My Bully’s Love Full Novel Read Online


Due to a terrible misunderstanding, Ella’s life changed completely. She went from being a popular, social girl to being the school’s outcast tormented girl.

My Bully’s Love novel pictures the harsh reality of a bullied girl whom everyone misjudged and put in a corner without giving her the benefit of a doubt. Even her best friend and the boy she used to believe he had her back no matter what turned his back on her, joining her bullies.

This tremendous story is emotional as Ella’s journey to happiness is rocky and lonely. She stubbornly chooses to hide the truth from her parents, bearing the hardships on her own.

Also Read: The School Bully

Part 1: My Bully’s Love, The Story Of A Tormentor And His Prey

Ella never cared about being popular, but she used to be a regular teenager. She had friends and went to parties, she had an active social life and was secretly in love with her best friend.

Jace and Ella were inseparable. They attended every birthday party, took every trip together ever since they were children. Deep down, Ella harbored deep feelings for Jace and was waiting for the perfect opportunity to confess her love for him.

Before she had the chance to open up to Jace, everything changed overnight. One day, they were doting best friends and the next day, he totally ignored her. Things did change over time, but they took a toll for the worse.

He started slamming her against the lockers, tripping her, even taking her things and tossing them around with his friends. What was unbelievable though was that even her other friends stopped talking to her.

Lately though, Jace started taking things a bit farther. He began punishing Ella for the smallest things such as an eyeroll, dodging him or talking back. He would literally slap her behind while his friends would keep her glued to a desk, unable to move.

Afterwards, he would take off her pants and massage the swollen place, making sure to touch her intimate parts as well. He enjoyed the fact that Ella was both horrified and aroused by his actions. He still had no idea what to do with her, his feelings were mixed.

Apparently, Jace thought Ella liked sleeping around with boys after Mason had bragged about being intimate with her two years ago. He called Ella a wild thing in bed and told Jace he couldn’t wait to have her again.

My Bully's Love Ella

Jace used to love Ella and was about to confess his feelings for her, so hearing Mason say such words enraged him, prompting him to hate his former friend and feel the need to torment her.

Fed up with her daily punishments and wanting to prevent Jace from coming on to her sister, Ella decided to make an arrangement with the boy. An eager Jace draws a contract in which Ella is obliged to comply to his wishes without complaints.

Since she enjoyed sleeping around, Jace made sure to ask her to refrain herself from bedding any other boy. He would be her owner, her master.

Ella felt both frightened and excited with this contract. She had no idea what how to feel about Jace. On the one hand she had gotten used to his torments, on the other hand she wanted it to stop and for things to go back to how they used to be when they were best friends.

On the night Jace finally decides to go all the way with Ella, he is stunned to realize that the girl is a virgin. It dawns upon him that Collin lied to him two years ago and that he spent this entire time tormenting the girl he loved in vain. She was innocent all this time and he behaved like the worse best friend ever.

Jace spends over a month trying to cope with his guilt until he finally makes his decision. He would get back at Collin while gaining forgiveness from Ella. Will Ella be able to forgive and forget? Will she like Jace’s softer side or miss his rough torments?

Part 2: Steamy Glimpse Into My Bully’s Love

My Bully's Love Jace

My Bully’s Love Chapter 2

Ella tried to avoid Jace at all costs. Sometimes, she even skipped her last class to run home. Just when she believed that she was safe and sound, she felt someone grab her arm and toss her against the wall.

Jace, flanked by two of his friends, drags her to the art room demanding to know where she hid all day. Ella unwillingly rolled her eyes, telling him that she just struggled to get to her classes on time.

Instantly, she realized her mistake and her heart started pounding in her chest. She had rolled her eyes at Jace, a huge mistake that was about to be punished. She tried her best to apologize, promising to never do that again, but he wouldn’t listen to her.

Jace grabbed Ella and bend her body over the desk, calling his friends to keep the girl still. He slapped her behind ten times hard, making Ella count each hit. Once he was done, Jace let his friends go away, while he stripped the girl’s pants and massaged her swollen skin.

Weirdly, Ella seemed to be aroused by his slaps and her folds were all wet and sticky. Unable to contain himself, Jace touched her intimate parts and tasted her juice.

Part 3: Read This Book As Well If You Liked My Bully’s Love

My Bully's Love Novel

If you believe that My Bully’s Love Ella and Jace’s story is hot, you also need to take a look at The School Bully.

The shy Sophia is a teenage bookworm who fantasizes about experiencing the love she reads about in novels. Being a beautiful girl, with a perfect body, she soon catches the attention of the school bully.

He is famous for being a cruel monster who enjoyed beating his one-night stands. Sophia tries to avoid him but this only encourages her bully to come closer to her. Is the boy really the beast from the stories or the novel dreamy guy?

Read Now: The School Bully


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