Story By Deluksch88


Hello my name is Alicia. I just started writing but have found so much comfort in it! Almost as much comfortable as I do when I read! I am a very strong headed, independent woman, who will always tell you how I feel whether you like the answer or not, and I love throwing that mindset into my writing! Thanks for any support you show and I hope you like what I have to put out there! Thanks for your time and stay safe out there.
On My Own
Updated at May 15, 2024, 20:48
After everyone doubted her, she decided to go out on her own to the big city. She travels all that way to find someone unexpected right next door. She can do this on her own.. but does she want to? Here's to new beginnings.
Light of the Unexpected Adventure
Updated at May 14, 2024, 08:14
In a world where magic is looked down on as a disease that needs to be irraticated as quickly as it is seen. What do you do when the magic is brought to you.. Do you get rid of it as you have been taught? Or do you something meaningful with it that voukd make a difference for all? There is only one way to find out.
Witnessed by the protection
Updated at Apr 29, 2024, 13:09
A woman who is incredibly important for what she knows has to be transported from one side of the world to the other.. she has been hiding for a long time but can finally come out to tell what she knows.. the problem is that there are some that don't want anyone to know what she knows.. can they stop her? only one way to find out.
Snow Cover
Updated at Apr 24, 2024, 13:47
Like us all, she has been wanting for something new and interesting. She takes a leap of faith, hoping for something memorable. Maybe something permanent, giving her the stability in her love life that she has been craving for. Maybe this ski trip with this man can be the answer to what she has been wanting for so long.. maybe not.
Until I see you again
Updated at Apr 13, 2024, 18:17
When you're spiraling downhill on a very steep slope, there is not much that can deter your direction. But when something does, maybe it should be embraced to help get you back on the right track. Only time and decisions will tell.
You Can Run But You Can't Hide
Updated at Feb 20, 2024, 08:53
Katherine is a bartender going through some tough times in life, and the only person she can depend on is herself. That is until she meets an unexpected man who throws a wrench in her engine and throws everything she thinks she wants out the window. He wants to save her from her past, but as we all know, you can never run from your past. You have to eventually face it, and hopefully, they can make it through.
Pinky Promise
Updated at Jan 19, 2024, 21:15
Being friends for years has built feelings that no one else can replace or ever get rid of, let alone ignore.. But the question is what to do with these feelings building up stronger than ever inside.
Babysitting The Desired
Updated at Jan 19, 2024, 21:12
When your world gets flipped upside down, you make the best of the situation.. Even if it means babysitting the company manwhore.
Stay Strong
Updated at Jan 19, 2024, 20:09
When life gets tough, the way to make sure to survive the chaos is to just stay strong. The weight of the stresses can seem so heavy if you do everything yourself. But maybe when you're just surviving day to day, you will find something worth staying strong for.
Just Like Magic
Updated at Jan 8, 2024, 22:12
Things aren't always what they seem. I have been told that for so long that it's just a way of life now. But it's also a scary life and one I want to run as fast as I can from. How can I do that when I'm surrounded by the chaos I can't seem to get away from? Luckily for me, there is always a way out, but that doesn't mean it's any greener on the other side... does it?
The One The Whole Town Abandoned
Updated at Dec 13, 2023, 16:03
Dominic an Alpha in need of a Luna finds the one whom everyone blamed and never believed. Her secrets are her own, but maybe she will find someone to trust in after all the heartbreak. Only time will tell.
Secrets in the Winter Storm
Updated at Dec 11, 2023, 03:36
The winter storms seem to bring a lot of things to you when you live in a small area only surrounded by big mountains. But this wasn't what she was expecting to receive when she was out and about. But everything seems to happen for a reason, and it will make a change you never see coming.. will they be for better or worse? wait and find out.
Enduring the Storm
Updated at Nov 25, 2023, 15:08
In the blink of an eye, things can change completely without any of it being in your control. The changes can be overwhelming, but can you survive the storm? Coming out stronger or drowning in the chaos, letting it get the best of you.. Time to find out.
Where to go from here
Updated at Oct 13, 2023, 10:38
After an unforseen common tragedy between two strangers, they feel the strong need to come together and get the closure that they both need. Bringing them together more than they ever imagined while creating a better team than most anticipated.
For you, I hope the grass is greener
Updated at Sep 17, 2023, 10:26
Life is tough for everyone, that is for sure... But it's how you deal with the stress that determines where you're going to go. So when you're not satisfied with where you're at in life what do most people do? They change their situation to make sure they are happier in the long run... but will it work?
Their Loving Solitude
Updated at Jul 23, 2023, 16:34
Things seem weary in this city where women are being tormented, but it seems that a turn of events makes sure that men are being held accountable for those actions. But what happens when the situation is brought too close to home? what do you do then?
Against The Darkness - Fight For The Light Part 2
Updated at Jul 9, 2023, 15:02
It took a lot to get this light fae to where she is. Luckily, she is happy with her new family abf Pack giving as much as she can help anyone in need. Things take a turn getting serious when figuring out there is more to fight for than just the packs.
What About My Forever?
Updated at May 9, 2023, 20:27
It's hard to be happy for everyone around you with their happiness in relationships when you're always alone... But to your surprise, there may be a real reason why that is.. but is the reason worth your loneliness?
Teaching A Thing Or Two
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 21:43
A young teacher learns so much on her way to self discovery.. Not only helping herself but helping other in the process.. Maybe these new found relationships can spark into not just a relationship but the dependability that they all seem to need.
The Fight For Light
Updated at Mar 30, 2023, 21:46
When Darkness and turmoil run rampant throughout the magical world, the only thing to do is cling to the little light available. But what's a light Fae to do when all she wants to do is help but there is so much darkness ready to swallow her whole? Does she fight or just flight.
What It Took To Get Me Here
Updated at Mar 19, 2023, 22:06
It's easy to let life carry you away, not seeing or maybe ignoring the red flags laid out in each good thing that happens to you. But that could be the greatest mistake of your life or maybe the best.. it's how you look at it.
Misery Is Sweet
Updated at Feb 28, 2023, 10:44
Trying to be the perfect daughter with running the family business is harder than she ever thought.. Even with her father pushing her away constantly, while her half-brother harrasses her non-stop.. this doesn't deter her.. what does is the surprising news that flips this world she thought she had figured out, completely upside down. What to do with this news? Let it destroy her, or build herself up.. it will be hard either way but not how she expected this life to turn out.
Love From A Distance
Updated at Feb 10, 2023, 20:10
Love can be an obsession of sorts and sometimes it's hard to determine what's right and wrong. So when things get tough maybe taking help from an outside source could help.. there's only one way to find out.
Hitting Rock Bottom
Updated at Nov 22, 2022, 13:32
When life gets tough, you're told to fight back.. but when there's so many things fighting against you.. do you keep going? The logical answer is yes.. but when the weights of life weigh upon your heart, it's sometimes hard to know the right answer.
What's Beyond the Trees?
Updated at Oct 4, 2022, 22:10
Most people think everything in life is very black and white.. But come to find out there is more color than meets the eyes.. At least in this tiny town's world that's so far from the city that you can't even see the city lights. So much can be hidden in this area that it's hard to even know what's real anymore. This National Park Service Woman's world is exposed as she discovers that there is more in these backwoods than she ever imagined.
More Than One Way To Die
Updated at Jun 30, 2022, 10:01
Violet a very spunky triplet with an eye for a catchy crime story, finds herself caught up in her own mystery with no end in sight.. she needs to find out who the culprit is before there is no more time left in her own story.
Road To Revovery
Updated at Jun 21, 2022, 19:59
After a damaging car wreck, Avery is put into a Coma. When she finally comes out of it she has to fight the internal battles of what's real and not. Should she believe what she is told or just follow her heart. The person she was might not be who she is anymore and the only one who can discover this is herself.. with maybe some unexpected help.
Benefits of a Broken Heart
Updated at Jun 11, 2022, 14:43
When life doesn't happen like you would imagine, you're forced to change things and hopefully everything will work out but when you feel alone and don't know who you can trust, it makes the next steps harder than what they should be.. But doesn't mean they are not possible to take.
4 Leaf Clover
Updated at May 3, 2022, 21:47
Werewolves had to migrate to the states years ago but they keep their royalty family traditions strong. The Prince of these werewolves is being forced to take his father's place as king, so he is forced to take a wife as well from another high up family since he hasn't found his own mate. But before he takes that plunge into everything he never wanted, he takes an unexpected trip into their state to find way more than he ever expected.
Money Can't Buy Everything
Updated at Apr 26, 2022, 13:19
Missy, a beautiful young aerial yoga enthusiast, uses her talents for not only her passions of performing, but to also make as much money as she can to take care of her ill brother by herself because he is the last of her family. Who would've imagined that this performing would bring her the one thing her and her brother needed most.
Can The Caged Bird Sing?
Updated at Mar 5, 2022, 09:57
A shewolf that's been held down by everything out of her control, has another life changing event that might just change her opinion about life all together.. maybe she will discover there is more to life then she has seen from her cage. Can this songbird be given reason to sing for? Let's hope, because this might be her last shot at any type of happiness.. to break out from the chains that have held her down for so long.