Book Review & Book Simiar to Stinging Heart Novel


Stinging Heart is one of those stories that throws everything at you in the beginning, and then some. Lavelle Astley, one of the starring characters, sees her ultrasound report and finds out that she was pregnant despite sleeping with Jordan Astley only once.

She wanted to call off their divorce using this information, though she also considered that this would make her look like someone blackmailing her husband for personal benefit.

Lavelle left the hospital, stuffing the ultrasound into her bag. Right outside was Jordan in a luxurious car, attracting eyes all over. Ignoring these constant glares, he calmly asked whether Lavelle had dealt with ‘it.’

Lavelle replied that Dean Bakely had been wanting to meet him, she was initially there just to sign a contract. Lavelle only met Jordan on her way, not expecting him to drop her off while he was at it. Only giving a faint explanation, Jordan did not ask for the contract. Despite it being the evening now, he didn’t drive back to the villa while Lavelle restrained from questioning why.

Not knowing how to break the news of the pregnancy to Jordan, she hesitated and stuttered when trying to do so. With Jordan’s harsh reaction asking what the deal was, she stopped before she could inform him. Jordan’s phone rang and his rather cold nature shifted to a nicer one when he spoke to Nicole on the phone, asking her what the matter was. His nicer voice made Lavelle’s heart constrict. Not knowing the situation, Lavelle heard Jordan say that he was on the way. With that, Jordan commanded in his cold voice for Lavelle to get out of the car.

Read a similar love triangle novel, Delicious Love Triangle!

Part 1: The Setup to Stinging Heart

Masterful Setup to Stinging Heart

This amazing love triangle story had an elaborative start that proliferated questions in the reader’s mind. It was particularly interesting to see that Lavelle and Jordan’s marriage was through a hospitalized Master Astley’s request.

In the two years of their marriage in which Master Astley was alive, Jordan treated Lavelle as if she didn’t exist. After his passing, the opportunity for the divorce agreement shined and all that was left was for Lavelle to sign it.

The chains that constricted the complicated relationship of Lavelle and Jordan were quite interesting to observe, with Nicole’s introduction being intriguing and a masterful way of magnetizing the reader’s interest. The author did well in grasping the reader’s interest, though there was an equal proportion of confusion alongside that.

Character introductions felt somewhat bland and forced, considering that even in dialogues characters kept mentioning the full names of other characters so that the reader knew they exist. However, the inevitable effect was just confusion and bloat, since the reader has no prior knowledge of anyone besides Jordan, Nicole, and Lavelle. Nonetheless, the introduction was appreciably decent.

Part 2: Main Theme of Stinging Heart

Love Triangle Element of Stinging Heart

Stinging Heart is a mature romance that follows a love triangle system between three individuals. Jordan’s attitude towards Lavelle is harsh and he comes off as cold to almost everyone besides Nicole. However, as the story progresses, Jordan’s character gains progression and depth as well.

Jordan opens up to Lavelle’s character, accepting her while she learns to accept him as well. The faults of some characters become more apparent, while their strengths also become apparent.

It takes a look at the challenging emotions and challenges that come along with falling in love, particularly in a culture that still adheres to the traditional gender roles and expectations that come along with them. The various aspects of love, such as passion, affection, commitment, and sacrifice, are dissected in depth throughout the book.

Stinging Heart can take quite a dramatic turn, with some characters facing illnesses that change the reader’s very understanding of what they were reading. Dark concepts like abortion get explored, adding to the intense realism of the novel.

It is a poetic illustration of what a classic 90s romance would be like, and it proportionately mixes modern elements excellently. Stinging Heart’s unpredictability gives it the shine that it needs, though that’s not to say that the story is perfect.

Part 3: Writing Quality of Stinging Heart

Masterful and Expressive Writing in Stinging Heart

The writing in this novel is simple to the extent that it has its personality. The writing synchronizes with the reader in an inexplicably appreciable manner. When it needs to, complex yet understandable words get used that best fit the scene and complement the reader’s tastes.

On the other hand, the writing stays simple in most cases, not dragging out scenes and detailing the environment in a way that seems acceptable to the reader and allows them to visualize it.

The pace of the novel is excellent, and it manages to achieve the perfect equilibrium between the progression of the plot and the investigation of the characters. The author does an excellent job of maintaining the interest of the reader throughout the entirety of the book by including several unexpected turns and twists that keep the plot interesting.

Overall, Stinging Heart is a book that is both expertly crafted and exquisitely written, and it is certain to leave the reader with long-lasting impressions as a result of both of these qualities.

Part 4: Bittersweet Ending to Stinging Heart

Jordan and Lavelle's bittersweet ending in Stinging Heart

As a sort of heads-up to readers that expect consistent quality from the story, the ending leaves a lot to be desired. Character relationships are left unexplored, plot devices were left ignored and it was nothing more than a cliffhanger that insults the reader.

This leaves the opportunity for a sequel to come out, though as for now you would have to accept the inevitable reality that the novel doesn’t end well, that the wonderful hours spent reading it were worth less than what they should.

Part 5: Conclusive Remarks

Themes of love, loss, and self-discovery are all explored in Kiang’s “Stinging Heart,” a profound and moving book. In conclusion, I heartily recommend this book. Beautiful prose and vivid descriptions that bring the story to life for the reader are part of the author’s very distinctive writing style.

The romance theme is central to the story’s plot and is presented in a realistic and nuanced way, highlighting the difficulties in balancing multiple romantic interests and dealing with difficult romantic relationships. The characters are written so masterfully that the reader can easily empathize with them and become invested in their journey because they are complex and well-rounded.

Go check out the novel, it’ll be a great read even despite its flaws!

Read a similar love triangle novel, Delicious Love Triangle!


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