Read Billionaire’s Bed Warmer Full Story Review


It’s necessary to know when to start and when to stop. I think when there’s a conflict of interest, there’s no point in making things drag on. Just end it quickly. In Billionaire’s Bed Warmer, the two people seem too horny to know it should not continue. Then again, it’s all about satisfying all needs, isn’t that right?

Want something a little more tame? Then check out the next book.

Read Warming the Billionaire’s Bed

Part 1: The Story of Billionaire’s Bed Warmer

Billionaire's Bed Warmer: A Transaction

Billionaire’s Bed Warmer follows Kayla, a young woman with dreams of opening her own company. She already has it all planned out and only needs the help of her father. However, that help will not come cheap or easy.

In the meantime, Kayla is at a bar and dealing with her problems when she receives a margarita from the bartender. She is shown the sender and Kayla is appreciative of the feast for her eyes. However, she declined the drink, returning her gaze to her phone once again.

Suddenly, the male who sent her the margarita is by her side. Kayla tries to play off her interest, but he’s not having that. The male sees through Kayla and she truly wanted to get her mind off all her issues. Therefore, after sharing their names with each other, Kayla doesn’t refuse his drink.

The next morning, Kayla doesn’t wait around for him to wake up or tell her sweet nothings. She shares her philosophy of casual satisfaction and the man likes it very much. No strings attached. Just a shame that they won’t be seeing each other again. Or will they?

Kayla’s father still needs a little more from her and Kayla is nearly at the end of her rope. She goes job hunting and lands an interview, but guess who was on the other side of the table. Yes, Mr. Casual Fun times.

He’s got no problem keeping things professional at the workplace, but what guarantee is there?

In this sort of situation, Kayla doesn’t exactly have much option. They were going to be in each other’s lives for a little longer. Like eight months long.

Billionaire’s Bed Warmer is crazy good. You should check it out, and after, see the recommendation.

Read Warming the Billionaire’s Bed

Part 2: Main Characters of Billionaire’s Bed Warmer


Billionaire's Bed Warmer: Kayla

In Billionaire’s Bed Warmer, Kayla is a woman with her eye on big things. No pun intended. She’s just a woman with a lot planned and her heart is set on a goal. Kayla is the traditional man’s nightmare kind of female. Why? Obviously, because she has a lot going on for herself, career wise, and she will never give that up for a passing fancy.

Not to be cruel or anything, buy like, Kayla is a pretty badass. Just maybe a little too much of a realist. I mean, what’s wrong with someone falling for another who they think is their other half, soulmate or some crap like that?

There’s nothing wrong with being a little naïve; love is painful and sometimes pointless but giving up on it like Kayla, that’s just wrong. No matter how childish.

I feel like the author’s goal with putting two cynics was on point with highlighting how those feelings sneak up on you, keep you stuck and needing some type of release.

The settings of Billionaire’s Bed Warmer are of course, right for this type of story. You don’t have to conjure up a large and uncomfortable visual in your mind, because the story is relatable and with a perfect pace for the simple yet addictive storyline.


Billionaire's Bed Warmer: Brandon

He’s the CEO of Shield Group. Brandon Shield is a man of many specialties. His reaction to a woman like Kayla is nothing short of predictable, however. I mean what male douchebag wouldn’t want a no-strings-attached situation?

But well, we can’t wait to see just where this paradise of his will land.

The story isn’t long and difficult to understand. It turns around multiple lives, and yet, with the brand of lust and seduction, it shows how simple life can truly be if love wasn’t difficult.

We all have certain fantasies; therefore, I hold no judgement for the males who truly find a casual arrangement more to their taste.

The truth is that love really can take it out of you, and there is really nothing that guarantees your eternal happiness in a committed relationship.

Though these two people seem disillusioned by what they call ‘a series of chemical reactions in the brain’, they’re not completely wrong. But we still have to give it a chance, don’t we?

Part 3: General Overview of Billionaire’s Bed Warmer

Billionaire's Bed Warmer: Kayla and Brandon

It is a tale of hot, crazy friction. Like, these guys need to get a room. I don’t understand people who get all frisky in public. I have to wonder, is the kissing that good? Or have you not gotten any for an age. The protagonists of this story definitely seem like they’ve been busy.

One thing that really worried me about going into this particular book, is the possibility of a one-track plot. I don’t know if you get what I’m trying to say, but like, while porn is great, porn with a little more backstory just hits very different. Do you understand my point?

I’m not saying that the back story is lacking or anything like that. But that the sexual tension and the entanglement is all fun and horny until you get off, then there’s boredom. However, if it’s not just a one track plot, then it’s pretty possible to keep the interest going. Here, the author gives us something more than hotness and carnal desires.

Yes, even though it barely shows a difference, it really is there.

The two protagonists really did find something worth keeping in each other. They both cared nothing for love and affection. Their compatibility in bed was the most important thing and that was proven multiple times.

There is no divergence in the story, but everything that happened around the protagonists was the highlight of the plotline.

I very much liked the author’s writing style, and the flow of randomness that made the story enthralling.

The wonderfully created characters are another point of perfection that cannot be ignored. The protagonists are great, no doubt, but every other character and their placement in the story, pulled it all together in the right direction.

Part 4: Awesome Chapter from Billionaire’s Bed Warmer

Chapter Five – Double Meaning

Billionaire's Bed Warmer: Double Meanings

Kayla got the Job. If she could complete the eight months, then she would get her own company. Kayla couldn’t wait any longer.”

The new designers were called in a room where the CEO was sitting. CEO of Shield Group, Brandon Shield.

Kayla’s throat dried at that moment. No matter how much she tried to act nonchalant, she couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

The man was handsome without any doubt. But now looked manlier, more mature in his custom made grey Armani suit.

He congratulated them and expressed the benefits of working for the company, but not before scaring them out of their wits that they dared not bring any problems to the business.

He mentioned the launch of the new summer collection and this year, he wanted the company to stand out as the best. He dismissed everyone but Kayla.

She raised a brow. Why did he want her alone? As they spoke, she daydreamed and he didn’t forget to call her out on it. He chuckled.

Kayla’s cheeks grew hot. She was blazing red. How did he know what she was thinking?

He told her that whatever happened between them in the hotel, she shouldn’t speak anything about it to anyone.

Kayla pretended that she couldn’t recall the hotel or who the man was. She’d met Mr. Brandon Shields for the first time at the interview. So, she didn’t get the relationship.

Brandon’s eyes lit up as he got her words. Kayla also didn’t want any rumor going in the company that she screwed her boss to get any extra advantage. Office rumors can get extremely nasty

Brandon wished her the very best of luck. And after another side comment at the express, Kayla thought whatever! See would avoid him at any cost.

See the next book.

Read Warming the Billionaire’s Bed

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At Dreame, Stevenson has always been a lover for all kinds of novels with unique appetite for the female characters and their storylines. Boasting the experience as a former editor cooperating with millions of best-seller authors, he knows the most important factors in a novel that attract a specific audience group. He now is devoted in the review of prevailing novels and movies from all sources, selects the best ones, and gives his thoughts to help more people to find their suitable novels or movies quickly.


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