that period if one of his friends did not come forward with the money.

That was how Darius was free from getting himself a criminal record. A sad and regretful Darius exiled himself from his friends for the moment, as he preferred to stay alone and think about what had just happened. He had never felt so humiliated in his life. Darius was sitting all alone at the park when the call that would change his life came through. Darius was The Consortium’s Heir, and his life would change for the better, causing Sarah to instantly regret her actions.

Part 2: Hot Chapters Of The Consortium’s Heir

Chapter 1

The Consortium's Heir Chapter 1

This is the beginning of Darius’ trouble which also led to the greatest and most important change in his life according to The Consortium’s Heir Novel. Darius and his friends were in the dormitory, unassuming of anything that would happen next until his friends started to get excited concerning the live footage that was being covered on Groove.

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From this chapter of the novel, it is easy to realize that Darius was caught up with a whole lot more important things than whatever his friends were looking at on their phone because while they were excited about the situation going on in Groove network, Darius was by himself, thinking of something else. It was not until he found out that the event going on had to do with his secret girlfriend Sarah Ginn accepting a proposal from the richest boy on campus, David Lesley, that he stood up and took action.

Chapter 5

The Consortiums Heir Chapter 5

In this chapter of The Consortium’s Heir, Darius life was about to change for the better just after he experienced what would be the most frightening and humiliating time of his life. Darius, following the alteration which led to a fight between him and the richest boy on campus, had been arrested and was threatened with serving time in jail for a couple of weeks which would lead to him getting expelled from school.

Luckily, he was bailed by his friend for five thousand dollars, and after he narrowly escaped, he preferred to be on his own. While he was thinking and brooding about his life, the life changing call came into Darius’ phone. He was The Consortium’s Heir.

Part 3: Conclusion Of The Consortium’s Heir

The Consortiums Heir Novel

The Consortium’s Heir is a thriller. A romantic thriller about a young and promising man that rose from nothing to something. I love the way the book started with a climax. From the first chapter of the book, readers are sure to stay glued to reading because the drama and action starts immediately, and that is one thing every web novel should boast of. Kudos to the author.

Read Heir’s For The Billionaire On Dreame


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