Stealing Your Heart Novel about Lin Xinyan and Zhong Jinghao (Chinese Drama)


Lin Xinyan’s mother and brother had an accident that left them at the verge of death. Due to the fact that she could not afford the hospital bill, they were left unattended until Lin Xinyan could pay up. Desperation caught the best of her, and so she surrendered herself to a stranger for a one-night stand so that she could use the money earned from that feat to pay for her mother and brother’s hospital bills according to Stealing Your Heart Novel.

After the successful transaction, Lin Xinyan hurries back to the hospital hopefully in time to save her family but she was met with a bit of bad news. Her mother was wheeled in to be treated but her brother did not make it. He died. Lin Xinyan was left with just her mother at that time, so the treatment went through, and her mother responded. Lin Xinyan had just gotten out of helping her mother bear the loss, and things had started to look brighter, when her father suddenly showed up out of oblivion.

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Part 1: All About Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Novel

When Lin Xinyan was as little as two years old, her mother was friends with the mistress of the Zong family, and promised her friend that Lin Xinyan would get married to the young master of the Zong family. In this regard, her husband, Mr. Lin, who had been absent from her life for as long as more than a decade suddenly showed up to remind her of her commitment to her former friend, the mistress of the Zong family.

In Lin Guoan’s words, if Lin Xinyan got married to young master Zong, she would be blessed. The truth was that Lin Guoyan who was the father of Lin Xinyan, eyed a reward that was put up for whoever would get married to young master Zong. The young mater Zong was naturally a handsome young man that every lady wanted but recently, he had been bitten by a venomous snake and became cripple. Due to this, all the attraction that females used to have towards him was lost.

It sounded ridiculous to Lin Xinyan’s mother now that her daughter would be needed to get married to young master Zong according to Stealing Your Heart Novel. Lin Xinyan stood at the door of the hospital and listened to her father talk to her mother about the latest development, and she despised the man even more, wondering how on earth he considered himself worthy of returning to them after God knows how long to make demands. Her mother had nearly lost her life the entire time and he never showed up until now.

Meanwhile, young master Zong was not crippled. He was pretending to be because he knew that women would easily come to him if he asked them to. Besides, there was something other than him just being the man that Lin Xinyan would marry. He was the one that had slept with her on the night when she had to take desperate measures just to save her family after they had an accident.

While Lin Xinyan listened to her father try to compel her mother to let her get married to young master Zong, and idea came to her so she barged into the ward and announced that she was going to get married to Zong. It came as a shocker to even her father, but he was quick to go with the flow.

Lin Xinyan however had a condition that would see to it that she indeed got married to the crippled young master according to Stealing Your Heart Novel, she demanded that her father returned her mother’s dowry so that his abandoning them would follow due process. Also, she asked that her father allowed her and her mother return home to the city that they always called home before he abandoned them.

For a man that was no longer invested in his marriage to Lin Xinyan’s mother, that was a request he could definitely fulfill as far as Lin got married to Zong. Also, he took them back home according to Lin’s request, but of course, he put them in another apartment entirely while he continued to live with his new wife, or mistress.

Something significant further happened when Lin Xinyan went shopping for clothes to put on in order to visit her would-be husband for the first time. Her father took her to the store and when she chose a cloth to test, Lin Xinyan stumbled on young master Zong in another dressing room with his assistant who loved him and would do anything to be by his side. Actually, two significant things happened in this scene.

In Stealing Your Heart Novel, Lin Xinyan saw that young master Zong was standing. He was not crippled at all. To her surprise. Also, from the conversation he was having with his assistant, she found out that he was the one that had slept with her when she needed money to pay the hospital bills for her mother and brother. How did Lin Xinyan find out? Young master Zong thought that the person he had slept with was his assistant.

After Lin Xinyan had slept with him and hurried out to get paid, young master Zong’s secretary quickly entered the room where Zong was and assumed Lin Xinyan’s identity. She loved him that much. Lin Xinyan kept this to herself and eventually met with Zong on the day that she was supposed to. Young master Zong expressed dissatisfaction when he saw Lin, and it scared her father because the man thought that his daughter was not good enough for the young master.

Young master Zong asked to be alone with Lin Xinyan, and they were given the privacy that they had asked for. As soon as they were alone together, young master Zong got up from his wheelchair. Lin Xinyan, even though she already knew that he was not crippled, was surprised that he revealed himself to her like that. Zong asked her why she wanted to go ahead and get married to a man that was cripple. He accused her of being a gold digger who would get married to him because of his money.

After they had a back-and-forth conversation according to Stealing Your Heart Novel, the marriage eventually held unceremoniously. A marriage certificate was thrown at Lin Xinyan and that was all it took for her to become Mrs. Zong. She was transferred to the Zong residence, while young master Zong supposedly abandoned her and went to the birthday celebration of his assistant.

Yes, the very assistant that loved him so much and was unable to let him go. Lin Xinyan felt bad that on her wedding night, she was left alone by her husband to sleep all by herself, but things soon took a turn when young master Zong returned.

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Part 2: Hot Chapters Of Stealing Your Heart

Chapter 1

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 1

The title of this chapter is, “I regret nothing.” Indeed, Lin Xinyan had no regrets when she surrendered herself to be used for sexual purposes by whoever was willing to pay. She had her mother and her brother at the hospital, and the doctors were waiting for her to pay the bill before they started treatment.

“Is it your first time?” The lewd man that slept with Lin Xinyan asked her before he started to do the deed. I bet that Lin Xinyan did not have time for frivolous questions when all that she could think of was her mother and brother who had just had an accident and were at the hospital waiting to be treated.

“If you regret it, you can always…”

“No. I regret nothing.”

The man who was on top of Lin Xinyan at that point was willing to let her go if she was going to change her mind about doing the act with him, but Lin Xinyan quickly assured him that he could go ahead, and that she regretted nothing at all.

Part 3: Conclusion

Stealing Your Heart Read Online

Lin Xinyan never exhibited a weak character in Stealing Your Heart Novel, and that is one of the reasons I love the novel as well as Lin Xinyan’s character so much. She was always up to the task. Whenever she was in a situation that could break her, Lin Xinyan would quickly look for a way out and before you knew it, she would win the day. I love that the author portrays a strong and determined woman willing to get to the point she wanted at any given time.

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