What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators in My Harem Fantasy| Free Chapters Online


Having been given a second chance in life by the gods to live another life in a world of swords, magic, and dragons, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem, the son of the Dragon king has a quest to conquer the world dragons, and demon lords.

Being a hero was a dream come through for him. He didn’t mind how he will succeed whether by diving into dungeons, exploring ancient ruins, or meeting all the weirdos of the world, he didn’t care!

He got so obsessed that he could run around the world saying that he is the hero who will slay the demon lord, does that make him a psycho? No! He was ambitious to overcome the evil power of his world, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy? He will succeed whether by diving into dungeons, exploring ancient ruins, and meeting all the weirdos of the world

Part 1: Core Story of What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators in My Harem Fantasy

Core story of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

His parents left years ago and he had no choice but to carry on with his life, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy? At the start of the school year when new students would come in, they would all be curious about him and it ends up roughly the same way. The scene where they watch him like some kind of exotic animal on display gave him a goose bump.

He was already living on his own from a young age. His Father had a gambling addiction and blew all of their savings on it. Mother decided that she couldn’t stand it anymore and fled after finding another man. Then Father decided that trying to live a debt-ridden life was too much for him so he simply just up and left one night without another word, handing over his debt to him.

Normally he would have been shoved to his relatives but after what his parents did, no one wanted to associate themselves with him. Mother was labeled as a gold-digger and Father was the spineless coward, thus by extension, he wasn’t expected to be any better.

Core story of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

Certainly, he was judged before they even got to know him, which suited him just fine. Life was pretty crappy after he got dumped by both my parents, but at least they did leave him with one very important thing! A rather beaten down but still usable computer with access to the internet, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy?

He had always been an avid fan of books at that time and when they left, he was so frustrated with his situation that he just went ahead to vent about his situation on an online book forum. Somehow, his writing got mistaken as the premise of a novel and he had fans clamoring him for updates.

He would go so far as to try and experience as many interesting things as possible just so that they could serve as his writing materials, be it climbing mountains, camping in the wilderness, learning every kind of skill that he could, and even traveling to remote places in the name of gathering research materials!

Part 2: Hot Chapters of What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators in My Harem Fantasy

Chapter 2 of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

Chapter 2 of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

He looked around thinking it was a dream, he didn’t realize what has happened to him when a ghost appeared to him, but he informed him that this was not a dream. The ghost introduced himself as Drebann, one of the gods of Erednay, and was pleased that he had such a great talent. Ereday noticed his perplexed look and his face settled into a wry smile. First, you died.

Not only you but your entire World was destroyed, Friday explained to him, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy?

He was surprised he could see it for what it was but yes. It was sad but as mortals, you are all subject to the whims of the Gods. There was a dispute between your world’s Gods and another World’s, they fought and one of them thought it would be a great idea to conjure such an abomination to throw at another God.

Unfortunately, they missed and you know the rest, because the mistake was Divine in nature, we are offering all the souls in your World the option of living a second life.

Chapter 3 of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

Chapter 3 of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

He tried to reach out for his hand and surprisingly felt some resistance. There was something like a barrier of some sort.

It was like a shield that is keeping his consciousness in or something. He thought maybe if he push it hard enough he will awaken, with that determination He started to push against that barrier with all his might, even rearing his fist back to punch it, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy?

His efforts were not for naught as soon enough, cracks of light appeared in the darkness and he redoubled his efforts. Slowly, the cracks started spreading as he pushed even harder until finally, a part of the darkness broke off. He concentrated his efforts on that part and managed to create a big enough hole for him to jump out of the darkness and straight into something soft.

Chapter 3 of what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy

Aren’t you an energetic little one? The voice prompted him to look up. There, hugging him in her embrace was a beautiful woman with hair as dark as night, partially covering a side of her face which made only one of her amber eyes visible. Two red horns jutted out from the sides of her head and a pair of black leather wings were furled protectively around them.

She was also wearing a form-hugging black dress that showed the top of her shoulders and cleavage, accentuating her charm as a woman. It was the kind of dress you would expect to see a woman wear at a high-class function. My little darling, I’m your mama! Call me your mama, she said to him, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy?

You are my mother? He never really had a maternal figure in his previous life. He turned his head to look behind him, spotting the remnants of a large obsidian egg that had been by his side. The woman who is supposedly his mother realized what he was looking at, he was hungry. She sat him down on her lap before picking up pieces of the eggshells, breaking them into smaller chunks, and pushing them to his lips.

She asked her baby to eat up. Hearing his mother call him her baby he got infuriated. He couldn’t be a baby, He realized he seem to be pretty big for a baby. He thought he should be considered at least a year old by human standards considering his hands looked to be rather formed already.

Nevertheless, He opened his little mouth and let her feed him the eggshell, what do you mean there are other transmigrators in my harem fantasy? He was fully expecting it to crackle and taste like a chicken’s eggshell but the texture wasn’t, it was soft and sweet. It’s like eating macaroni!

His cries came out loud to her ear but she understood, picking up even more of the macaroni-tasting eggshells to feed me. As soon as he ate up everything, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him, He wanted to protest, but his eyelids grew heavier and heavier before I finally succumbed to the sweet embrace of sleep.


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