Best Manga Fantasy Novel: Versatile Mage


The supernatural world has become a leitmotif in fantasy books. The alternative universes, filled with opportunities for the leading characters, offer an amalgam of suspense sequences that will appeal to the readers.

The whole thing will give you Fringe vibes, as the worlds portrayed in the Versatile Mage book are very much similar, but different all the same. It’s actually very nice how the author manages to describe the similarities and contrasts between the two universes.

Everything will seem apocalyptic at first, but as you get further and further into the story, you will be mesmerized by how the story actually unfolds.

On the one hand, Mo Han will escape a mediocre life but on the other hand, the new universe will be more challenging. How will he adapt to his new life and status? Will he finally aspire to a more-than-average rank?

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Part 1: The Central Story of Versatile Mage

Versatile Mage revolves around Mo Fan, an average high school boy, whose grades keep getting lower and lower. He lives with his father who struggles to keep the family afloat and his disabled sister, who is unable to walk.

Mo Han gets low grades in school, becoming the mockery of his class colleagues but instead of being interested in studying, Mo Han is more delighted in spending time with an old man Man Ying, the guard of the Academy’s back mountain. It’s his way of escaping his boring, mediocre life.

When old Man Ying’s time comes, he leaves Mo Han a five-hundred-year-old antique ring. The piece of jewelry mesmerizes the boy, as it doesn’t seem to be old at all. It looks shiny and brand new.

The night he gets in possession of the ring, Mo Han falls asleep while wearing it and making himself a mental promise that he will start improving his grades and be a better person.

Upon waking up, Mo Han will find himself in a familiar world, but totally different. Faces were recognizable to him, but people were completely different. The new universe was ruled by magic, a thing that will draw Mo Han’s attention immediately.

He will decide to turn his life around and learn magic. Mo Han will no longer be an average boy, he will study hard and be an overachiever.

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Part 2: Main Characters of Versatile Mage

Versatile Mage Mo Han

The versatile Mage manga novel centers on versatile characters, well-constructed by the author. Both leading and supporting characters are fundamental to the story, as their dialogues and actions, will help the readers understand the plot at a whole new level.

Mo Han

Mo Han is the leading male character of Versatile Mage. At the beginning of the novel, he is a high school boy with black hair and dark-brown eyes, who is shy and gets bad grades. The boy lives with his struggling father and disabled sister, who is unable to walk.

As he gets bad grades and everybody mocks him at school, Mo Han finds solace in old Man Ying, the guard of the Academy’s back mountain. The old man gets fond of Mo Han, and, while on his death bed, he leaves the boy a five-hundred-year-old ring.

Mo Han falls asleep while wearing Ying’s ring and, the next day, he wakes up in an alternate universe. Everything pretty much looked the same, except for the one detail that made this world so different: magic.

Monsters and beasts were attacking and preying on humans outside the city, so it was imperative for everyone to learn magic and defend themselves. While most people only managed to practice one major magic element, Mo Han discovers that he is a versatile mage, as he is able to control more than one major element.

Versatile Mage Fantasy

Zhang Xiaohou

Zhang Xiaohou is one of the major characters of the story. He is the sworn brother of Mo Han and one of his Tianlan high school colleagues. He is handsome, intelligent and, most of all, perseverant.

After high school, Zhang joins the military. He has achievements and gets higher ranks in a short time span. As Mo Han, he is also a mage, determined to fight the beasts that threaten to kill humans outside the city. Zhang will lead his fellow army colleagues in great battles.

Every time Xiaohou meets Mo Han, he feels free to act like a child. He likes to brag about his achievements as if waiting for his friend’s appraisal.

Part 3: Manga Fantasy Novel Review: Versatile Mage

Manga stories are very popular, especially among young readers. They have that “je ne sais quoi”, an alluring story, depicted in more ways than just written form. If you haven’t tried manga novels, I suggest starting with Versatile Mage.

Quanzhi fashion manga original can be found online along with the translated version, Versatile Mage. Webnovel even allows the readers to get a glimpse of the book, by letting no less than forty chapters available for free.

Versatile Mage Novel

I truly appreciate the effort that the author has put into writing this novel, as it’s full of substance. I like how the characters in this book interact with one another and how the storyline evolves in a natural way.

As far as the translation goes, everything is great. It’s one-on-one with the original story, the translator didn’t hold back. You get the same wonderful experience as you would if reading the story in its original language.

As a keen fantasy reader, I recommend this novel to everyone. It’s fun, entertaining, and full of action and magic. You won’t get bored with this narrative. On the contrary. Once you start reading the novel, you will have a hard time taking a break from it.

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